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Posts posted by desiderata

  1. I just watched it about an hour ago. I recommend it to any James/Sov fan. I think James came off as witty and intelligent............and maybe a bit controlling, but that's James. I actually think I like him better now seeing the way he interacted with Marcellas and Gretchen - they both commented on liking the way he "called them out" on different points and that they liked that. They had fun!

    One thing I noticed is that in the past two weeks they have interviewed 3 members of the jury house - Jennifer, Rachel & James. The funny thing is, because of the fact that Jennifer was evicted on a Friday, she did not get to be face to face with Marcellas & Gretchen - she had to call in to do the interview. Rachel and James, however, both got to be in the studio and it was obvious to anyone watching that Gretchen & Marcellas liked them but not Jennifer (I guess the fact that they continually talk about who they like and don't like also helps). Anyway, a NH is being evicted tonight and will not be on the show until Tuesday, so they will probably have a phone interview, too. I was just thinking of how funny that will be in the jury house when Rachel and James talk about meeting Gretchen & Marcellas and how nice they were to them while Jennifer and (insert Maggie, April, Ivette or Beau here) will know they were jipped of their camera time! It warms my heart, lol!

    One last point - sorry to be longwinded, but it's not like you have live feeds to watch, is it? Sarah called in after James had left the studio & talked about how she has spoken with Kaysar & Mike since she's been out. She said they are friends and she is rooting for Janelle (or Howie) to win! That made me happy to hear that she doesn't have hard feelings for them.

    I hope Jennifer watches the archives after BB is over to see Marcellas' and Gretchen's facial expressions during the phone call with her. THAT will be priceless! then she will really see the difference.



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