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Posts posted by MelissaD559

  1. 3 hours ago, BBLover4ever said:

    Hayleigh DID get a chance when BB asked her what her strengths were so she could win the first Hacker AND they had the same type comp for the very next HOH that she WON!  She had her chance. Tyler will need to start winning again or Kaycee is going to win.

    I thought this was a thing earlier too but somebody pointed the obvious out and said that it does take time to put these comps together.  Maybe they had a choic between the two hacker comps and were deciding which to play first?    If  BB wants to be a legit comp show they should lay out the season and the twists ahead of time not play it by ear to see what the feel like doing/trying to keep in the game. 

  2. 7 hours ago, BBLurkerPlus said:

    Well, Tyler Country Fair-gate damaging the show's reputation fatally might not matter in the long run since Julie Chen will likely leave the show to follow her husband off CBS in the next few weeks.  That also puts the whole show in jeopardy at CBS, so it's possible it could be instead re-licensed to ABC, NBC, FOX, with a new production company, new house, and host.  After this, that actually might not be a bad scenario.

    This would be the best scenario to save this show.  I like Julie though and wouldn't mind her staying but the show going on another network would give it a new start after Haygate.

  3. 2 hours ago, Keepittogether said:

    I think it's also key to remember that when Big Brother started as a show, technology wasn't as advanced as it is now.  At the beginning, I certainly wasn't watching anything on my phone and texting blog responses.  Also, there were fewer "reality" shows on television and fewer cable outlets and programming in general.  I think that over the years the BB producers have started coming up with whatever gimmicks they can to keep the viewers watching.  I also think they probably make every houseguest feel completely comfortable in the diary room and like they are special and that secretly they are rooting for them, (when in the meantime they are treating every houseguest like that).  I wouldn't go as far as to say the game is rigged, but i do think production goes in to the beginning of the season with their favorites and then make adjustments along the way.  The producers may think someone is going to do really well at the beginning, but when they don't, probably cut them loose (as far as a lot of help in the game).  I think production makes alliances, just like the rest of the house.  Only they dump them once they realize it's not going anywhere.

    I agree with this 100%.  

  4. CBS is proving what a dinosaur it is in this field.  Maybe when then started this game 20 seasons ago it could get away with this but now no.  CBS needs to realize that not all that contestants will voluntarily say "hey I did a pull up to readjust myself and both feet left the disk I'm out".  Hay had less eyes helping her right?  More level 6 than people that would help her.  Maybe Scotty would have said something that's all she had.  I was thinking Ty might not have known he did what he did but he is also a fierce competitor and wanted to win so there is a good chance he did realize it.  CBS failed us all by not doing video playback before giving the HOH win, and I'm not talking about just this controversial HOH ALL of the HOH and Veto comps should have a video review before they reward the winner/ and or some other method that uses the tech we now have.  7 Years ago maybe the technology wasn't at everybody's fingertips to freeze frame on something like this?  Now everybody can if they want to.  

    How many players in the game wanted TY to win over Hay?  Ty had previously called out Scotty on a DQ so this proves the point that Hay was outnumbered in how many players would help catch rule violations. 

    Another point I wanted to make is maybe HG will have to change how they play and it would be more interesting if all HG tried extra hard and didn't try and throw comps if is a possibility that the winner could be DQed later?  I think it would possibly make the game more interesting.  If they do nothing to fix this situation I will for sure not be watching future seasons until CBS gets with the times.



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