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Posts posted by paula1572

  1. my favorite part of the whole thing was the latest

    janelle-ism. "i have like the hugest memory i can

    remember." rofl. add that to her strategy to win

    all the prizes and wearing heels so she can be

    even more buxom.

    i liked gretchen and marcellas last season on

    housecalls but i really dont like marcellas this

    year. its too much about him name dropping

    and his insecurity about beau. they spend as

    much time talking about marcellas as they do

    the game itself. housecalls as a whole has been

    a huge disappointment this season.

  2. I said especially in a talk show type setting. Barbara Walters, Oprah, Jane Pauley, etc. All known for making their guests feel at ease enough to talk about hard issues and answer tough questions while coming across as sympathetic even though they call them out sometimes. I dont think Marcellas can be contrived as any sort of journalist no matter what he tries to convince himself of. He's put there for entertainment value and hes just not entertaining anymore. Same comments, same body language, and same self absorbed thinking as he's been demonstrating for a couple years now. And yes I agree that his major issue with Beau is he's too much like him and feels he's stealing some of his stage time.

  3. Obviously Marcellas wasnt chosen to do Housecalls because of his journalistic integrity or his skills. He was chosen because at one time he was a very popular BB alumni. He even made comments to James and Kaysar that they seemed to be after his job, which to me showed a little insecurity. But he may have reason to be insecure. If his presence is based solely on BB popularity, with Kaysar's overwhelming popularity this year and Marcellas' job performance this year, they may well choose to replace him with Kaysar next season. I've been saying it this whole season, Marcellas shows way too much favoritism and while he's welcome to his opinion, his job is to show some impartiality and interview them, not judge them. He ignored Beau and he acted like a child when Eric was on and refused to sit next to him, while he openly flirted with Kaysar and told him and James how good looking they are. I wouldnt have sat on Eric's lap either, nor did I expect Marcellas to, but I did expect him to act like an adult.

    Furthermore for all of their claims about getting to the dirt and calling it like they see it, Gretchen waited till Beau was off the line to make comments. Marcellas didnt hesitate to do it with Jennifer, although he did the same eye rolling thing to every answer she gave. Beau didnt give great answers but ya know some people just are not good public speakers and get tongue tied when put on the spot, just as Beau appeared to do during his nomination speech and when Julie Chen was interviewing him. He sure didnt have an issue with talking or getting his point across during conversations with the other HG's. And frankly, part of the interviewer's job is to put people at ease so that they feel more comfortable speaking and answering questions, especially in a talk show type setting. They made that effort for Kaysar and James and Michael, and Sarah and Rachel, but they made no attempt to at all with Eric or Beau.

    Hate to say it but I think Marcellas' usefulness as a talk show host has passed and its time to get someone who is able to seperate their emotions and personal judgements from the interview.

  4. personally i think marcellas' behaviour has been deplorable through most of this season. in past years he at least put on some air of being impartial but doesnt seem capable anymore. and the weeks long thing about beau bashing makes me think marcellas feels threatened by beau in some way. like he has to do something more outrageous than beau to get the attention back on him. gretchen obviously has her favorites too and they are pretty much the same ones as marcellas but at least she conveys it with some class and maturity. sometimes i have to just turn the show off because marcellas is on my nerves so bad. he needs to grow up and remember that housecalls isnt only about marcellas, its about the current houseguests. maybe next year they'll can marcellas and have kaysar do it instead. lol

  5. to start with marcellas isnt impartial enough to be the host and hes far too excitable. lol i can see him stomping his foot and having a fit when his personal choice answers a question wrong and isnt eligible for HOH.

    if julie called people out more in their eviction interview marcellas and gretchen would be out of a job. thats their gig.

    and would absolutely LOVE to see simon do exit interviews with them all! he could make them cry and rethink their entire lives. lol but again, marcellas and gretchen would be out of a job.

  6. anyone else ever notice that the only people just dying for america's choice eviction is the kaysar cult? LOL since they cant manage to win on their own, after kaysar got 2 chances, lets sit around and figure out ways we can win it FOR them shall we?

    sheesh let it go people. they got outplayed by the friendsheep like it or not. while they were sitting around telling each other how pretty they are and how smart they are and how much better they are and will always be, the friendsheep somehow managed to play the game in circles all around them.

    i realize ya'll hate to see the sov kult lose but deal with it, they are losing badly because of their own mistakes and i dont think they should be handed victories as a reward.



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