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Posts posted by pinky14_81

  1. Hey everyone,

    I just got back from a weekend getaway and I have been reading all about the fight last night and I am so disappointed in the producers allowing him to stay in the game that I am seriously considering not watching the show anymore. They kicked scott out for throwing chairs around the backyard, not specifically at someone, but they made him leave. They are letting Eric stay when he physically went to attack someone!!!!!!?????? :evil:

    As for Kaysar, if he did throw that bottle then he should be asked to leave too. I love Kaysar, but violence is violence and it should not be tolerated.

    I think the people they have in the house this year all have serious ego problems and something of this violent magnitude was bound to happen, and I think the producers knew about it and let it happen. I am not knocking everyone here, but there are several people that should not be in the house.

    I was all ready to root for eric because I always vote for the older hg cuz they are always eliminated quickly, but I cannot stand him! All he is doing is making the other houseguests go against Micheal because HE doesnt like Micheal! If I was Micheal and I got evicted, I would file a slander suit against Eric for all the sexual harassment accusations against him!

  2. :rofl

    I agree for the most part. I am not annoyed by micheal, i am like in love with him. i haven't been watching too much of the live feeds because i am not home too much, but from what i have seen of michael, i just like him more and more. He amuses me, and i think that is why i like him.

  3. Ok, from what I have seen so far on the live feeds, I cannot stand april nor ivette. neither one of them knows how to shut their mouths. For that matter, eric never shuts up either. oh yeah, what the hell does ivette know about a guy being sexy?????? Thanks for letting me vent... :wink:

  4. Hey all, I had to watched BB taped cuz I was coming back to Maine from Mass. when it was on.

    From tonight's episode it is clear that Michael and Kaysar are paired and Rachel and Howie are a pair. I also saw how Beau ran right over to Ashlea when the nom ceremony was over. Body language says a lot sometimes.

  5. 24 7, you need to chill out. I agree with both of you. I think that maybe Diane didn't get the dream of becoming an actress until BB, but so what, people aren't allowed to change their dreams? I don't think anything will become of her, acting wise, it never works out that way, but you can't blame the girl for trying, can you?

  6. I am 23, but I will be 24 by the end of this season (September 14). I started watching the show cuz I was almost 7 months pregnant at the time and I had nothing better to do than sit on my butt cuz it was sooooooooo hot outside and I was huge! I started with BB2, and from what I've heard, I didn't miss much with BB1. I've been watching BB since before my son was born, now he's almost 4!!!! :shock:

  7. I just went back to the CBS website and saw what Kaysar does for a living, graphic designer. Then I remember that that is what Michael does as well, then Pino, you pointed out the similarities about the two! Wow, I am almost willing to bet money on this one! Too bad I don't gamble! :wink:

    I do have a question though? I may totally be out of the loop, which I often am, but who is Pete Yorn? Both James and Sarah have him listed as their favorite band. James and Sarah also have Pearl Jam listed as their favorite band and they both list working out and reading as their favorite hobbies. Maybe there is something to this, maybe not... :?:

    she kind of looks like a cross between Kelly Preston (in the face) and Anna Nicole Smith.

  8. All I have to say about not getting all of big brother is that, during BB4, I got the live feeds at like the end of august, when jack was still in the house, and it was boring as sin! So if I get a notice saying my three months is up, ok by me, will cancel, won't be anything to watch at that point! I got the live feeds early this year to see if getting them at the beginning is worth it!

  9. Out of all the houseguests, the only two that I have a strong guess on is Maggie and Eric being a pair. What made me think that was the fact that they are both Boston sports fans (obviously Eric cause he is from boston, but what about Maggie?) and they both kind of look alike!

  10. I started watching BB during season 2 and got addicted right away. I found mortys during season three and have been a religious viewer of mortys ever since. I just started posting this year though. I think mortys has had the best coverage of bb then any other website, and I have even bookmarked the page so with one click i am here. I am going to miss morty posting a billion times a day, but I am sure everyone else will do just as good of a job. I count on those rundowns for my inside info on the houseguests. I don't have the time to view the live feed all day, and where I am 3 hours behind BB its really hard to watch all the good stuff that happens at night, so I depend on those postings, just to let you all know. :wink:

  11. Same with the lone gay houseguest. Both Bunky and Will were lone wolves. I think it would be interesting  to see more than a token, either gay or mature houseguest, to allow an alliance  and a fair shake at winning.

    What about Marcellas (sp?) though? He was all up with at least Amy? He lasted pretty long. But I do agree with you, maybe they should have another gay person in the house. I think it would add dynamics to the show. Did anyone here see the Philly Real World? There were two gay men in the house, and they were completely opposite! Just goes to show that you shouldn't stereotype anyone. But I digress..... :roll:



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