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Posts posted by jOrwell

  1. 6:05PM BBT: In WA Ian and Nic are nervously sitting there.  Nic says Janelle walked away from her and said whiny whiny whiny.  Ian asks if they had these issues on The Amazing Race, Nic says no we helped them, I even invited her to my wedding and everything and then she got in here and she doesn't like me because Rachel Reily doesn't like me. Feeds cut.  Ian says well she threw our names out.  Nic says "well everybody" then stops herself.  She says I think I gained some respect sticking up for myself, whereas I would look guilty if I kept my mouth shut.  Ian says I know what you mean.  Nic says there are pros and cons to both.  She says it just came out and now I'm in trouble.  Cody walks in to WCA and says keep looking for trouble.  Nic starts laughing and says stop!  Cody says you know what they say about looking for trouble, you'll usually find it.  She says I already found it she has been talking about me every second of every day (eyeroll --jOrwell).  Nic says her name has been dragged through the mud, Ian agrees, she says she's been called the B word.  Cody interrupts saying alright alright alright.  Ian gets up to leave and Nic whispers "I messed up"  are you mad at me, and Cody doesn't reply.  Ian heads back and Nicole tells Cody "she said whiny whiny whiny". Feeds cut again. 

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  2. 4:15PM BBT: Nicoles talking in the loft area.  Nic F says some people are worried that she would go back to Janelle.  Nic F says everyone is still undecided.  Nic A says she is not her target, Kaysar walks by and asks to talk later.  Nic A says she hasn't talked to them since yesterday.  Nic F asks if Janelle yelled at her.  Nic A says no.  Nic A says she told Ian if she played in safety suite she'd give her plus 1 to Ian.  Nic F said she likes Ian.  

  3. 3:35 PM BBT: Bay & David in SRL talking game.  Bay says David needs to watch out because people can suck you in and are manipulative.  She understands that he wants to be respected by the guys as a competitor but he can't let that cloud his judgement.  David says he wouldn't want to win this game like Mickey did, who you are is more important to him.  Bay says ahh that's good.  Bay says this game can take years to recover from, him returning so soon is probably so hard.  David starts to cry.  Bay gassing him up saying he's doing well.  Bay says let people underestimate you and then eff some stuff up.  

    3:42PM BBT: Dani and Cody talking game in the SR.  Dani tells him that Memphis told her he isn't talking game today because he is not happy his name is being thrown around a lot with Janelle and Kaysar.  Cody says he will talk to Memphis.  Dani says don't mention she said anything. Feeds cut.

    3:45PM BBT: David & Bay in SRL still.  He says he would put Memphis on the block and weaken him by putting him on slop.  Bay says if you can't execute, making these plans will only hurt your game.  She says I'm trying to help, you can go back and forth with your target, winning HOH then putting them on the block, but they win Veto -- its a back and forth.  She says you have to be smarter with your execution.  David says he wants to get Memphis out.  And put him on slop.  Bay says thats k thats great.

  4. 11:26PM BBT: Day & David talking up in the loft area.  David says he likes Kaysar but I don't know if I can work with him because he's with Janelle and she's bad news.  Day asks why did you tell Janelle you were gunna target her.  David said he just felt awkward and said it.  With Janelle he feels intimidated and she always wants info, never how are you doing small talk.  Day reiterates that Kaysar wants to work with David but he does not like the boys alliance he has on the side because they're targeting Kaysar.  David says he hasn't heard the boys bring up Kaysar's name and Day says REALLY??  and he says no.  Day tells David that she's concerned because Keesha is gone, and Nic A is next.  How can he guarentee after Janelle is gone that Day/Bay are not next.  Girls are being targeted.  David doesn't understand.  Day tries to explain that it seems that girls are being picked off.  David still seems confused.  Day says she just wants to make sure that David has their back so that he ensures their names are not thrown out after Janelle hypothetically gets evicted after Nic A.  David says he has their back.  Day says if you stay you need to fade into the background.  David shakes his head, he needs to try to win comps he says because Memphis put him up with no indication that he would do so so he cannot throw comps anymore.  Day asks David why he couldn't just lie to Kaysar part of BB is to lie just to secure Kaysar's vote.  David said he can't because Kaysar would end up wanting more info and more info.  David says he could see himself outside the game getting drinks with Day and Kaysar and it just sucks.  Day says don't take the game personal. (David is too pure for BB haha -jOrwell)

    11:50PM BBT: Kaysar is outside on the grass.  Day is in the hammock, and David comes out and joins Day on the hammock.  Kaysar reiterates how much he wishes he could work with them.  Day says she would like to as well.  They are quiet.  David and Kaysar are excited to be off slop tomorrow.  Janelle comes out and says she is going to make them nachos.  They talk about how they've all had dreams of other houseguests.  Janelle says no offense i don't want to dream about Enzo I want to dream about my kids.  Janelle says she's going to bed.  Day says Kaysar looks like he's lost weight on slop, but David looks like he gained weight.  Kaysar laughs and said she's BSing.

  5. 9:40PM BBT: Cody & Enzo talking in the PBR.  They discuss being annoyed with Dani telling Nic F about the alliance they made without her, and how they need to keep certain people in the house so that they can go after the girls in their Core 4 later.  Enzo wants to keep Janelle around over Kaysar because he believes Nic F is her target.  He says she would put up Nic F and a pawn, and Cody says no she'll put up him as well.  They discuss how the girls in their alliances are creating chaos.  Enzo says they will need to make a move on them before they make a move on us.  Bayleigh walks in and the game talk stops.  Dani walks in and tells Cody to say thank you for washing his sheets.

    10:35PM BBT: Janelle & Memphis in the HOH room.  Memphis tells Janelle if Kaysar just cools down on the obsessive game talk, he really doesn't think the entire house is against them.  Sometimes when you say something enough times, it becomes true and the more Kaysar paints the target on them by stirring up trouble the worse it gets.  He tells Janelle to go out there and win the next HOH.  Janelle says Cody is really nice to everyone, she understands why Derrick won his season, Cody has a great social game (barf... -jOrwell).

    11:00PM BBT: Nic A & Kevin in hammock with Janelle, Ian.  Kaysar comes outside and joins and Nic A asks where everybody is.  Kaysar says they're all in the PBR, Enzo wanted to go to sleep.  They talk about competitions and Kevin says he hasn't competed in 11 years.  Janelle says its been 14 years since she competed in a veto.  Ian says he would be worried if Dan was in the house.  He's so smart.  You can't corner him because he can always worm out of it.  Ian/Kaysar/Janelle were worried about being the oldest in the house but they were told other people their age would be there.

    11:05PM BBT: Tyler/Cody/Enzo/Dani/Bay in the PBR.  They talk about foods they ate in college and how much they weighed.  Bay leaves the room.  Tyler speculates it might be the slip n slide the next HOH.  Dani says she hopes they get to do "the facebook thing tomorrow", they aren't sure if they get to post every week.  Dani asks if Day has told anyone anything all day.  Cody says no.  Dani says why is she hanging out with Janelle all day long and not coming back here to tell us anything?  Dani is annoyed that Nic A said Janelle told her that they are the misfits and Cody's side are the popular kids.  Cody and Dani are incredulous and say when has Janelle ever not been a popular person in her life.  Cody says that Janelle and Kaysar ostracized themselves by playing in the safety suite.  Dani says thats the way Janelle likes to play the game, she likes to play with 2 sides and the house is split which is what she is trying to do in the house now.  Nic A enters the room and game talk stops.

  6. 11:30AM BBT: Memphis and David in HOH discussing the game.  Memphis is giving David free advice, don't worry about your alliance's opinion.  Play for yourself because at the end of the day, making final 6 doesn't matter if you didn't WIN.  Memphis tells David he is not trying to sway the house one way or another to NicA or David.  He says he plays the game in 2 phases, phase 1 is survival, and if you make it to a certain point then you can worry about phase 2 which is more strategic.  

  7. 10:52 AM BBT: Memphis is in the KT chopping vegetables & making food.  No one else has woken up.  He used a carton of eggs for the breakfast he's making.


    11:00AM BBT: Dani woke up and greeted Memphis in the KT.  She said she's excited because they opened the backyard.  She went to the WA...& back to bed for her.

    11:05AM BBT: Kaysar is awake and checked in on Memphis in KT to see what he was making, proceeded to the WA for morning routine.

  8. 10:06 PM BBT: Bay & Day in CBR successfully compared notes that Bay got from Janelle and Day got from Dani and figured out the the Dani/Nic F/Cody/Tyler partial alliance...they figured out the Cody/Enzo/Tyler/David connection and said Dani is playing all sides and will likely throw comps to try and stay under the radar...they aren't sure if David is actually in an alliance, he was panicking earlier in the day worrying about the POV.


    10:10PM BBT: Day says it is part of the Cody/Nic/Dani alliance plan to have Nic F always be around Day when Janelle is around because they know that annoys Janelle and makes her distrust Day.  Day says Christmas is part of their alliance which makes sense because that would explain why she saved Ian.  Day plans to vote with Cody's side and she tells Bay to vote with Janelle's side to not raise suspicion that they know whats going on.

  9. 7:26PM BBT: Dani and Nic F talking game in the Photo BR -- Nicole says she talked to Christmas and she said she trusts Nic the most.  Dani says this is perfect because her and Cody were talking about bringing in people on the outskirts of their OG 4 alliance, Nic F/Dani/Cody/Enzo, would be Memphis, Tyler and Christmas as well would give them the majority.  Nic F says she had to talk Enzo out of trying to get Bay & Day in their alliance.  Dani says they can't get caught with too many hands in the cookie jar.

  10. 4:07PM BBT: Kaysar and Keesha are game talking in the Key Room.  Kaysar is trying to get a feel for how close Keesha is with Memphis because he wants to be 4 strong with Janelle/Kaysar/Memphis/Keesha.  Keesha says she trusts Memphis and she hasn't given him a reason not to trust her.  She says Memphis is very smart and she would be willing to work with them if Janelle is on board.  Keesha would be shocked if she isn't going up on the block.

  11. 3:50PM BBT: Kevin asks Cody to talk in the SR.  He lets him know he is so nervous, not about anything in particular but he is awkward and has trouble connecting with people that are different from him.  Kevin is getting very emotional, and tells Cody he is trying his best with him but he is very intimidated by Cody because of how "perfect" he is.  Cody is trying to politely tell him there's nothing personal to it.  He is doing his best to talk to everyone in the house because he doesn't have much to go off of with nominations.  Cody says they've only been playing 2 days and do not get yourself worked up.

  12. 8:14PM BBT: Kaysar joined Nic A and Janelle in the Love Room.  He figured out Cody and friends were targeting him and explains to them that Tyler started acting nervous around him when Kaysar questioned him about who Cody was thinking & that is why he decided to play for Safety.  Janelle says they dodged a huge bullet, she says Cody is probably going to put up Keesha or Memphis because they are friends.  Ian enters the room and they talk about wanting to try to win veto for whoever gets nom'd.

  13. 7:45PM BBT: Cody, Tyler, & Nicole talking in HOH, Nicole leaves when Enzo walks in, she thanks Cody for talking.  Cody wants to nominate Keesha, and the 2nd person he isn't sure.  The whole house seems surprised that Kaysar played the Safety comp, but Cody understands because he didn't really reassure him when they spoke.  They talk about not wanting to rattle Christmas bc she's good at comps. 

  14. 7:18PM BBT: Janelle confirms to Nicole & Xmas that she lost the comp and got a costume punishment.

    7:27PM BBT: Nicole goes into the HOH and asks to talk to Cody.  Bayleigh leaves to let her talk.  Nicole tells Cody she's been telling people they haven't talked.  Nicole is shocked that Kaysar/Janelle knew to play for the Safety Suite.  K & J both used their VIP pass and Kaysar won the comp.  Cody tells Nicole that he told Janelle he isn't going after her, but Janelle was coy when asked who she would put up.  Cody took this as meaning she didn't trust him, so he doesn't trust her.  Nicole is worried and asked Cody if anyone ever brought up "putting up the 2 winners".  He said no one has said that.

  15. 8:59AM BBT: All houseguests rush to the KT to look at the picture wall to look at the cast photos.  Photos were provided by the houseguests themselves & most are commenting that Janelle's looks professionally done.  Kevin does not like the photo they chose for him.  


    9:18AM BBT: Janelle and Bayleigh are talking game and general impressions of the girls in the Lounge.  Xmas walks in and J & B say they were discussing the Safety Room.  Kaysar & Memphis discuss his businesses in the KT.  Lots of boring general chit chat.



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