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Posts posted by KarenP

  1. Evil Dick won and he was the biggest bully EVER. However, I am tired of the whining about 'bully' tactics. In case you forgot, this is a GAME. A chance of $500K, so to complain how 'mean' these HG are, they are trying to win. Would you just sit there and NOT do anything, with the exception of physical contact, to WIN? Perspective people. This isn't Romper Room!! Good grief.

  2. 21 hours ago, Keepittogether said:

    It’s obvious that a lot of you are okay with the use of the N word.  A lot of people are. It’s unfortunate.


    I don’t think I’ll be posting here anymore.  Cheers.

    Please...when the 'n' word is used in every other rap song sold on the market? It's ok for little miss thang to get all high & mighty but ok for her to use degrading slurs about another houseguest? pot meet kettle

  3. On 7/20/2018 at 8:22 PM, Keepittogether said:

    Well, in my humble opinion N word is a word that should never be used by anyone not matter what race they are.  The number of years of slavery in this country is  debatable depending on which historians you believe.  At any rate, everyone in and out of the United States (unless you are from a third world country) knows the meaning of the N word and that's is not a word that a person who is not black should ever say to a black person.  Period.  JC certainly didn't have venom behind his comment and Bayliegh also just seems ignorant of what the correct term is for a person of his size.


    The way Julie Chen made special mention of Sunday's episode, the network clearly knows that it's an issue that they need to address.   This is mild though compared to some of the years where racism was blatant. I'm sure you all remember Aaryn Gries?  Calling Candice -  Aunt Jemima behind her back, telling Helen Kim to go make some rice?  Now that was really bad.  

    CBS could care less about this except to promote its own agenda. This was clear that JC was putting it in a context that Bayleigh might understand the term she used. It's the same thing. Whether you 'approve' or not, is another issue. JC was making an example. I thought the segment lasted way too long and didn't promote the game at all. Thanks CBS for consistantly providing your social justice 'values'. STOP THE POLITICS!!!!



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