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Posts posted by Plumber

  1. 5 hours ago, BigMcK said:

    Yes, I agree Paul has done everything you say, but aside from physical touches, Paul has done exactly what it takes to win.  I think a comparison which Cult Leaders does not apply.  This is a TV show.  If he continued this outside of the house, then there might be cause for alarm.  It is a TV show,

    Paul lies and leadership was directed by production.

    He never lead anyone, he simply tried to recall his part.


    The best actor was Kevin, his jokes and stories were entertaining, although Jason's weren't that bad.


    the others sucked, or were juvenile.


    pathetic wannabes sums this up, selling junk on Amazon, more likely CraigsList scammers. 

  2. 3 hours ago, JessicaRocks said:

    ...and there is the "chance" that Josh had but blew: Paul and Christmas split the vote, giving Josh the decision who to evict.  The chance he had, the only chance he had to get rid of Paul would have been for him to evict Kevin instead of Alex.  He could have teamed up with Alex to get rid of Paul...Kevin can win nothing so there is no chance for Josh to team up with Kevin to evict Paul.  Christmas is totally blinded by Paul so she is totally out of the question.


    (Oh and Josh made Alex into a total enemy if he should make it to final 2, so he blew that too.)


    So - there you have it - Josh is now THE biggest fool in BB history.  Period.

    Josh played his part, fake crying on command, to the pots and pans, to the staged faux fights, this thing was worse than anything WWE did in 30 years!

  3. 5 hours ago, WOC said:

    I also read a spoiler about what happens next. I put the text in white so if somebody doesn't want to see it they won't. Just highlight my post and you'll be able to read it.


    To recap Week 12, Alex Ow was sent to Jury with a 1-1 vote, forcing Josh Martinez to break the tie. Paul won the final four competition, the same competition he won in Big Brother 18. Ironically, it was the competition, too – What the Bleep.

    The spoilers indicate that Paul nominated Kevin Schlehuber and Josh. That means if the nominations stay the same, Christmas Abbott will cast the sole vote to evict.

    Big Brother 19 spoilers state that Josh likely would want to win the POV to secure his safety. It’s pretty clear that Josh believes that unless he wins Veto Paul will try to get him out of the game.

    Christmas will want to evict Kevin and take Josh to the final two. Christmas has started to figure out that Paul’s plan is to take Kevin to the end, evicting both herself and Josh.

    CDL expects that Paul will not try to win the Veto competition. He hasn’t wanted to put himself in a position to choose between Josh and Kevin, so we’d expect him to continue that trend. He probably will encourage Kevin and Josh both to win it, because he knows he can convince either person to take him to the end.


    I guess we'll know tonight!

    I'm glad I cancelled my feed after Cody got bottled the 2nd time. I know five others who did, too. 

  4. CBS tried to overplay their hand.

    They had two good products, Survivor and Big Bamboozle.

    I've often wondered about Survivor, now I KNOW its scripted, too.

    I suspect that the producers get "kickbacks", in one way or another.

    The people picked to "play", or should I say "act" in these SCRIPTED FAKE-reality shows are also suspect.

    One need only look at some of those discovered on "Idol", and what happened a few weeks ago with the Bachelor/Bachelorette brand.


  5. 9 hours ago, Aldrich said:

    Perfect ending for this faux 'game'.  I think BB/CBS screwed themselves with this seemingly corrupt season.  I have no desire to watch BB Celebrities as I now believe that it also will be fixed.  The excitement is gone!  The interest I had watching what I believed were honest reactions and true game play is over.


     If Paul takes Kevin to F2, hopefully Jury will give the win to Kevin.  Will evil win out this season?


     This entire fiasco does remind me of times when Manson followers killed innocent people at orders from their 'leader' and when Jones talked his 'flock' of deranged religious people into drinking the koolaid,  pure evil on all 3 IMO.  This time we watched the entire thing played out on CBS.   Someone should be fired after this mess.  The world has been watching this, including impressionable minds of children and weak minded adults.  


    I agree with you.

    I will never watch another episode of Big Bamboozle.

    I hope CBS gets investigated over this one, just like NBC did over Charles Van Doren on Twent-One 50 years ago!







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