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Posts posted by DocKobryn

  1. Hello Everybody,


    Thanks BBLurker for posting this thread with all of the cover-up evidence clearly there for anybody with a brain to see. 

    I've always been frustrated with BB Production and their timely "twists" or competitions that favor one house guests over another. So let's say that this rope competition were Tyler designed and Tyler won it. I would've been completely frustrated and cried foul! I would have ranted for awhile. But then I would've accepted it as Big Brother and went on with my week. 


    However, this blatant rule breaking and subsequent cover up is my final straw. Production has ZERO integrity and I might as WELL be watching WWE because without the integrity of the competition itself, that's exactly what Big Brother becomes. Even worse because the people cooped up in that house become NASTY as it is! In the past, Big Brother didn't address any of the awful behavior in house because until it affected the game. (aka Aaryn BB13)  But since the GAME ITSELF is now a farce, all that is left is watch people treat each other in the nastiest ways possible! If the competitions no longer carry meaning then all you have is JC's problematic behavior! (Which Production has also been covering up by the way) 


    As I type this, Production has less than 3 hours to fix this or Big Brother loses it's integrity as a game show. And then becomes the "Real World" that aired on MTV way back in the day. 


    Sorry. But just listening to Tyler's smugness about the whole situation makes me want to vomit. 

    He's really ready to send somebody that doesn't deserve to go, out the door.. 





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