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Posts posted by BBSupaFan727

  1. 11:43AM BBT Holly and Jackson in HOH bed. Jess and Tommy come in. Holly has been sick and throwing up since 4:30am. Lights are hurting her head because she feels terrible. Tommy and Jess trying to help. Holly just wants her mom. 

    11:52AM BBT Jess finally leaves HOH. Michie apologizes to Holly that she is hurting. Holly tells him thank you and that he is her go to person. She is getting hot and cold so she takes her sweatshirt off and feeds switch to the kitchen. 

    11:54AM BBT Feeds switch back to HOH bed with Michie and Holly. They are just laying in bed with silence. 

  2. BBT 12:56PM  Michie, Holly, Tommy in HOH, Christie comes in. Michie states how stressed out he has been and has been talking to Tommy about how he isn't second guessing himself but his mind is racing on whether he made the right decision or not. He's concerned that Jess has vocalized that he doesn't want males in the house, and that concerns Michie. 


    BBT 12:59PM Michie still explaining how Jess would not evict the girls, but would go after the three guys. He tells Christie he is in a good personal standing with everyone, but has burned Cliff in the game a few times. He thinks Cliff wants to keep a bigger target in the house (by keeping Michie), but he thinks cliff would take a shot at him considering he put Jack and Michie up before. 


    BBT 1:01PM Christie thinks that Cliff knows how to use his words well and could win, but doesn't think he would win sitting next to Michie at the end..... Cliff walks in and conversation falls silent. Christie starts saying that Jess woke up in a better mood today and she is happy for that. Cliff grabs a seat and sits in HOH with Michie, Holly, Tommy, and Christie. Christie states that she thinks everyone has seemed in a better mood lately. Cliff is glad everyone is in a better mood for when he gets to campaign. 



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