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Posts posted by MissBeats

  1. 8:21pm BBT Nicole, Ovi and Cliff in storage room, talking about how they are not sure why Ovi was put on the block to begin with. Ovi reassures them that he has their back and he knows that they fought for him.

    8:23pm BBT Jess, Michie, Holly Christie , Kat, Sis, and Jack Chatting in the boat room. Dave walks in and they all pretend to be happy. (earlier they were talking about how unhappy he was in the house)

    8:49pm BBT Kemi is trying to tell Nicole something in code, because she doesn't want the cameras (feeders) to know, she then says never mind I'll tell you in a hundred days. Kemi express how upset she is that she is going to be on the block on her birthday.

  2. 10:26am BBT Christie in HOH room with Holly and Analyse, that she wants to warn Ovi that he's going to the Kemi that as far as she knows The veto is not going to be used so they are good. If she presses the issue, in case it gets used and wants her to give a name, Christie is going to her that she doesn't want to ruffle any feathers so she will go with the names she has heard which is her (Kemi) or Ovi. The girls advise her not to tell Ovi that she will use his name because that will give him a hint that he can be used as a pawn or a back up.

    10:33am BBT Christie says she is dreading having this conversation with Bella. One of the girls asks if she thinks that Kemi knows, Christie says she is sure that if Bella hasn't warned her Nicole has

    10:53am BBT Jackson approaches Cliff in the bathroom, he says that people are starting to get a little testy and if he would like to start working with him if he is actually serious about it. Cliff say he is serious about it and he is looking for somewhere to land. Cliff says he is friendly with everyone in the house but is looking for a group. Jackson says them and Kat and Holly are the southern folks and have a lot in common and they can be low key. Jackson tells Cliff he can be friendly with some people from one side and he will be friendly with some people from the other side, but at the end of the day they will stick to the core 4. He says they can do a lot of damage together.

    10:54am BBT Jackson tells he doesn't want to win hoh next week cause he doesn't want the blood on his hands.



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