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Posts posted by pathiggins

  1. I was excited when I learned that Jason was living in my home town, and jealous that he got picked to go into the house and not me!  I have asked about him, no one in town seems to know him, and the way that he tries to get so much air time and put down his working at the supermarket, I am so disappointed.  I can't wait to hear Julie say, Jason, you have been evicted from the big brother house!

  2. 2:44 pm, Jessie has won POV. She is in the small room with Mc Rae talking about how to act and she is worried about next week. Mc Rae coaching her to lay low and just use the POV. Best thing about Amanda and I as a couple is that Amanda will always be a target. Jessie agrees, keep Amanda since she is always a target.

    2:44 pm, Jessie has won POV. She is in the small room with Mc Rae talking about how to act and she is worried about next week. Mc Rae coaching her to lay low and just use the POV. Best thing about Amanda and I as a couple is that Amanda will always be a target. Jessie agrees, keep Amanda since she is always a target.

    2:48 pm Mc Rae confronting Judd about him being MVP. Of course, Judd denies it and says if I am lying God can strike me dead right now.

    Amanda is so paranoid because she does not know who she has pissed off that keeps putting her on the block.

  3. 10:54 pm bbt, ian, shane, dan and britney in back yard playing badmitton. Frank and Jenn having private conversation in back yard chairs, cameras are on the badmitton game so far...

    Joe is the net referee! O serving 11, sounds like Dan and Britney are winning.

    10:54 bbt, Boogie joins Jenn and Frank, but no audio heard at this point.

    10:57 bbt, Jenn, Frank and Boogie are talking about musicians that they know and Boogie talking about a trip he took to Australia.

    11:01 bbt, Ashley has joined Frank and Jenn, Boogie took his dirty plate into the house. Ashley tolded to "please put on your microphone"

    11:03 bbt, Jenn asked what the badmitton score was, told 15 to 4. Now chit chat between Ashley and Jenn about not much of anything...

    11:05 bbt, Mike called to Diary Room. BB14 being boring this early in the season is so disappointing. Jenn and Ashley talking about how well Britt plays badmitton.

    Frank talking about how he hates to take showers at night because he has to wait for his hair to dry. Frank states that he stinks and has to "wash his ass and his balls" Jenn says that she has to wash her ass too.

    Jenn talking about someone named Ben Moody. who was engaged, and when he found out somethings while on tour and "was out"

    11:11 bbt Ashley goes back into the house...leaves Frank and Jenn alone...who are still watching the badmitton game!

    11:12 bbt Ashley returns from inside with a glass of Water. Jenn asks "where is danielle",

    Danielle is observing the badmitton tournament from the hammock

    11:15 bbt Frank goes into take a shower!



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