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Posts posted by Reinevp

  1. Wow.  It amazes me how one can go on and on and on, calling Alex, Whitney, Morgan, and Shelby names (i.e. The Plastics, mean girls, The Sloth), nitpicking every little thing they do while conveniently ignoring all the pettiness and name-calling on the other side of the house.

    Anyone who watches the LFs, and has a brain of their own, can see that this animosity is NOT one-sided as this blog seems determined to convince us.    Not by any means.  I've heard Alex, and her alliance called "bitches", "f*cking whores", and "pieces of trash", mostly by Jason and Kryssie.    I've heard them mocked, and made fun of.  I've heard Jason say they hid the Coke in their "loose vaginas."  Ugh!  They're even mocking Whitney's accent now, one of the nicest people in the house.  When Alex and Co. make an attempt to sit and socialize with Kryssie, Jason, etc. no one shows any interest in them or their lives.  So why is it such a surprise that BOTH sides of the house are divided?

    It's also interesting to me how Kryssie's bizarre tantrum about her bag with her dirty laundry was given a one-liner here, almost completely glossed over.  Seriously, what the heck did she expect them to do when her alliance members act like passive-agressive juveniles, hiding the Crackle?  Of course they were going to look for them.  They're bored!  And really, who bloody cares whether someone looks through your dirty laundry, when the other side had already rifled through their drawers?  Her anger was just so strange, and her hatred of A, W, S, and M was so over the top (haha.  See what I did there?) that I hope people saw it, since it was ignored here.  She showed her true colors, and they were a bit unbalanced and VERY angry.  And her constant harping about being on the block two weeks in a row is getting on my last nerve.  How can she be so self-absorbed, and oblivious to the game, that she can't see that she was never the target?  And don't get me started on the belching constantly, loud enough to wake the dead!  Belching montage, please!

    FWIW, I think Shelby is pretty funny.  So no, I won't be voting Shelby as America's Nom, even though this blog seems to be making a huge effort to convince everyone to do just that.  I'd like to see the numbers on each side more even, so I'd like to see Scott's plan work.  So, although I know they won't go home, I'll be voting for either Jason or Justin.  That way, hopefully!, either Shane (did anyone else see him trying to cheat in the barcode competition?) or Danielle will go home, with the bonus being that I either won't have to listen to Danielle anymore, or I won't have to watch them grope each other anymore.



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