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Posts posted by tralynn222

  1. 1 hour ago, Lala467 said:

    I find it disgusting that the same gang of houseguests that all followed two people around the house to bully them called the 2 being berated bullies. Raven standing there screaming about Alex's cat ears being taken and yet SHE IS the one that took them. Jess and Cody being accused of saying things about other house guests like none of them have sat in little clicks making degrogitory comments is laugahable , examples Jason,Kevin & Josh saying Christmas is legit crazy. Raven & Matt saying the same thing about her. Kevin telling Paul &  Mark a man would have to drink everyday to put up with Raven's crap, Paul laughing in approval. All of the disgusting things Paul & Kevin especially but most of the others ,except for Cody he was evicted and I never heard Jess say a word , horrible things they said about Dominque. Paul and Christmas calling Cody a mental midget . Almost all,of them attacking Cody's military service even questioning if he served also saying he was a bad representation of the Marines. As a person with several veterans in my life that to me was just beyond attacking someone's character especially to watch Josh call Jess a ho' during HOH and after they all attacked and ganged up on them he kept his composure. But the thing that troubles me the most is how Paul is clearly being protected by production. After he has bragged more than once about putting Vaseline on the coffee scoop and putting it back in the coffee grinds and hasn't been reprimanded or removed from the house. I'm sure that poisionimg other houseguests isn't in their contract. On the back of Vaseline it clearly says if swallowed contact poison control and yet he put it in with something Cody will ingest . No matter who you root for ,making excuses for their actions or dismiss as gameplay that action endangers people's health and BB hasn't even told him to stop. If you all remember when Porcha tampered with the food she was reprimanded and had to tell the houseguests what she had done and she was just mixing food ,things not poisonous to people. I fully agree Cody made a bad game move WEEK ONE,but he also had to put up a third of the house in his one HOH. The actions these other people have taken and derogatory bigoted comments they have made in the past SEVERAL weeks leaves me baffled that they are still throwing up things from day 3, it's because they have nothing else to use. At least Cody has said it to people's face while everyone else takes their shots behind closed doors. Sorry for my rant I'm just disgusted watching Raven go off and cry making everyone think she was somehow bullied and how she says she can't stand for people to be attacked or confronted and then watch her scream and yell call Jess the b word what an hour later? So again another person that plays the victim card and then turns around and is the bully. She must just mean it's not right to ask her to her face why she has done what she has and find it acceptable to treat other people like crap. This is one of the worst seasons to me thus far. To watch an entire house ,with the exception of the 2 being harassed for playing their own game , fall all over themselves to do what Paul approves of or gives them permission to do. These people even went to ask for his permission to play in the temptation competition. For this alone I support the outcasts. At least they have the courage to play their own game and not let an entire house of bullies dictate to them what to do. 

    Completely agree.  This is the WORST season ever.  I used to like Paul, but now he's shown his true colors.  In the beginning I wasn't too keen on Cody because of what he said to Megan, but I don't think anyone should be treated the way he has.  No matter what, everyone deserves dignity and respect.  



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