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Posts posted by reneshe

  1. 11:43AM BBT Cliff is alone in the backyard talking to the cameras.  He tells Sharon he needs to see her a soon as possible.  He says the first thing he wants to do is just be with her.  He says if she can't afford to get a plane ticket and somehow come to the show, then it's ok because he's always trusted her judgement.  He thinks surely if she comes out, they won't just make her have to sit in her own hotel room without being able to be at finale.

    Cliff says he's tried so hard to remember every detail of all the house guests' picture in case he needed to know for a competition but easily remembers every detail of his wife's face.  He says he's tired of the personalities in the house. He says Nicole is a great young woman.  he says holly is great and nice.  he says he doesn't have anything bad to say about anyone left in the house besides he's opinionated, abrasive and can talk very condescending to people and is self-centered but he's also 24 years old, just got out of college but he's a nice guy and has a good character.  He just has a little growing up and some wisdom to gain.

    11:48AM BBT Cliff says Jackson's hinted that he's worried about-

    we get fish.

  2. Cliff:  they have a lot more information about the connection between you and Christie than we did. you had told us a little bit and they knew a lot more.  Tommy says he got in trouble for saying more and then we get FISH.

    11:04AM BBT Tommy's crying and telling Nicole and Cliff that he isn't lying.  Cliff assures him that they aren't accusing him of lying.  Tommy says he wants to be here with them.  Nicole says that Jackson is telling Nicole and Cliff that Tommy is just telling them what they want to hear and is like wink wink.  Tommy says it's a lie.    Tommy says Jackson will win if he's sitting next to anyone else. 

    Cliff asks if he wants to go talk to everyone.  Tommy says lets do it.


    11:09AM BBT Nicole and Cliff says Holly wants to chat with her first.

  3. 10:46AM BBT

    The stress is getting to Cliff


    10:55AM BBT Nicole and Cliff get Tommy to talk.  They go to the RV.

    Nicole  says she's trying to say this in the best way possible- she's frustrated and confused and it goes without saying she wants to move forward in this game.  She says jackson told them that tommy is blowing smoke up their butts and he's going to f' them both over.

    Tommy says no.

    Nicole says they can't figure out if it's jackson or tommy trying to convince them of a lie.

    Tommy says weeks ago he, christie, jackson and holly didn't have a final 4 but a "we're good" type of thing. Tommy says we might have to get them in here.  Nicole and Cliff says they might end up having to do that.


    Tommy says, "he's coming into rooms that i'm in and not even talking and i don't know" (kind of figuring out that jackson is making it look like jackson and tommy are talking game).  Nicole tells Tommy what jackson said last night.  Tommy says what Jackson said is a lie, he came into the room, he didn't say anything and tommy thought it was weird. Tommy says jackson is lying to Cliff and Nicole.  Cliff lets them know that holly is outside the room packing.  Tommy and Nicole says they don't care.


    11:00AM BBT Holly is eavesdropping while Nicole, Cliff and Tommy talk. 

  4. 9:20AM BBT Tommy's packing in the target room.  Nicole and Cliff are still in bed but awake talking about if they should keep Tommy or Holly.  They both agree they'd rather compete against Holly rather than Tommy.  Cliff wonders if hashing it out with the others and finding out if Tommy really told Jackson he'd throw the HOH to him and work with him (Tommy didn't tell Jackson that.  Jackson told Holly that he made that up to Cliff and Nicole to get them to want to vote Tommy out).

  5. 6:00AM BBT The house guests are up, getting ready to do a memorial service for 9/11.  Everyone is wearing either a red, white or blue shirt. 



    6:11AM BBT The HG sing the Star Spangled Banner.  Then they sit down to talk about where they were when 9/11 happened.

    Tommy says he was in 6th grade.  He went home and didn't understand what was going on.  He started digging a hole in the back yard in case he needed to live in it.

    Cliff was on his way to work listening to news radio.  He heard the news on the radio.  He went to work and decided to try to be as normal as possible, they didn't have a tv at work but they were listening on the radio.  He said they listened as they heard about people falling out of windows and the buildings falling down.  They knew we would go to war.  He says once he saw the news and heard President Bush say there would be payback for this, it felt good.

    Nicole was in first grade.  She didn't know what was going on.  Everyone was being picked up early from school.  She knew she felt hate and fear.

    Holley was in Jr High at the orthodontist office.  Holly was wearing a NY shirt having to do w/ a tour in NY with her dance team.  She didn't understand why classes were ending once she got to school. 

    Jackson looks super bored while Holly tells her story of when 9/11 happened.

    Jackson was in 1st grade.  His dad picked him up from school right when the first tower fell. 



    Nicole prays as they all hold hands around the table.


  6. 10:27AM BBT Cliff and Nicole are in the backyard, sitting on the couches. 

    Cliff:  Nick is worried about Jess.  Nicole: I know.  Cliff says he's almost positive Michie is keeping things the way they are (the block).  Cliff and Nicole still can't believe they're on Big Brother.


    10:30AM BBT Cliff tells Nicole that he and his other brother tried out for amazing race once but it never went anywhere.

    Sis goes into the target bedroom where Tommy and Nick are laying.  Nick says if a nominee comes down, he hopes Jess goes up. 

    Nick says that Cliff doesn't like Jess either.  Sis leaves the room to get her mic. 

    Tommy says whoever wins the next HOH, he will make a deal with them.  Tommy doesn't know who he would want to go home next week.  Nick doesn't know who he would put up next to Jess if he wins HOH next week.  Tommy says Nick would just throw the HOH and Nick says he would because he wants Jess out.  Tommy says, "are you sure you want to win? because whoever you put up next to Jess is probably going to go."

    10:38 AM BBT:  In the kitchen, Sis tells Christie she hates feeling nervous like this.  She asks Christie if she wants to go to the target room and talk.  They walk into the target room with Nick and Tommy.  Christie says her talk with Jackson last night went well but she has no idea what he will do with the veto.  She says it's out of her control.  Christie basically told Jackson she will do whatever he wants, she will throw the HOH or anything he wants.

    10:40AM BBT Christie says Jackson is scared of her being better than him in mental comps.  Jackson comes in and says they have ten minutes- feeds cut.

  7. 10:07AM BBT Sam tells Nick and Bella that she would 100% put up Jack and Jackson if she got back in the house and won HOH.  They're talking about how to throw comps without looking like you meant to- to look pissed and don't talk.

    10:45AM BBT Nicole and Christi go to a bedroom alone to talk game.  Nicole told her that she (Christie) knows Cliff has said he would put Christie up if he stayed. Christie tells her that she's been actively trying to get her people to vote to keep Nicole.  Christie says she can't say for sure that Nicole is good to stay but she feels like it's close.  Christie says she sees so much in Nicole that she loves and wants to work with her.  

  8. 9:56AM BBT: Sam to Nick, "i was sitting up late last night with Nicole, actually enjoying it. And Kemi started having a melt down.  Me, Nicole and Cliff, we heard her crying.  Then the upstairs DR called her then she went in and came back out, crying.  Cameras cut. All feeds are now on Nicole brushing her teeth.

    10:02AM BBT Cameras are back on Nick, Bella and Sam.  Sam's telling Nick and Bella how Nicole sincerely wouldn't go after Nick and Bella and that she's not upset with them and thought Nick's speech was funny.  Bella tells them how she had given Nicole a dress and yesterday Nicole gave it back to her and Bella said no, no hard feelings, the dress is yours.

    Bella tells Sam he should stop talking so much s**t about people in front of people.  Sam says, "well i don't go around talking game with people" and Bella tells him he does and she gave him an example and he agreed.  Bella said she's just looking out for her boys.

  9. 1:42PM BBT: Nick talking alone in the HOH room. He tells the camera he's not even worried about the votes because he knows everyone knows he wants Nicole out.  He said you don't blindside your alliance with the votes, you blindside them by getting them out.  He says he will be pissed if they vote to keep Nicole but he hasn't been talking to anyone about the votes because he knows they know to vote Nicole out.  Meanwhile, Sis and Tommy are talking about how they want to tell Kat about voting to keep Nicole, but Jackson has said a little while ago that he doesn't want to tell her because she has a bad poker face.  He plans on telling her afterwards that they didn't tell her just for her own game and also so that Nick will still trust her.

  10. 11:10PM BBT:  Nick and Sys are talking and she tells him that she had sex with jack.  He asked how was it. She said she it was good and she was surprised how big Jack was. Nick said he's not surprised because you can see it when he walks around.  Nick says Jack's packing heat.  He asked if they got in the shower and she says yes.  Cameras cut for a minute.

    11:14PM BBT:  Sys tells Nick it lasted for a long time.  He asked 20 minutes and she said longer than that.  I think he asked if she got off and she said yes.  He said good for you.  Nick asked if they f***ed or if they did other s**t.  She said maybe and she giggles.  Nick:  Were you sitting down?  He lifted you up and did it?? 

    Sys:  I was standing up.  Cameras cut to the back yard for a minute. 

    11:23:  Nick asks if they actually showered too.  Sys says yes because i like to be clean.  Nick asked where Jack finished.  Sys:  The first time, on the floor.  Yesterday, like on my leg.  Nick:  on your leg?  why not on your face?"  Sys: because i was facing the wall.  Cameras cut to the back yard.

  11. 1:37PM BBT Jackson and Jack alone in the boat room

    Jack: so what's up w/ what you said

    jackson: i told kemi stuff to see if she would repeat it

    jack: why, she's already dead

    jackson tells jack about his conversations.  bella comes out and says that i said i was going to put bella up on the block next week if i win HOH. I explained to bella that's day 20, she's in gr8ful, why the f would i, on day 20, why would i tell kemi that i was going to put you up

    jack: so you never said that?

    jackson: no.  straight up. 

    jack: well it's been said that you confirmed that was said and you were testing her trust

    jackson: confirmed by who

    jack: bella said you confirmed it

    jackson: where's bella?? bella said she trust you but she's not able to trust you fully

    jack: WTF

    jackson: i told her for 15 mins how important it is that we stay together as an 8.  there's no way in hell that i said that.

    jack: well i'll go handle it

    jackson: i'll talk to her too.

    jack says they need to stay calm.

    jack:  but the story was that you told kemi that to see if you can trust kemi.  i'm going to handle it. 

    jackson: i'm not upset about it, i'm laughing about it. i'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

    1:49PM BBT Bella goes to the hammock where cliff, jack, sys and nick are and she confirms that jackson did say that he said stuff to Kemi to test her.  Jack said that there's a misunderstanding because jackson said that didn't happen.  jack tells Bella to go talk to Jackson.  Bella walks off. 

    Jackson's in the kitchen showing David his injured foot. Bella's standing in the kitchen.

    1:52PM BBT In the storage room:  bella said we confirmed that you said those things that were already known

    jackson: but i never told her that i was going to put you up to test her.

    they agree there was a misunderstanding.  All is good, they're on the same page.

  12. 1:27PM BBT:  Christie filling Analyse in on stuff that happened this afternoon.  I can't catch it all but Analyse says, "Is jackson f*ing ret***ed?"

    Sys: is jackson dumb?  (i think about jackson telling people that jack has the power) Jackson's not only blowing up his own game, but he's blowing up ours. 

    Christie says he's selfish.  Christie said jackson's an egomaniac and wants to just be the one to deliver news to people. 

    They agree there's no reason for him to tell the info that he shared.  They both want to talk to Bella really bad.


  13. 1:20PM BBT:  Kemi goes up to talk to Jack after she got upset w/ Bella for telling Jackson something that Jackson told Kemi, then Kemi told Bella (then bella told jackson that kemi told her but Bella tried to justify it to Kemi by saying he would respect it since he knows they're close).  Kemi asks Jack where his head is for this week.  Jack says this week was a tough week and he made his decision based off self defense.  He said he thinks Kemi has been a rockstar on the block for being humble and not causing a scene like Jessica. 

    Kemi:  I'm not the type of person to lie.  It's funny because you come into the game thinking you'll play heartless but i don't think i'm the type of person who can stomach lying. my question to you is if you were voting, who would you vote out?

    jack: to be honest, i'd vote to the house.

    kemi: but an individual vote- do you still see me as a threat

    jack:  i absolutely see you as a threat.  moving forward, you still have camp come back.  i'm not going to sit here and lie to your face and tell you that jess is a bigger threat than you. 

    kemi:  as far as socially, i feel like i'm not-

    jack: i don't know dude, she doesn't know the game well

    kemi: but she talks to more people than i do

    jack: but she also buries more people than you do.  there's votes that go best for the house and for people i care about in this game.  i can absolutely protect myself and i could absolutely protect the people i care about in this house. so that's where i'm torn.



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