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Posts posted by Kas67

  1. 20 hours ago, Alysse007 said:

    Why did you put cause in quotations?

    Reframe your thinking. They aren't targeting white people, they are just refusing to target black ones. Strange you can justify the targeting of all the black contestants. Derek x is a threat. Christian was a threat. You want to blame all those gadgets as ONLY being due to their whiteness, but won't say the black people were targeted due to their blackness. How does that make sense? Not to mention Derek x is not white. Not to mention they have not had power at every step. They have firm an alliance and have been killing it, period. They have had personal problems and still have started the course. Most alliances aren't able to di that. They have remained undetected and not lost ANY members and secured at least a jury spot for each of them. GREAT. 

    I put quotations around cause because that's their mission and have said it as an excuse/explanation to the live feeds for what they are doing.  I'm not saying that white people, Asians, Hispanic hg's haven't been targeted for being threats or bad game play.  I understand that aspect of the game.  I get that Christian and DX are threats to everyone's game who isn't aligned with them.  My pointing out some the recent past black contestants who were evicted was, in my opinion, due to being threats or just bad at the game.  Not solely due to the color of their skin as has been said by Frenchie and others.  

    I do think their alliance is killing it even if they don't get along with each other.  

    I still think that the mission for all of the marches last year was to bring people together. Not divide.  If the non-CO hg's don't feel bad about how the game went, then that's great.  If the 4 CO who go to jury are fine with losing the money for the cause, that's great too.  I've never liked steamroll seasons which seems to be the BB way as of late.

  2. As a longtime fan of the show, I have seen and heard racist comments/behavior by white houseguests.  Yes, there have been all white people alliances in the past. However, I do not recall any of them targeting the black hg's solely on their race.  In my opinion, they were targeted for poor gameplay or seen as a physical threat.  Swaggy C was somewhat of a physical threat but his narcissistic personality is what did him in.  Dayvonne and Bailey said too much and that got them targeted.  David was treated horribly by Jackson and his mob. But in All Stars, he was out of his league.  I am all for a black winner but would have liked to see it happen organically rather than forced due to a "cause".  The BLM cause is one I agree with.  But the cause is for the end of police brutality against black people and for the end of discrimination.  Wanting inclusivity would be the ultimate goal I would think.  Plus, this is a reality TV show.  I don't see where the "cause" had to be brought in. This cast is the most inclusive I've seen at the beginning and even currently with the non-CO hg's.  The non- CO +1's are being used because of the color of their skin. That, in my opinion, is discrimination.  I've heard Azah say that Kyland and Hannah shouldn't be a part of the CO because they are mixed. That is discrimination too.  

    I am rooting for Alyssa and X. And I have to give it to the CO for making it this far undetected.  

  3. This guy is nuts.  What business is it of his if anyone has been approached with an alliance offer?  He has several of his own.  He talks about being transparent. The other hg's should tell him he's a liar and grill him on why he promised literally everyone safety. And how many alliances he's got going.  Him telling Derek X that he's playing too hard too fast is laughable because that's exactly what he himself is doing.  I hope he's gone next week.  

  4. She is the biggest sore loser of all of the houseguests.  Shut up.... enjoy your last few days in the BB house....and go out with some shred of dignity.  She acts like everyone else lies and cheats but she has played an honest and loyal game.  Just last night she wanted to include Nick in her last ditch effort plan to Jackson to stay in the game.  Now she's throwing him under the bus.  Her and Sis are total mean girls.  Them begging America to give them a power was pathetic.  She's just angry that Jackson took the shot at her before she could at him.  I don't blame Jackson for putting both of those cry babies on the block after their nasty behavior, words and plans against him and Holly.  I haven't liked Jackson since day 1 but I totally agree with his noms and his explanation.  Bye Felicia!!

  5. 15 hours ago, JessicaRocks said:

    I thought Kevin's blow up over being confronted about taking the $25k prize was ridiculous.  In the first place, it was really stupid to tell anyone about it and expect them not to tell anyone else.  In the second place, reacting SO defensively as he did was a sure sign to everyone that he HAD taken the $25k and was then lying about it.  He made himself look really foolish, and he of all people should have had the maturity/experience to realize that!  If he had denied it once and acted geniunely cool about it, he might have convinced them all (except Matt of course) that he didn't take the $25k.


    I thought it was really interesting that Kevin revealed in his post finale interview that he didn't know that he had won the $25k until later in the diary room.  So Paul came into the house before Kevin even knew he was the one responsible for it.  I also wonder how many of the house guests pushed the button to try and take the money (Kevin was simply the one who pressed it first).  It wouldn't surprise me if EVERYONE in the house (or almost everyone) pushed it.


    It's also totally ludicrous that BB set up the whole premise that by taking the $25k prize, THAT PERSON caused Paul to come into the house.  Come on - there was NO WAY that everyone in the house was going to pass up $25k!  Hell, if by some miracle no one pressed the button - BB would have lied and said someone pushed it.  There was no way Paul was NOT coming into the house.  That was a foregone conclusion on CBS' part.

    I remember seeing that first "competition" and it showed Kevin's pod had a green light inside at the top and about 7 or so other pods with a red light. So definitely more than Kevin pushed the button.  I don't know how he didn't know he had won when there was a green light. (Unless the lights were added by production on the following episode when showing what happened "Previously, on Big Brother") And yes, that was a gimme to get Paul back in. I was surprised everyone didn't push it. 

  6. 1 hour ago, WOC said:

    Isn't Jess going to be on a soap opera or something? That would be funny if she actually worked this into real fame. 


    1 hour ago, Roli said:


    The Bold and the Beautiful.  I think it's just a little part, and seems to me it's as a hostess in a restaurant.  It's unlikely that it'll turn into anything.  My niece, who is gorgeous, worked as an extra on soaps and sitcoms for a few years.  She did get some small parts in a couple of movies.  She finally gave up and got a real career.  

    Yes, The Bold and the Beautiful. Dr Will was joking that she would play a proctologist. LMAO!!

  7. 7 hours ago, straykat said:

    Poor Paul didn't win and his fans are so upset that some have set up GoFundMe's for him.



    How rediculous!!  He's won $100k in just a years time. Isn't that enough?! That amount of money could do a lot for me.  How about those fans get invited to his halloween party at his parents house and they can all pat his back and ego. Then get a free t-shirt from his "clothing line" on their way out of the door. I wonder if Paul would support this stupid fundraiser. Geeez!

  8. 18 minutes ago, Newby said:

    I would like to have these answers also.  Is there a way some of these will be made public?

    I'm hoping so. This is one season I would like to see a reunion show in a month or so just to get these answers and to see if any of these HG's have stayed friends/couples. But they don't need anymore airtime. Especially Elena who's only reason to go on BB was to get "discovered".

  9. 1 hour ago, PinkyLee said:


    It did seem in Xmas exit interview with Julie she as well as puppet master Raven is very delusional as how she came off to the public eye.  When she said her Mom told her to kill them with kindness I laughed thinking you should have taken her advice lol.  Maybe she thought the cams went off at night and no one could hear her lol who knows. 

    As far as the rape comment though YES it was in very poor judgement on Jasons part to say such a thing please dont get me wrong.  BUT Jason being Jason I really dont think it was something he meant he would ever do or condone.  Im sure once he sees it replayed himself he will be on the phone with Kevin doing nothing more then saying how sorry he is.  

    I totally agree that Jason didn't mean he would actually do that. He seems to be a jokester and just said it to be funny, although it wasn't received that way in the public eye. He will definitely apologize to Kevin, his wife and family once he realizes how it was received. And I think Kevin will accept the apology because they were close friends and knows Jason didn't really mean it.

    And yeah, Christmas certainly killed her game but not with kindness. She trash talked just about every hg behind their backs and was fake to their faces.

  10. Some things I'd like to know over the next few days/weeks.

    1) The reaction Kevin has upon hearing the rape comment made by Jason. And upon hearing how badly Christmas and Paul talked badly behind his back. (These were the 3 main HG's he was the closest to)

    2) The reaction Raven has upon knowing her numerous lies we're exposed.

    3) Matt's reaction upon hearing the girl he threw away his game for is a compulsive liar.

    4) Christmas's reaction when she finds out people saw her as mean. 

    I could care less that Paul feels he's let his family, friends, bandmates and fans down AGAIN by coming in second and taking home $50k.  His mom will have to continue driving her Lexus instead of a Bentley.  Wah, wah wah.

  11. If Jeff is for sure out as the finale interviewer, then production can hand the mic to Paul for future after show parties and possibly the jury round table discussion.  Then production can have Paul serve his Kool aid to the jury members and use his mind control techniques to TRY to sway them into voting for whoever production wants to win.  Maybe if Paul has a job (other than his gumpy clothing line) he can finally make his parents proud.  Hearing him tell Josh that he let his parents, friends, bandmates and fans down last year because he didn't win was nauseating.  He didn't seem happy to win $50k.  Spoiled greedy gnome!


  12. This season should be titled "The Biggest Loser".  Not due to who lost the most weight but do to who's the biggest jackass.  However, that would mean Paul is top dog and wins. I don't want to see that happen.  Xmas couldn't answer Josh's question about who she would take to F2. He says he will take her. But it's looking like Paul and Xmas are getting closer in this last homestretch. I hope Josh is the one to decide who goes and who stays and that he chooses Xmas. Not that she deserves to be there. (She should have been sent home after her foot was ACCIDENTALLY broken by the fall with Jason) But because I want to watch gumpy Paul have to become the final juror. I'm not a fan of Josh by any means.  But kudos to him for figuring out Paul's game. I just wish Josh had actually done what he teased us with in his talks to the cameras. 

    While Kevin didn't win one HOH or Veto comp, he very well could have if he hadn't listed to Sir Paul and threw them. That's on Kevin, not Paul.  I can't believe how many comps we're thrown this season under the direction of Paul. Everyone fell into line with his plan never once taking a look at how his plan always helped himself. Not one of Paul's followers had a backbone except for Raven's inverted one.  Early on, Alex mentioned that you should never throw a comp. She also told Jason "Don't trust ANYONE in this game. Not even me"!!  When Jason started questioning Paul or xmas's moves, Alex called him an idiot.  No Alex, you were the idiot not to have listened to Jason!  

    The best night for me so far was when Raven, the most annoying hg ever (IMO), was sent out in a blindside!! Her lies about her numerous health issues and just general life stories were rediculous!!  Her fake on and off accents, fights with Matthew throwing flour, cinnamon, shampoo, etc. all showed how immature and mentally off she is.  

    Besides the mob mentality and purposeful shunning of this group, directed again by Paul, the thing that irritated me the most was how they treated Kevin to his face and behind his back.  They said it was "shady" that Kevin was always talking to the hg that was the next to be evicted because he was insuring jury votes.  Hello, this is Big Brother!!  And Paul has been doing the same exact thing but behind closed doors in his goodbye messages. He tries to explain what happened in a way that makes him look innocent or just says some nice things about the evicted hg. I'm glad Josh had the balls to expose the threesome alliance to some of the evicted ones and that production actually played them.  And it was repulsive hearing Paul telling Josh to "gas up" and verbally attack certain HG's right before a competition to throw them off so they wouldn't win. Why couldn't Paul do that himself? Because he wanted to look innocent in all of the chaos.

    If BB should return next summer, I have some suggestions to make watching the HG's a little easier on us viewers or a little harder on the HG's. 

    1) Every hg has to wear a shock collar.  When they eat with their mouths open chomping so loudly into the mics, they get shocked. If they sing, they get shocked. If they discuss throwing comps....same thing. 

    2) All snack foods must be kept in tupperware/Rubbermaid containers so that the plastic bag rummaging sounds don't annoy our ears or block out the conversations.

    3) Get rid of the spy TV in the HOH room!!  Let the fools be caught off guard by people coming upstairs like it used to be. Watching them scamper like roaches whenever someone they don't like is coming upstairs is rediculous.

    4) Make the penalty for not complying with the have not rules tougher. If you're not on the block and break the rules, you are now on the block. If you are on the block and break the rules.... bye! Or the offenders could be locked in a room with bread, water and a bucket until the next eviction so they can't campaign. (I know, a little harsh. Lol). Or just end the have not punishment and make them compete again for different types of food. 

    This is my first time posting this year so, sorry for the length of this. 



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