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Posts posted by Kelsbels

  1. A floater will win this season now that Vic and Paul are up. Natalie hasn't done shit but I do hope since she fucked everything up Cory and Nicole take her and James out. Paul has always been my favorite and Vic has grown on me. I think they are playing the game the best. Forget Natalie!!

  2. On 2016-08-01 at 9:35 PM, mayzee said:

    I have about had enough of King Paulie and his rule of BB18.


    He's not satisfied that he won the veto and took himself off the block.  He's not content that he was successful in getting Davonne on the block to be backdoored this week.  Paulie knows that he has the votes for Davonne's eviction (Nicole, Corey, Natalie, Victor and himself) on Thursday night.  All it takes is 5 votes and Davonne is out.  He doesn't even need the votes of James, Zakiyah or Michelle.


    But for some reason Paulie is upset that Z & Michelle don't want to vote Davonne out because they prefer Davonne over Bridgette.  And apparently this is treason in Paulie world because he's been trashing them a lot today.  Zakiyah & Michelle have already pledged their loyalty to Paulie by voting as he tells them each & every time.  I don't get why Paulie is so pissed because Michelle & Z only represent 2 votes for Davonne and neither Z or Michelle have enough allies in the house to flip the vote.  Paulie changed the house target from Bridgette to Davonne with no explanation to the girls and I guess they weren't allowed to be upset about it.


    One of Paulie's ideas is to have Bridgette taunt Z & Michelle right before the next HOH comp to mess up their game in some way.  Paulie seems to be on edge because Z & Michelle are slowly putting the pieces together and have figured out that the boys are working together.  Last night Michelle mentioned to Z (I think) that Paulie was turning into Frank.

    Omg you should have seen this arrogant emotionally abusive paulie on after dark during the fight he and Z had. He needs to go!!!!!!!  Bb gods please do not let him win!!



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