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Posts posted by RosieJun

  1. On 9/5/2021 at 11:24 AM, carmen said:

    And yet, the other Cookout members are already plotting against her.


    Keeping Claire is good strategy on Tiff's part, something that should be respected as good game play. In the past, juries who respect good game play are able to overcome personal feelings, even bitterness, to award the best player the winner of the game.


    We'll soon see if the cast this year can do the same thing. I'm rooting for Tiffany because I think she has played an excellent game. And believe me, Tiffany winning this game would be huge for BB history.


    I agree with you.  I think the smartest thing she can do at this point is to consider the Cookout over and done, keep Claire, and put up Big D.  I think Kyland is smart, and he can be persuaded that keeping Xavier in the game is a sure way to lose.  


    Edit:  Well, of course she didn't do that.  

  2. 15 hours ago, carmen said:

    I agree, X is very shrewd and I can't wait to see if he is loyal to the cookout by going after Alyssa next the way he expected Tiffany to do with Claire.  I will not be surprised at all if he chooses to keep Alyssa til the end and go all the way to final 2 with her if given the chance.


    What is really sad is that Tiffany is giving up a chance to win a large amount of money just so she can say she was loyal to something that is not likely to be loyal back once they see her give up Claire. That old fearmongering about losing jury votes if you don't remain loyal isn't going to work on X -- he'll do what's best for his game.


    At this point, I think the smartest move the HGs could make would be to vote out Xavier this week.  They all have caught on that he's been throwing comps all along.  I think this week is the last chance for any of them.  


    Jury management is important, but it doesn't matter what the jury thinks if you're not in the Final 2.  Second place is better than sitting on the jury.  

  3. 6 hours ago, Mir said:

    I agree. I just find it difficult to watch at how predictable it is. They’re in an alliance because of their race, that is all. Tiff and Big D don’t get along. Tiff and Azah don’t trust each other. Hannah never would have let Derrick X go. Kyland wants SB to stay. Kyland and X should be targets considering they’re both strong men. The game would be very very different  without this alliance. And the only reason it exists is because the color of their skin. I KNOW that if roles were reversed and a group of white people did this, it would be the end of the world. It’s old. It’s a double standard and it’s old. They’re playing for the six, not even themselves at this point and what’s going to happen? They’re so focused on making sure a black person wins that they’re not even concerned about their own games at this point. I’m sure Kyland and X will start winning when there’s 6 left and go to the end with Big D and take him as a final 2 because beating Big D will be easy in final 2 considering he hasn’t and most likely won’t win anything. So predictable and boringggg. 


    I think the fact that the alliance was formed so early is an important thing to consider.  They didn't know each other well enough to know if they'd actually like each other.  They formed an alliance based on what they DID know about each other.  It's done all the time in BB.  Women will form an "all girl" alliance, and "jocks" (for lack of a better word) will form an alliance.  This has been the first time that it was possible to form a powerful alliance based on race because there were finally enough POC in the house to do so.  Honestly, I don't see anything to criticize about it.  


    In the past, alliances initially formed on the basis of the aforementioned common ground tend to break apart relatively early.  The personalities of the HGs come out.  They start realizing that just because they share a common bond doesn't mean that they actually like each other.   They get to know the other HGs and develop bonds outside of their alliance.   Their loyalties to their alliance break down.    


    I think it's amazing that The Cookout was able to keep such a large alliance, which was formed so early, together for so long.  It's all going to be changing in this next week.  


    I just find this all very fascinating.  Sure, BB is very entertaining (to me, anyway), but I continue to learn more and more about human behavior.  I don't find it boring at all.  

  4. On 8/30/2021 at 12:01 PM, HeleneL said:

    I'm quite surprised that this topic was even started in this venue.  Granted I don't get live feeds so maybe you hear and see more than I do and that's fine.  But except for the fact that BB woke up and for once have the HGs equally divided between white and POC I have yet to notice any grand show of racism that has not appeared in one fashion or another in any other season for the last 22 years.


    I look at them all equally and how they play the game.  I don't like Tiffany and would not be sorry to see Claire or SB go.  I was happy to see Brittiny go too.  My favorite to win so far is Xavier.   So having said that don't we get enough of this crap on TV, Internet, in the news, almost everywhere that we can't enjoy a mindless bit of entertainment in a reality tv show without the race card being pulled up.  Isn't there enough to worry about with the virus and lockdowns and masks and restrictions that we can't have 3 hours a week without any of that stuff coming up. 


    Just to be clear, I'm not dismissing the racial issues currently ongoing.  They are absolutely important and should be discussed, however, I didn't think it was a subject in this particular BB season.  JMHO


    The Cookout was started as an all black alliance.  That's fine.  We've seen alliances formed based on gender too.  That's fine too.  That the HGs find common ground doesn't bother me at all.  


    I just enjoy watching the game, and it doesn't matter to me what race, gender, or sexual orientation the ultimate winner is.   I've never picked my favorites based on any of those things.  


    That said, I have to admit that I was bothered at one point about how many times the b-word came out of Big D's mouth.  It's offensive, and I hope someone mentioned it to him.  


    All-in-all, though, I feel this has been the most inclusive group of HGs in recent history.  They seem accepting and respectful of each other.  At least that's what it seems to be from where I sit.  



  5. 3 minutes ago, MamaLong said:

    Thanks RosieJun. We are not unlike yourself: just big fans of Big Brother. You should join the crew. It's a fun family!


    Maybe I'll give it a try one of these days.  I can't promise I'll be any good.  


    I also want to mention that I'm not really a newbie.  I couldn't remember my login info, so I registered again.


    I didn't post in this forum at all last season.  There seemed to be a little hostility going on, and I'm just not into that.  I'm here for enjoyment.  🙂  

  6. On 8/10/2021 at 8:55 PM, straykat said:

    I hadn't heard that about her father. It is very sad for her but it is really just another reason for her to go. The other's may sympathize with her loss but still have to play their game to win.


    I tried watching the feeds the first night and it was really bad how often they cut the feeds. The people in the chat rooms on the side were having meltdowns, pasting REFUND over and over. I have only watched a few minutes on and off since then but it does seem to be a bigger issue than usual this season. 


    I don't know that it's a reason for her to go, but it's sure not a reason for her to be kept in the game.  


    I find it a little annoying when someone whines about how they left their kids, or how they should win HOH because they miss their family.  When someone throws a comp to benefit themselves, that's fine.  But to throw it to someone because they've garnered your sympathy is not ok.  

  7. On 8/12/2021 at 9:39 PM, CrazyBBFan said:

    She was playing the best game in the house.  She starting to play a very emotional game. This is going to be her downfall.  


    I liked her at the beginning, but I agree that her emotions are probably going to be her downfall.  It's fine to like other HGs, but the real purpose of alliances is to further your OWN game.  

  8. On 8/16/2021 at 11:42 AM, straykat said:

    I really disliked the twists voted on by viewers that pretty much took away the HOH 's power. As much as we may like or dislike HGs, having the power to completely crash their HOH shouldn't be in the hands of the viewers. 



    I agree.  It's not so bad when someone gets a power to help themselves out, but to take away something that another HG earned is not cool.  

  9. On 8/8/2021 at 8:37 PM, HeleneL said:

    I found her tolerable the first days but she has steadily eroded my interest. She's loud, annoying, I really don't like rap and she isn't all that good (like nails on a chalkboard) and the over the top crying is too much.  I won't be sorry if through some glitch she's gone on eviction night.


    I've been over from practically the start.  Whenever something exciting happens, she yells louder than anyone in the house.  In fact, she yells louder than anyone who has EVER been in the house.


    It'll be interesting to see how she handles a week in the Jury House all by herself.  I'm kinda worried about that.  She may not be stable enough for the solitude.  

  10. On 7/14/2021 at 10:29 PM, WOC said:

    This guy is horrible at this game. First he promises all the women that he won't nominate a woman. Then he nominates a woman leaving all the women thinking he can't be trusted. Then he asks for the veto to be used for a strong man and leaves the woman up after he realized he made a mistake nominating her. To top it off he nominates a guy he promised safety to along with three other guys. Leaving all four not trusting him. Over half the house knows he can't keep his word now and he thinks his HOH was a success! 😂 It seems like whoever talks to him last gets what they want. It will be fitting if he goes next.


    I hope he's out next.  Terrible player, and annoying too.  



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