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Posts posted by picklepear

  1. 2:16AM BBT: Christmas telling Paul about her conversation with Mark. Says Mark is pitching that Alex go home instead of him since he has no one and Alex is good at physical and mental comps. Says that Mark does not see the association with Christmas, Josh and Paul. He feels like Paul isn't with anyone. Paul still wants to get Mark out. Saying that Mark said he would be loyal to Christmas and Josh if she kept him and that he is a good physical competitor for them. Paul disagrees that he is a good physical competitor. Paul keeps pushing that they keep the plan the same. Mark told Christmas he feels Mark/Raven a team and Alex/Jason/Kevin. Josh and Mark feel like they should get Alex out before Jason because Jason would lose it without her. (Convo is a little confusing bc Christmas is obviously on her meds). Paul is saying Jason and Kevin will ban together if Alex leaves. Christmas saying that Kevin is not a good competitor. Paul trying to convince her in one moment that Kevin could be better than they know. In the next breath he says they can get Kevin out easily bc he is  not a good competitor. Saying they can get rid of Alex later and Christmas saying that could be harder than we think. Paul is saying if they got Cody out, they can get rid of Alex too. Christmas doesn't want to upset the house. Paul saying he only cares about protecting Christmas/Josh/himself since they are the only ones who have genuinely had his back. Christmas saying Jason/Mark/Alex are all equal targets to her. Paul saying he will back Christmas on getting rid of Alex, but he doesn't think it is smart of her. Now he is saying Mark has to go this week, but then Alex can go before Jason. He tells her absolutely not on getting anyone besides Mark out this week. (his HOH, right?) Saying that they think they could get Jason out first and still have Alex on their side and Kevin would still hate Alex. 

  2. 9:38 AM BBT: Michelle is up doing ADL's and James saying she has slept a lot in the past couple of days. He said he feels like he's slept so much his brain hurts. Michelle saying she has nothing to do when she gets home so she can sleep all day. Saying she talked to Paul about his vote. She was worried bc she saw Paulie talking to Bridgette outside last night and worried he was trying to get to her. Michelle asking why they don't just tell the person they are being evicted and James said that they are usually afraid the person will blow up their game. Michelle asking James to let her know if she is going home bc she has some information to share if she does. James is talking about how BB doesn't like for you to dress differently if you are going home bc it tells the audience what is going to happen. Michelle says she has a dress she wants to wear in case she is evicted. Michelle saying she is going to fight so hard for the HOH if she stays bc she can imagine how scared people will be if she wins. Michelle saying she still needs to talk to Bridgette. Saying Corey told her yesterday that Z is the target he thinks. James saying he thinks Paulie will try to stay out of it this week to get less blood on his hands with Z. Michelle asking how Victor knew to vote Day out and whether it was true if she talked crap about everyone. James said he heard that from Frank on the way out so he believes it. James saying Day said to his face that she was going after couples, but acted like that didn't include him. Michelle called to the DR.


    9:48 AM BBT: James in the kitchen getting some water. He goes outside and starts jogging in the yard. 

  3. 10:28 AM BBT: Girls saying the song they woke up to was weird. (Wheetus Teenage Dirtbag) They start singing and get asked to stop by BB. Natalie talking about getting a boob job and how she was so flat before. Saying it was such a great decision, but sometimes she misses having nothing at all. The girls are talking about what outfits they are going to wear. Natalie talking about how earlier in the season she was denying having fake boobs bc she didn't want people to know but she couldn't lie anymore. Nicole being called to the DR. Z saying that her stomach has been hurting since last night. Michelle saying she pranked Paul last night and scared him so bad. 

  4. 10:11 AM BBT: Michelle saying it is the ultimate betrayal of Paulie not to use the veto on Z and just shows he is afraid of Victor. Z doesn't seem too concerned. BB calling Z to the diary and she seems annoyed. Michelle saying she wearing heels bc this will be her last veto ceremony so she wants to go out looking good. Saying everyone always looks like crap except for Natalie. Natalie saying she does look like crap. Michelle telling Natalie that she trusts her and James but not Nicole and Corey. Saying that Paulie not using the veto proves that she can't trust any of them. Nicole now up using restroom. Nicole saying she finally started her period and Michelle and Natalie cheering. 


    10:16 AM BBT: Natalie and Michelle talking about how they can prank James tonight. Whenever Nicole walks out of bathroom, they whisper about getting the votes for her and go back to talking about pranks when she comes back in. Michelle saying this is the first veto ceremony where she doesn't really know what's going to happen and Natalie saying that she never knows anything. 


    10:22 AM BBT: James called to the DR. Girls talking about how Nicole could be Taylor Swift's sister bc they look alike. Now Natalie is talking about how much she loves Taylor Swift because she's spunky and likes girl power. 

  5. 9:46 AM BBT: Zakiya doing ADL's while Michelle is in the DR. Natalie comes into the bathroom and says hello to Z. Saying she is really sick from what she ate last night. Natalie wanting to wear Michelle's flower but wants to ask her again first to be sure. Asking Z how she feels and she responds that she feels ok. Z does not have her microphone on, so it is hard to hear her. BB tells her to put it on. She continues curling her hair. Natalie apologizes for getting her in trouble. They continue doing ADL's in silence.


  6. 9:42 AM BBT: Michelle up talking to live feeders in lounge room. Saying she is awake bc she needs to look good today. Saying Paulie prob won’t use veto which is sad bc she felt like they were in an alliance. Saying she was defeated at first, but talked to James about using his vote vetoes. She only needs 3 votes and thinks she has Natalie and James and could maybe get Paul. Wants to talk to Victor today to see who is true target is. She is about to practice her speech. “Paulie, congrats you’ve won another veto again. Statistically speaking he wins 50% of them. She could really use that luck if he wants to rub off on her. I assume you are not going to use it.” Talking to Zakiya as she walks back from the DR. Michelle is now called to the DR. Putting her hair up now.

  7. 12:37 PM BBT: Natalie is now up and headed to the restroom. James and Natalie in restroom area now doing ADL's. False alarm, Natalie went back to bed. 


    12:43 PM BBT: James goes in the have not room where Corey has woken up. Corey gives him a peace sign and asks what time it is. James crawls in a bumper car and says that this is a reminder of how bad it is to be a have not. James asking Corey what if he is a have not for another week too. 

  8. 12:02 PM BBT: James is now up and using the restroom. Camera 3 is just zooming around on all the mess in the house. 


    12:18 PM BBT: James wanders back to the bed with Natalie and gives a peace sign to the camera. He gets back up, salutes the camera and heads to the Kitchen. Grabs a spoon and goes to the storage room for some yogurt. (yes, this is the only thing to write about ~picklepear) He fixes something to drink and heads to the lounge room. Looking at the camera and saying, "MMM" about the yogurt. Telling the live feeders that everyone is still sleeping. Giving shout outs. "Day's on the block right now. Jason, if you're watching this, it's a game.... Y'all please don't be mad. To all you Frank fans out there, hope you guys can forgive me for taking Frank out. Think that's about it. stay tuned for Thursday for the craziness. Feel like eviction is this week or next week. Just trying to survive. By this day last time, he had been nominated 3 times already. This time, he has only been nom once. Trying to keep it that way. Will make big moves if he needs to but wants to be really low-key. Shout out to Season17 cast. Love and miss you. This cast is a little nuts." He leaves the lounge room. 


    12:29 PM BBT: James back in kitchen drinking his apple juice from a champagne glass. 

  9. 10:28 AM BBT: Hard to hear anything Paul is saying. Talking about how late Michelle, Day and Z stayed up last night. 


    10:35 AM BBT: Davonne is up washing her hands in the restroom. BB telling Corey that he is only allowed to sleep in the have not room. Paul saying he hopes it's a double eviction to get them down to 9 people. They are talking about what they will do if someone comes back in the house. Asking if you should give them a hug or would they be mad. Wondering if Victor is lucky enough to have the round trip ticket and come back twice. Saying they hope that doesn't happen if they get rid of him during double eviction. 

  10. 10:06 AM BBT: Getting fish, so possibly a wakeup call for the houseguests. 


    10:11 AM BBT: Victor and James in BR doing ADL's. Other houseguests stirring around. James asks what happened to their music, then goes into UKBR to lie back down. Paul going back up to the HOHR. and getting back in bed. Corey is in HOH bed too. Camera zooming in on Corey's face as he falls back to sleep. Paul wakes him by talking about people scheming in the house. They are trying to figure out if the live show is today or tomorrow. 


    Bridgette doing ADL's in the bathroom. Corey saying he wants to win the double eviction HOH to only be HOH for 30 minutes. Talking about wanting to know how someone (maybe victor?) will act that week. Also saying this person is walking around like he already won it. Talking about how funny it would be if Paul, Victor and Corey all used Victor as a pawn. Laughing about how it seems like Victor has never watched the show. 

  11. 1:02 PM BBT: Natalie and Paul are in secret Paris room taking pictures in various parts of the room. In the Kitchen, Bridgette is slurping some kind of liquid with a spoon. It could be soup. She and victor are talking about grocery shopping and how she doesn't want to get a cart so she won't get as much but ends up dropping everything. Victor now talking about the invention of the shopping cart. Bridgette saying she had a pokemon rolling backpack in school. Bridgette went to a public charter school for high school. 


    Day folding clothes in the UKBR while James appears to be sleeping. Now Paul is showing the camera pictures to Victor and Bridgette and they are laughing. Natalie doing splits in the kitchen. 



  12. 12:40 PM BBT: James and Day talking about what they talk about in the DR. Saying they asked who they can trust in the house. Day says that she always says James is her number one. Can't really hear what Day is saying to James bc she is talking quietly. 


    Nicole, Paul, Corey and Paulie talking in the lounge room. Taking pictures with the HOH camera. Bridgette and Natalie whispering and laughing in the bathroom and Bridgette saying everyone is going to be paranoid tomorrow. Now Paul came in and took a picture of them. Natalie saying if James is sleeping they can get pic pranking him by putting powder on his head. Day now in bathroom doing ADL's.  Nicole called to the DR.


    Bridgette and Victor in the KT. Paul and Natalie come in and start coming up with ideas for the HOH camera. Paulie, Corey and Victor taking picture with their butts out. 


    12:53 PM BBT: Most of HG are taking HOH pictures or are asleep. Day is putting lotion on her hands and makeup in UKBR. James telling her that he is unmotivated lately. She says everyone needs to get motivated on Thursday. Day saying she has done the pawn thing before and doesn't want to do it again, so she needs to win Thursday. 


    Day in living room now talking to Natalie about getting a picture of Paul crawling through the tunnel. Natalie and Paul have made their way into the secret room for pictures. 

  13. 12:06 PM BBT: Paul is out of the HOHR from doing his HOH blog. Nicole and Corey asking him about it. Paul is complaining about the shower issues for his HOH reign. They are talking about different setups for competitions and how elaborate they were. Contemplating on whether or not they will do a double eviction this year since they have done it so much in the past. Corey saying he wants the DE, since it knocks a whole week out in 10 minutes. Nicole talking about the person getting the double eviction having to return to get their stuff. Laughing about how Jozea called Nicole a schemer. Also laughing about how confident he was and kept talking to people saying "you know who's going home" and they wanted to say YOU. Paul trying to wake everyone up for an HOH lockdown. Houseguests are slowly getting up. 


    12:15 PM BBT: Bridgette and Paulie heading up stairs. BB announcing HOH lockdown again. Michelle and Z are now up and heading upstairs. Most everyone is still trying to sleep up there. Getting fish. I think for music since Paul asked for it. 

  14. 11:24 AM BBT: Nicole asking Corey why there is a condom on the table in the KT area. Nicole looks to be cleaning out the fridge. Corey saying that they are out of slop and Nicole saying how much Z ate and talking about how slop gets hard when it is microwaved. Nicole talking to camera giving shout outs and saying that she thinks a double eviction is coming up. Nicole talking about how much she loves board games and would kill for one right now. Nicole has made eggs and avocado. 


    Natalie is up now and upset that they are on IDL. Nicole just washing dishes. Getting fish bc Nicole is talking about people that did not sign releases.  Feeds now on Natalie who is doing ADL's. Nicole and Corey in the KT talking about her hometown. Nicole saying that Donny wanted to come visit, but he had a wrestling thing he was getting paid to do at the same time. Still just talking about weather in Nicole's hometown. 


    11:50 AM BBT: Nicole telling Corey about her dog that died when she was 16 and hard it was on her. She is crying a little bit telling the story about not being there when the dog died. Now Corey is telling the story of his dog dying. Now Nicole is talking about her current dogs, Paris and Beyonce. 

  15. 6:42 AM BBT: Paulie, Paul and Z in the HOH room talking about sex. She is asking what makes the guys want to have sex. Paul says for the connection with the girl if he's already attracted to her. If there's no connection, he wouldn't want to have sex with her. Now he is talking about having sex with a microwaved apple pie. (no joke ~picklepear) Paulie is saying that he shouldn't talk about that to Z. Paul is saying he doesn't get Paulie's answer and Z is getting annoyed. Paul saying he will not have unprotected sex unless he is in a relationship with the person. (Seems Z is only asking these questions to get Paulie's answers, which is not working ~picklepear)  Paul saying he worries about STD's a lot with girls he doesn't know and saying that girls in the past have tried to convince him to not use protection which is a red flag to him. Z asking if the guys want to know if a girl is on birth control before sex. Paul says he doesn't care until they are dating because he is using protection and thinks it's not his business. Talking about the difference between latex and lamb skin condoms. Paul asking America if he should wear condoms, no condoms or no sex at all. Paul is saying having no sex is not feasible, so you should just use good judgement. Z saying she prefers a man use a condom. The only people up are still talking about sex. Paul saying he needs an emotional connection or he doesn't enjoy sex. Says it is not in his nature. 





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