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Posts posted by Pamelot

  1. 6:03pm BBT:  In the workout room Derek X, Hannah, and Whitney are talking to each other saying that Britni is the target.  Brittany is crying their whole team(Jokers) are sad.
    6:05pm BBT: Brent showed up in the workout room with Derek X ,Hannah,  and Whitney and told them that he is the target this week not Britney.  Brent said that if  Xavier would risk there 8 person alliance to  have  Brent as the pawn.
    6:09pm BBT:  Brent says if he wins the veto he will take himself down he said Hannah if you win the veto you take me down. Brent says noms need to stay the same this week, if not one of their team members will be going up in place of Britni is she wins the veto.
    6:15pm BBT:  Xavier, Sarah, and Christian are in the HOH room.  Xavier says that Brent is worried because he's perceived as a threat.  Xavier said that Sarah and Christian should be good the only one that should get the heat is Xavier.
    6:20pm BBT:  Xavier says his mission this week is to make the Jokers feel good. Alyssa says Brent and Whitney are pissed about the wild card.  Xavier said it's going to be a long week.
    6:24pm BBT:  Xavier is now in the have not room with Kyland, and Claire.  Xavier told Claire and Kyland that he took Brittany aside and told her that she was safe  and that Xavier needs to make Brent feel as if he is safe.
    6:33pm BBT: Brent is talking to Alyssa in the bathroom about Xavier and how Xavier was swallowing hard before he was telling him that he was a pawn and he wouldn't look him in the eye and he was shaking.  Brent is telling Alyssa that he needs her vote and that they have a final 2 together. Analyssa said of course she would vote for him to stay. Alyssa told Brent he has the numbers to stay.
    6:37pm BBT: Azah and Xavier and the HOH room. Xavier said that Britni has the heart of gold and he hates seen her cry.  Xavier said he couldn't put Azah up because he respects her too much. Azah said you made a decision just go forward with that decision. Xavier is upset and he said he trusts Britni but he doesn't like to see anyone cry. and Xavier said he is getting teary eyed and he is a thug

  2. 6:13pm BBT: Sarah and Britni are whispering that she has Britni back and Britni has Sarah's
    6:14pm BBT:Xavier won HOH and Sarah told Britni that Xavier said he would run any noms through the group. 
    6:19pm BBT: Claire,  Tiffany,  Derek X,  and Derek F are in the kitchen. Derek X is washing the dishes.
    6:20pm BBT: Hannah was hugging Britni telling her that was the best speech ever and it will go down in Big Brother history
    6:25pm BBT: Derek X and Alyssa are in the bathroom talking game on who Xavier would put up, Alyssa tells Derek X it won't be him
    6:28pm BBT:  Alyssa Christian and Brittany are in the bathroom and Alyssa is trying to find her gold hoops, she cannot find them and Christian is looking for them also.
    6:33pm BBT: Azah and Britni are in the bedroom talking about the veto and Britni is in fear that she will go on the block . Britni is telling Azah that she is feeling like her and Azah are safe this week. 
    6:35pm BBT: Claire is telling Azahand Britni that Derek X wants to play in the wild card competition.  Claire is thinking that Derek X will throw the competition because he doesn't want to win 3 in a row.
    6:39pm BBT: Xavier and Alyssa  are talking about how things changed since last week of Alyssa being on the block. Xavier said he isn't doing anything tonight.
    6:41pm BBT: Would you like your feet rubbed would you like your hair shaved I'm here for your service is what Derek F told Xavier
    6:46pm BBT: Xavier saying just chill and hang out for the week since their team is safe. Xavier was talking about how he wants to meet with everybody 1 on 1 but then when he meets with the teams he wants his whole team in there with the Alyssa and Christian.
    6:50pm BBT: Alyssa tells Christian and Xavier the next week is the last week for teams. Alyssa is excited that she'll be able to take a shower in the HOH room and Alyssa tells Xavier Christian that they can all snuggle together in the HOH room.
    6:54pm BBT: Derek X and Derek F are in the kitchen making meatballs. And they start talking about their resumes and Derek F said he will tell Julie he cooked and cleaned.

    6:13pm BBT: Sarah and Britni are whispering that she has Britni back and Britni has Sarah's
    6:14pm BBT:Xavier won HOH and Sarah told Britni that Xavier said he would run any noms through the group. 
    6:19pm BBT: Claire,  Tiffany,  Derek X,  and Derek F are in the kitchen. Derek X is washing the dishes.
    6:20pm BBT: Hannah was hugging Britni telling her that was the best speech ever and it will go down in Big Brother history
    6:25pm BBT: Derek X and Alyssa are in the bathroom talking game on who Xavier would put up, Alyssa tells Derek X it won't be him
    6:28pm BBT:  Alyssa Christian and Brittany are in the bathroom and Alyssa is trying to find her gold hoops, she cannot find them and Christian is looking for them also.
    6:33pm BBT: Azah and Britni are in the bedroom talking about the veto and Britni is in fear that she will go on the block . Britni is telling Azah that she is feeling like her and Azah are safe this week. 
    6:35pm BBT: Claire is telling Azahand Britni that Derek X wants to play in the wild card competition.  Claire is thinking that Derek X will throw the competition because he doesn't want to win 3 in a row.
    6:39pm BBT: Xavier and Alyssa  are talking about how things changed since last week of Alyssa being on the block. Xavier said he isn't doing anything tonight.
    6:41pm BBT: Would you like your feet rubbed would you like your hair shaved I'm here for your service is what Derek F told Xavier
    6:46pm BBT: Xavier saying just chill and hang out for the week since their team is safe. Xavier was talking about how he wants to meet with everybody 1 on 1 but then when he meets with the teams he wants his whole team in there with the Alyssa and Christian.
    6:50pm BBT: Alyssa tells Christian and Xavier the next week is the last week for teams. Alyssa is excited that she'll be able to take a shower in the HOH room and Alyssa tells Xavier Christian that they can all snuggle together in the HOH room.
    6:54pm BBT: Derek X and Derek F are in the kitchen making meatballs. And they start talking about their resumes and Derek F said he will tell Julie he cooked and cleaned.

  3. 6:04pm BBT: Christian,  Azah, Derek X, Whitney,  Sarah, Xavier, Tiffany, Hannah, and Brent are all outside just shooting the breeze. Tiffany is painting Xavier's nails. Christian asked everyone who wanted to play pool and Derek X said he would play
    6:11pm BBT:Christian is looking at his hair in the mirror outside in the backyard telling Derek X and Britni it has never been this long. Britni and Brent are watching Christian and Derek X play pool.
    6:20pm BBT: Frenchie is in the kitchen making himself some dinner, while Derek F is finishing up dinner and Brent is callings everyone in to eat dinner. They are having tacos and Britni is singing It is Taco Tuesday.
    6:25pm BBT: Derek F,  Claire,  Sarah, Christian,  Britni, Azah, Kyland, Xavier,are all eating taco dinners. Frenchie made himself a taco bowl.
    6:44pm BBT: In the backyard  Azah, Derek X, Kyland, and Tiffany are chatting and Azah was telling if she didn't come into this house she would have never painted a guys nails.
    6:46pm BBT: Christian is sitting and the dinner table with Britni,  Claire, Derek F, Frenchie,  Sarah, and they are talking about people sleeping in the house through out the day, Christian tells them about Alyssa how she gets called out for sleeping all the time.
    6:50pm BBT:  Christian was called into the diary room. Derek F cooked tonight's dinner and said there is enough for leftovers.

    6:55pm BBT: Claire sitting at the dinnee table telling Britni that she was not good at physics, and Britni said Chemistry and Biology are not her subject's.  Her teacher told her not to show up for her final shecwould fail. Britni showed up and took the final and passed.

  4. 6:07pm BBT: by the pool, Hannah is talking with Whitney, Claire, and Brent about if and when she has kids, she doesn't want to push her kids into anything. Hannah also says they do not need to have outside validation.
    6:13pm BBT: Outside in the hammock is Derek X and Azah. Azah is telling Derek X she cooks because she wants to, but she doesn't like to clean. Derek X told Azah he can tell she likes to cook.
    6:17pm BBT: Azah tells Derek X she  likes to be creative with her food, but she does have her tried and true recipes, and  Salmon is one of them.
    6:22pm BBT: In the kitchen, Frenchie and Sarah are folding towels and Sarah asked Frenchie what his favorite color is. Frenchie said green, but the green like in Keylime pie.  Frenchie said he will be home by then and will buy a pie because he'll be eating it while watching the live beads for Sarah's birthday. Sarah is hoping she will get the ingredients to make a keylime pie because it is her favorite.

  5. 6:00pm BBT: Whitney and Kyland are talking out on the hamock .
    6:05pm BBT:  In the living room Alyssa and Christian want to keep Britni close. Alyssa is hoping the comp would be easy to throw but doesn't want the house to know she threw the comp.
    6:09pm BBT: Kyland and Whitney would like to see the people behind the walls because they love all of them. and they want to connect the voices with faces.
    6:10pm BBT: Kyland,  Whitney, and Britni are talking about who they would like to see come in the house as a guest
    6:20pm BBT: Derek X and Brent talking about thier future outside the house. Derek X wants to find the one, and hopes that opportunity will present itself. Brent wants to find a real connection with a girl.
    6:30pm BBT:Azah is in the kitchen  making dinner with Claire,  Derek F, and Hannah.
    6:31pm BBT: In the background Christian,  Whitney,  and Alyssa are hanging out in the hamock talking about the beach and telling each other thier memories of missing the beach.
    6:35pm BBT: Frenchie and Britni are outside playing pool. Frenchie tells Britni that he is surprised he hasn't talked in his sleep yet.
    6:45pm BBT: Derek F. came out to the background and is interviewing Britni and Frenchie and asking them what thier name is and where they are from and what they are wearing. Derek F has gone over to the hamock asking Christian, Whitney,  and Alyssa where they are from, wand what they are wearing.
    6:57pm BBT:  Alyssa asked Christian what is something bad about you that nobody in the house knows about you. . Christian said popping zits in the mirror and not wiping them off after he pop's them. Christian says he waits until the next morning to clean the mirror.

  6. #BB23 6:00pm BBT:  Derek X did not like the way Brent and Whitney treated him last week.
    #BB23 6:02pm BBT: Kyland feels that Tiffany is a secret genius
    #BB23 6:05pm BBT: Kyland is telling Derek X about Dan's gameplay
    #BB23 6:00pm BBT: Derek X is asking Kyland if there are other groups forming boring Kyland tells Derex X  that there is something to be said for people working together to get ahead in the game
    #BB23 6:16pm BBT: Kyland and Derek X get the chessboard so they can visualize game play. They are lining the chessboard up as girls re the chess pieces and the guys are the black chess pieces
    #BB23 6:19pm BBT: Kyland told Derex X that he mentioned to Brit something that was true that the house expressed a concern about Frenchie.
    #BB23 6:25pm BBT:   Frenchie is telling Brentthat if they were out of the house he would do anything for anyone from the house outside of these walls. Frenchie and Brent hugged it out
    #BB23 6:30pm BBT: Sarah, Tiffany, and Claire are in the bedroom talking about Frenchie telling people what they want to hear.
    #BB23 6:35pm BBT:  Frenchie is hugging Xavier and Xavier is telling Frenchie telling  he doesn't like to see him upset  he wants to see him happy
    #BB23 6:38pm BBT:  Azah, Sarah, Tiffany,  and Claire are in the bedroom Azah   wanted to know why Travis didn't talk to her.
    #BB23 6:42pm BBT:  Azah said that Frenchie put a big target on his back with all the blood he got on his hands last week.
    #BB23 6:51pm BBT:  Kyland and Derek X are talking strategy in the HOH room
    #BB23 6:57pm BBT: Azah wants to know if frenchie spoke to Xavier. Azah wanted to know if Xavier knew who Frenchie was working with.  Xavier wants to know why Azah's energy is off



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