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Posts posted by Kuklafranolly

  1. On 8/17/2017 at 8:27 PM, fredtheturtle said:

    Why is Paul so hated because he plays a good game?  

    He shouldn't have lasted this long so this means he knows how to play.

    They don't lie to each other and trust each other.  What's wrong with playing a game like that?

    Alex, Paul and Jason are my favorites.

    Raven and Kevin couldn't win a competition if they were the only ones playing.  

    Are you kidding me? They are all lying to everyone including each other! Paul being the biggest liar of them all. Do you think he accomplished getting more than half of the hg's in his pocket by telling them the truth. I just don't like how is being portrayed as a Svengali when it has been all about gorilla warfare! I respect that lies are a good portion of how to win this game but don't agree with the pots and pans and personal attacks that were either instigated or performed by Paul. I do love how Mark stood his ground with the bastard though! All I can say is thank GOD for DVR or I wouldn't be able to watch at all!

  2. So for sure the producers are running the show again and this season is the MOST apparent it's ever been! I agree it's probably the hardest time yet I've had forcing myself to keep tuning in. But being the super fan that I am I keep watching! It seems each season gets just a little bit harder than the last to watch. Really sucks for me because Paul is the reason I hated last season so much and this season my stomach is actually turning. As Cody said this is the "Paul" show and in seasons past the producers would try to make it look like someone else had a chance to win but if the vote goes down like they are portraying it will no one else has a chance anymore. The coup would have to happen on this eviction or the numbers will not be able to be equal enough to stop Paul from running the whole thing. I don't understand how superfan Alex doesn't see through Paul and realize that Jason is not going to be protected by Paul and therefore her game is not safe with him as leader. It's quite obvious that Christmas is going to the end since she can't compete physically so does Alex really think she has a spot before Maven with Paul? Anyone with half a brain would realize he would keep those two together over keeping a single competitor that could actually beat him in the end. These people are being portrayed as just the flock for LORD Paul ( like someone called him). I know Kevin and Jason see the writing on the wall so it's dumbfounding that she doesn't. Christmas told meatball to think for himself so she sees the writing as well but her loyalty to anyone doesn't matter since she knows she's gonna be in the last three. BUT if producers really wanted to make the show more palatable they would have Christmas defect now while it will actually matter and give us viewers something we can actually stomach to watch. Am I right people? This way Kevin, Mark, Jason and Christmas (with Alex tie breaker) could save Cody and change the power. Of course that's not happening though since they brought Paul back this season to give him the money! Just throwing my two cents in. Not trying to offend anyone. Just hoping others agree with me. 



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