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Posts posted by BigBrotherLife

  1. 10:25pm BBT Mark and Elena are alone in RBR. Elena's asking Mark about him having an alliance with Dom. He says he doesn't, but rather he's just comfortable talking to her. Elena says Mark should not feel forced to be with her. He says he hopes when he gets out of the house that he can keep showing her how much he likes her. She says being in the house is a strange situation. She says everything will change a lot when they leave. He's glad he has a few more months to get to know her. They then share a kiss. Well, a few. They stop to stare at each other. The kissing seems to be over. Wait, not quite yet. Elena is ready to leave the room, but Mark says he can't just yet because of a male issue (hint-hint). Dom then enters the room with the Bible. Elena says she may borrow the Bible some time or another. Dom seems irritated. Elena doesn't seem to want to leave the room, but she finally does.

    10:35pm BBT Now it's just Mark and Dom in the room. Mark says the only person that knows about their alliance is Cody and Matt. Dom tells Mark, "I got you," and that it won't change. Dom said she doesn't know if Mark sees what she sees. Dom wants him to see that Ramses is possibly planting seeds in Elena's brain. Dom says Ramses told her earlier that things were going down in the SR between him (Mark) and Elena. Dom wonders why Ramses would want her to know that. Mark says he's always been truthful with Elena about his friendship with her (Dom.) Mark asks Dom if she thinks Elena is trying to stir stuff up, and she nods her head "yes." 

    10:41pm BBT Dom says she thinks Elena is jealous of her and Mark's relationship. She says it's hard for them to keep having private conversations without Elena popping up. She said if Elena is jealous she needs to deal with it. She said she could be wrong, but Elena's behavior indicates that she has a problem with her (Dom). Mark says he's not stupid and can see how Elena brings up Dom's name a lot. Dom says to focus on how Elena acts when she (Dom) is around. Mark leaves the room. 

  2. 6:58pm BBT: Elena tells Christmas and Jason that she's pretty sure there are eight solid votes for Christmas.

    7:04pm BBT: Jillian and Ramses whispering in Have-Not room. Just general talk about possible scenarios for next week. Josh comes in and whispering stops immediately. Josh apologizes for interrupting. Jillian and Ramses continue to whisper after Josh leaves the room. Jillian states Paul is "all up in our business."



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