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Posts posted by mannersminded

  1. 9:16 pm - feeds are up after the episode, Kyra and Este talking about how it is going to be a tie...



    9:17 pm Dane and Adam talking , Adam won HOH

    Dane and Adam are talking about Mark. Mark put up Adam saying that it matches with the storyline.

    Anthony doesn't look too happy tonight 9:20 pm

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    Anthony is complaining that everyone is walking around all cocky, and he is complaining that Kyra is a snake, and has been snaking this whole game

    Anthony: "scared. No backbone"


    9:28 pm Dane talking to Este in Have-Not room. Dane is talking about how Adam should not have won that. He has too many wins. Dane talking about how Adam's social game isn't that great but a lot of people would vote for him.

  2. 11:44 AM Kyra talking to Anthony in the BBR trying to convince him that Cory should not put up Sam as a replacement nominee. (Having a strong couple like Sam and Adam will help keep eyes off of Anthony and Cory)

    11:46 Anthony, I know for a fact that Cory would have been a replacement nominee when Sam was HOH


    Anthony: Cory and I don't follow each other around and suck farts out of eachother's asses

    Anthony: You are just trying to protect Sam

    Anthony: Do you think Adam makes decisions on his own?

    Kyra: Yes

    Anthony: Do you think Adam influences Sam as much as Sam influences Adam

    Kyra: Yes

    Anthony: (skeptically) Okay...


    Anthony: It is easy to see who wears the pants in the relationship

  3. Sam & Keira talking about what happens if someone gets pulled off the block.

    Sam: I know one thing for sure, I am not putting up another female

    Sam: No one wants this house to be run by a bunch of fucking dudes


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    6:05: Adam tells Sam that Dane has an idea and he wants to talk to both of us about it.

    6:10 pm Dane, Sam, Keira, Adam all talking in Leon's secret lounge.

    They try to encourage Sam and Adam to kiss.

    Sam: That would be our first kiss


    They are talking about Mark

    Sam: He is unpredictable


    Keira leaves. It also seems like they are getting a movie after the noms


    6:13 pm Now that those three are alone, Adam says "What are we talking about again?"

    Dane: We were talking about my idea to.. - feeds cut [with some comedic timing, as I was curious to see the plan!]





  4. 5:26 pm Corey: (talking about being HOH) people are going to try to pass you around. Like a cookie. Wait- cookies aren't something you pass around.

    Sam: A joint

    Corey: Yes- exactly, like a joint. I was like "this is my classroom"


    Big brother: Samantha, Corey please go to the living room

    Sam: Is it time?

    Corey: Maybe everyone else is already down there

    5:23 pm Anthony is telling a story about a mathematician who was being nominated for a nobel peace prize. It is a pretty impressive story, and it seems that the mathematician also is schizophrenic. "I've learned that there isn't always an answer, sometimes problems are left unsolved."

    5:36 pm The story is done, and I found out that he is describing a beautiful mind from the beginning to the end to Kyra. Some of the other houseguests joined to listen as they are starting to gather in the living room.

    5:38 pm  Sam and Kyra sneak off to the Blood Veto room

    Sam to Kyra: I need you to be my eyes

    Kyra: I have been. Mark, Dane, Damian, Adam- all went to the pantry. They were consoling him.

    Kyra: I talked to Dane. I told him I am fine with either nominee, and asked him what he thought. I said I am not going to campaign this week, and he said "me neither". But he also said that Mark has a lot of power... so maybe Dane really is more loyal to the girls. [ha]



    5:40 Adam joins the conversation. They are talking about Corey

    Sam: The conversation with Corey was great. She is really good at saying a lot and saying nothing.

    Kyra mentions that one of them should leave, it is too obvious if all three of them are in the same room, when so many people are in the living room

    *Adam leaves

    Kyra: Have you noticed that he doesn't want us to be alone together? He always comes in right after me.

    *Keira comes in

    Sam: Hi, I was going to come find you

    Keira: I feel like I am interrupting...

    Sam: No, it's totally fine

    Kyra: It's just that I haven't talked to Sam alone like all day... But it's fine I'll go

    Keira: Are you sure? I don't want to feel like I am bothering you guys

    Kyra leaves

    5:47 pm Keira: (to Sam) The biggest thing that is bothering me is that people are saying that I was flat out targeting you which is a complete lie. Adam is a threat- but I am not coming for you.

    Sam is worried that people will keep Adam around as a shield and she will be voted out first. Keira says that she wouldn't vote Sam out first- she would vote Adam instead.

    Keira: I can't tell you enough that you weren't my target

    Sam: Whenever I told people that you said you didn't throw out my name they all said bullshit.

    Keira: Well it makes sense that they would say that- because they wouldn't want me to get closer to you...


    Keira is telling Sam that she wants to work with her. She says that people are trying to keep them apart

    Sam: I am trying to build relationships outside of Adam- because he has his numbers

    Sam: Let's just be legit, you haven't talked game to me once since we've been here. Most people haven't- and it's because people just see me as me and Adam.

    Keira is saying that talking to Mark feels like work. He is always fiddling around and not making eye contact.

    Keira: So who is he close too? I thought he was close with you

    Sam: No.


    Keira: If I stay this week, if I win HOH you are safe. No back door, I want you here.

    Sam: For me- I would rather take a number from the guys.

    Sam: Corey is not going to vote to keep Mark- get closer to Corey. Get closer to her on a personal level- that's how she works

    Sam: I feel like you and Anthony are tight.

    Keira: Yeah, but I don't know how close he is to Mark

    5:59 Keira & Sam: Dane is playing a really good game.

    Sam: Watch Dane, learn what he does. He takes a truth and wraps it in a lie


  5. Tuning into the feeds here at 11:10 PM after a beauty of a day.


    11:11 pm Chelsea and Dane whispering in the bathroom, they are talking about Kyra- and being frustrated that they (Kyra) over-crowd the HOH. They don't really give people space

    Chelsea: It's Kyra or me

    Chelsea: You still get a number out (by evicting Kyra), and you get to keep someone in this game who is going to be honest

    Chelsea: They (Kyra) are going to lie to your face

    Dane: I know they are. They are a terrible liar

    Chelsea: Think of somebody that you want around you, who will put in the work.



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    11:17 pm

    Chelsea: "It's impossible to have any freedom (with Kyra) It's nice to have somebody who cares about you, but I didn't come into this house for a like "psudo-relationship." Like, when I was HOH we had to have conversations about how we handle our emotions."

    Dane: Holy fuck


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  6. 10:33 pm and the feeds are back on! Sam Chelsea, and Kyra are whispering in the bathroom. Chelsea leaves, Adam comes in, and Kyra storms out


    Adam (to Sam): Are they mad at me?

    Sam: Dane has said a lot of stuff to Kyra, about all the guys working together


    Sam and Chelsea are saying that there was no girl alliance, it didn't go anywhere, it wasn't a thing.

    This 'girls alliance' rumour is falling on Chelsea, and she feels like a lot of blame is being put on her "I F**ked up"


    Chelsea "there was a chatter of this 7... but did it ever happen? no.

    Sam "I think he is also saying that becuase it was your HOH

    Adam: He was saying that you guys had to go, and you were saying he had to go. I wanted everyone to work together


    10:14 PM

    Sam (to Adam and Chels in the bathroom): We have to be really carefull what we say to Dane

    Adam: I'm trying to get him to be good with you guys

    Chelsea (to Adam): I feel like a lot of what I have told you has been brought to other people. I have been looking out for you

    Dane called out Chelsea for having a girls alliance, and a final two with Eddie

    10:17 pm

    Kyra (to Adam): If you knew that Dane was going after them (Chelsea and Sam), why would you tell Dane that they (Chelsea and Sam) were questioning him?

    Adam: I'm working with him, I tell him things

    Kyra: Do you trust him more than these two? Are you closer with him than these two?

    Adam: No

    Kyra: Then why tell Dane something that could mess up their game?

    Adam: Are you coming at me right now? It feels like you are coming at me right now


    Dane to Adam in the Have-not room 10:22PM: They (Kyra) are not the problem. We have to get rid of Chelsea

    10:25 Dane talking to Anthony and Damien in the Have not room


    Dane: Adam is freaking out because Sam and Chelsea are mad at him

    Shout-out to Anthony and what looks like a full velvet purple outfit.

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  7. 3:18 PM Este is dancing in the HOH room


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    3:20 pm Adam talking to Mark about how he is not sure if he trusts Dane. He has been telling the girls some things Adam told him in confidence.


    Adam says he is stressed out.

    3:40 PM - I missed most of the conversation between Adam and Mark, but they ended it- hugged, and Adam says he feels better (about Dane and pretty boys)

  8. 1:41 pm Anthony and Dane talking outside. Apparently Dane is going to throw out different alliances in his nomination speech. (It seems he is nominating Chelsea and Kyra)


    Anthony: Chelsea is going to try and get Cory, Adam and Sam on her side.

    Dane: If Kyra wins (POV) it's even better.

    Anthony: If Kyra wins who do we put up?

    Dane: Sam? f*k it, we do sam?

    Dane: This HOH is so much better than the last one

    Dane invited Cory to go to Wendy's with. They are going for that now. (1:47pm)


    Feeds cut


  9. 12:51pm Dane and Sam start chatting in HOH room, Dane is reassuring Sam that she is safe this week.


    Dane: This week, you are literally not touching the block, and after the POV I will stay true to my word

    Sam is throwing Kyra's name out there, saying that they are playing both sides of the house.

    Sam: "Since I am close to Adam, I can't help but be close to you guys"

    Dane and Sam are talking about a potential double eviction (there is one next week), they are making a deal that Dane can go to Adam and say "I'll keep your girl safe this week". Sam says that she will have Dane's back if she wins HOH next week.



    *Dane has also asked Sam for Este's protection if Sam wins HOH next




    12:56 pm Dane tells Adam in the bathroom that he told Kyra he is probably putting them up.

    Dane to Adam "We're good man, the boys are good"

    1:01 pm Dane sent to DR

    Kyra and Chelsea having a conversation in the storage room at around 1:00 pm


    Kyra is asking Chelsea if she played her. Dane has been planting seeds in their head.

    Chelsea admits to having a conversation about a 7 person alliance, but told Kyra that it never went anywhere

    Kyra ask Chelsea why she didn't tell them about it

    Chelsea says "so that we didn't have to have this conversation right now"


    Chelsea: well I don't know what to tell you, if you don't believe me

    Kyra is hurt that Chelsea had other alliances, or alliance options- but then Chelsea didn't come tell Kyra about it (or invite Kyra to those conversations)

    Kyra trusted Chelsea 120% and told her everything "I literally said I would use the veto on you... Im a f@*ing idiot' 'were you playing me this whole time?"

    Chelsea: No, do you really think that?


    Kyra: 70% of me saw through, and saw that he is just trying to create a divide. The other 30% of me was like "what if it is true?" I know that you would not have gunned for me. But it is also not smart to trust anyone 100%

  10. Sam and Chelsea and Kyra were re-enacting an encounter Chelsea had with Kailyn. Sam left the Have-Not room as part of the re-enactment. Chelsea and Kyra still talking loudly about Kailyn, when Sam comes back in, she tells them Kailyn is right outside. They are worried she heard them. 8:40 (ish) pm

    *Talking in the storage room around 9:00 PM


    Anthony "Girls are smarter than us" talking to Mark & Adam

    Anthony wants Adam to build trust with Damien and make a deal with him.

    Adam: So what's the deal next week? We put two girls up?

    Anthony: It depends who slips. Sam said in front of Kiki "I definitely gotta get Adam out eventually"

    Mark: She's not stupid, she knows she has got to take her shot before you do, because you are stronger and faster than she is

    Adam: She wouldn't put me up (Sam)

    Anthony: You don't know that


    Adam doesn't think that she would take him out yet, who else does she have?


    Anthony: These girls don't have loyalty


    Convo interrupted by Eddie.





    Anthony now has tracked down Adam in the hallway to continue his campaign to turn Adam against Sam (9:10 pm)





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