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Posts posted by Lovey84

  1. I think your assessment sounds about right.....James as the favored, so would win against any of them. I think Nicole played a smart game, how can you argue against her success, she is still there. I am not understanding why she is not more popular when she clearly has the best manners and class (as far as the language, swearing etc). James is a good guy, I really hope that he is over Natalie, she is the most despicable, user person. It was horrible how she led James on, with no real attraction to him. She was throwing herself at every guy in the house, disgusting! How embarrassing for her family to watch, she should be ashamed of her behavior. Paul blew it completely when he called Meesh the C word....he can not win. What an awful thing to do, and ridiculous way to lose the game, again embarrassing for family. The swearing, in general, during the after dark show is horrible and trashy. I have not heard Nicole swear, and James and Corey are minimal, but the rest are trashy talkers and it's not acceptable. Despite the language, I do like victor, but he hasn't played good enough to not get evicted, he has been twice, he is just good at comps. I personally do not think it's fair to the people in the house for them to get to come back once evicted, it puts people in an unfair situation. A person gives up part of their game strategy to evict someone as HOH but they have to risk it to get someone out, only for them to come right back and send you out.....why would anyone want to be HOH and become a target.....until later, like Corey did? I would vote for Nicole to win it all, James second...... That's not how it will go though



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