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Posts posted by mj074

  1. 11:30PM BBT Paul, Michelle,Victor in the chat room, talking about the competition and how Paulie talked about Cody and Derrick all the time. Some review of past alliances.  Kitchen empty, Corey to bathroom. Snoring in the bumper car room.


    11:35PM BBT Michelle wonders if the viewers like this years HGs.  Paul says we have given them great footage. But Michelle wonders what people think of them all.  Paul says they think Michelle is crazy.  Why would they think that?  Because she is a loose cannon he says, which is hilarious.  She says she has only been HOH once.  Yeah, Paul says, and you've blown up like four peoples games.  But it's been funny.


    11:45PM BBT Michelle wants to meet Ian.  And she hates Big Meech (the nickname).  Meech is fine, but Big Meech is like Big Bertha.


    11:55PM BBT Victor talks about being a movie extra in New Orleans.  An easy way to make like $100 a day, and fun.  He got to meet Miley Cyrus on a movie there.  The group breaks up as Michelle heads for bed.


    12:05AM BBT Only HG visible awake is Victor, snacking in kitchen.


    1:00AM BBT All feeds show sleeping HGs.


    1:05AM BBT Motion in the house.  Victor is awake.  Restroom break, then out to the yard to play a little solo billiards.

  2. 7:07PM BBT Natalie, James in HOH room.  Paul and Victor come in.  Paul thanks people for studying last night, it helped him.  They say "they've never done this comp before".  Natalie says she was miserable.  The glasses must made everyone look more funny.  Paul seems to be saying that Nicole will be target next week unless she wins HOH.  They doubt that the next Care Package could help her.

  3. 1:40PM BBT James makes the case to break up Paul and Victor again.  Nat agrees with his logic, but says she will play whatever makes sense once they know how the veto comes out.  They speculate that nobody in the house knows how much planning James does -- the house probably mostly thinks he is a goofy laid back guy.  Nat is happy she outlasted Paulie and took out the biggest threat in the house.  James agrees -- it's good speech material too.

  4. 1:30PM BBT James and Natalie continue to talk.  Nat thinks that BB picked emotional players this year...which means that there are more possibilities to turn things around.  Nat says that Michelle goes toward people who make her feel protected, so she thinks James needs to more actively make Michelle feel safe.  Nat feels certain that if Michelle's nominee won the veto that Michelle would put up who Nat wants.  Nat says she is very open with Michelle now on game strat and Michelle appreciates that.  Nat thanks James for talking things through and helping here clear her head.  She is still mad about what happened last night.  [Paul seems to be making a lot of assumptions about how things might go if other people win the veto].  They think Paul is playing too hard.

  5. 1:00PM BBT All cameras on TBR, lights on, folks asleep.


    1:15PM BBT Natalie and James in the HOH room. James thinks they will be safe next week, even if Paul is there next week and he wins HOH, he just isn't gonna work with Corey and Nicole.  James says when the backyard opens up he (James) will buddy up with Corey just like before. Paul or Victor might work with Natalie, but not Corey and Nicole.  James says he would vote against Corey if that's what Natalie wants.  If Corey does go home, Nicole will have nobody, so they can probably use her if need be.  James says we always need to stay in the middle, and we have been doing that.  James didn't want to win HOH this week or the upcoming week.


    1:20PM BBT  Natalie wanted to have the full BB experience, but she doesn't want to be HOH again until the very end.  She doesn't really know who to trust.  James thinks he can trust both sides, but    Victor does what Paul wants to do.  Victor takes commands.  She doesn't care that Paul is on the block, but she does feel bad that Vic is up, she thinks of him as a friend.  James says Nat is a good person and she thinks she is a good person, they are both nice people.  On the outside, everybody is probably nice, but in here, people do bad things in the game.  Nat has taken a lot of crud from a lot of people.  [mj074 -- I think James is trying to tell Natalie she has to do some bad, or at least slightly bad stuff in the game no matter what, but he's not saying that in so many words, he is giving a lot of examples] James: If somebody in the house knows how to play the game and wins comps, then they need to go home.

  6. 3:55AM BBT Tokyo bedroom, James telling Nat, Nic, and Mich about the twins last year.  They had 15 or 20 minutes to exchange info.  He continues discussing the twins gameplay and related gameplay, which turns into a bit of discussion as to whether battle of the block should count as a comp (James seems inclined to think it shouldn't). Paulie in the yard reassuring Zakiyah that Michelle will go home via unanimous vote so he's not going to take Z down, and she's safe.  She seems okay with that.


    5:00Am BBT Seems like everyone is finally asleep, or very nearly so.  All cameras on dark quiet rooms.



  7. 3:27AM BBT Nicole and Michelle in the Tokyo Bedroom, Nicole arrives.  N says that the guys alliance is now named the Cwawkodile Huntuhs.  Advancemen turned into Allsmen turned into Cwawkodile Huntahs [they do not spell this out completely, that's what it sounded like to me].  Nicole is very tired, the other two girls can't sleep.  Nicole tells them to not worry about keeping her awake, feel free to talk.  Nicole tells Michelle how the hashtags came up, and spells Shoopinpings out   Paulie was telling a story about playing soccer, boys say chupa mi pinga (suck my dick), then they started saying pingshooping, which turned into #shoopinpings.  Deehay they made up, it means dick head.  Dije in spanish just means "I said".  Some additional discussion about all the spanish curse words being used in the house this summer.








  8. 3:20AM BBT More very open game discussion between Paulie, Corey,and James.  Paul is definitely doing some things that are counter to their goals.  They tell James he should nullify his own vote, but he says that he asked BB and he is not allowed to do that.  They grump a little that the next Care Package will mess up plans somehow.  Who knows what will come next.  Paulie is pissed about some of the girls calling them the AllsMen.  [Natalie and Zakiyah earlier asked Paulie and James at the door what the boys alliance is named during the flirting and giggling, they called them the AllsMen].  James: we can't sleep on Victor.  Paulie: Vic is robotic, he does better when he has orders, so we can't let the orders be coming from Paul.  James says we should assume that Bridgette, Michelle, Paul and Victor are trying to build a little squad.  Near as I can tell from the game talk, Michelle is the real target this week, but this three is having to work a bit to make that happen for sure.  Corey says that Michelle is suspicious of Victor getting close with Bridgette.  James says Michelle is a loose canon and needs to go.  Corey: you just don't know with Meech.  They all agree that they have basically no idea what Michelle would do if she happened to get an HOH.

  9. 3:00AM BBT Most of the HGs are in the kitchen with similar excess/nervous energy as to last night.  The boys seem to be having some kind of giant slop eating experiment/contest.  It seems that slop + hash browns and/or corned beef hash is the best slop combination of all time, or at least of the season.  They boys have spent quite a bit of the past 15 minutes trying to convince Nicole that in Texas (and possibly all of the United States, if not perhaps the entire known universe), the standard pronunciation of "balogna" is BUH-LOG-NA.  Nicole says they are all nuts, it's BUH-LONE-EE.  Let's see: Paul, Victor and Michelle are elsewhere, but all cameras are showing the kitchen.


    More silly discussion about how all BB18 social medial should hashtag everything with #shupenpings and #deehay .  These are apparently slangified/slopified versions of several spanish phrases that probably should not be said in polite company.  Tons of giggling over all of this.  More discussion of sexual/slang terms for male and female body parts.  Spanish inappropriate words.  Although all 4 cameras are on the kitchen, it seems that one microphone might be picking up Corey and Nicole.  Earlier Corey and Nicole at the kitchen table had a strange/amusing little argument regarding Nicole not just giving Corey her phone number.  It was during everything else going on, but seemed to be slightly serious.  It boiled down to Nicole thinking that if he wasn't even brave enough to =ask= for her number, he wasn't going to get it.  Besides, she doesn't like to phone or text.  He could write her a letter, seems she would like that.


    3:15AM BBT James and Paulie playing pool outdoors.  They agree that this weeks slop combo is great.  Paulie says "the longer we can keep us three a secret, the better".  .  Natalie and Zakiyah are flirting at/through the windows.  They are the Sassy Sisters, flirting with the Crocodile Hunters (kwakodile).  Paulie is doing an Elmer Fudd voice and it's cracking the girls up.  Bridgette and Michelle are briefly near the door, and the boys ask Big Meech where she has been.  A brief camera flash shows Nicole in bed in the dark.  The girls head for the powder room and Paule and James talk game, with some discussion as to how James should use the care package vote eliminations.  More game talk/speculation as to how Victor might proceed if he got another HOH.  Corey arrives and game talk continues with no change in tone.  Paulie says that there is talk about there being an all boys alliance, but he says that they just remove Bridgette and Michelle and Nicole and Z aren't going to go against that. 





  10. 2:50AM BBT Victor repeating the nomination poem to Bridgette/himself (they are chuckling throughout):

    V: I was up here for the longest time thinking up the poem.  B: I looked at you and I was like, what's in his pockets.  V: When they called me down I forgot to take my jester hat.  B: I looked around the table, everyone was just trying to not laugh, everyone was trying to hold back laughter, literally everyone except the two.  Paul just in the middle like "whoa!".  



    "Nine-to-one, do those numbers ring a bell?
     My eviction day that's how the votes fell


     Battle-back champ, I got the notches on my belt
     and now you're going to see how eviction felt


     Z, this is really based on strategy
     if it was up to you the person on the block would be me


     And to be honest you never really gave me too much attention
     Paulie is the only one who gets your affection


     Michelle this should be easy and clear to see

     just two days ago you were mean and rude to me,

     But really your quote wasn't too far off
     yesterday wasn't the day to piss people off"


    B: you threw that in there, I was like "Ouch!". V: it was supposed to end, and I messed this up, it was supposed to end with :


    "But hopefully this doesn't end any relationships
     so here are some beads out of friendship"


    But I messed that up, yeah what did you say,   Something like here are some beads to cherish. I just wanted it over with at that point.  Toss, toss, (the mardis gras beads).  Are we gonna wrap this shit up.


    B: I heard her (Michelle) in the bathroom after, saying I don't understand why I am up there.  I don't win anything, it's not like I've one anything, I was like ... yeaaaahhhh...  V: I literally walk in the room put the little orca whale in her lap and she throws it on the ground.  I told her, those little things, people don't forget that.


    If Frank is watching this at home he's dying laughing.  What? Bridgette didn't go up on the block? Hell yeah!  


    They speculate that America must like the James/Natalie thing (talking about who got the care packages).  Paul comes in the room.  He forgot about getting Victor ice cream for 20 minutes (giving Victor ice cream).  He hassles Bridget a little.  V to P: what are you about to do, bud.  P: I don't know, suck my own balls, I'm bored.  [he's been saying this all night, but it's less annoying than i would have guessed, the man must have a little charisma or something]


    One of the drawers near the bed opens a little bit on its own.  Paul: "Whoa, whoa, I just did that with my mind."  Bridgette tells him to try to move it again and he tries.  She says, wow, it moved again!  Then says she is lying.  They are a little bit goofy.  Victor says his grandmother is a virgin.  Paul wishes he had keestered some substance into the house.  They goof on how that could be used as an advantage in the comps.  Just a lot of silly talk.  Everybody seems tired, but the nervous energy just is not dissipating.

  11. 2:45AM BBT Talk continues in the powder room.  Michelle remembering some of Jozea's more extravagant claims.  Everybody there still seems happy.  Victor and Bridgette in the HOH room/bed, low key talk remembering past comps and who won them.  Not practicing for the remember comp so much as adding up who has good win/loss records and how they each fit into that ranking.  Victor wants to be remembered as a competition beast, and not just physical.  He looks at his hands/blisters and says he sorta regrets working so hard on this one, why did it have to be so physical.  Bridgette says his hands will heal fast.

  12. 1:52AM BBT Paul goes to the powder room, the girls are gonna get everybody in the house paired up and they will all play Amazing Race.  Then they talk about Survivor.  They say Da was invited to Survivor, but picked BB18 over that.  Paul says Meech would die on day one or two of Survivor.  And he would die almost as soon.  Paul says some pretty funny stuff about eating (or not eating bugs).  "Where's the Almond Milk?!?"  Some of this gang knows Survivor well, some not at all.  Random chit chat scattered in.  Paul would use Natalie as bait in Survivor.  He is going to take a shower.  Crawl-bugging.  Soapy burps.  Gross.  Natalie says Paul always talks about cannabalism and killing.  He says he's bored.  Paul comes back to the powder room with a small squirt bottle of saline solution and acts like he is pissing on everybody.  They all laugh.  He has a moth on his butt.  It must be pretty small, I can't see it, but they all seem to think it's really there.  Everybody is getting rambunctious/loopy.  Paul puts on some kind of purple sleeves (leg warmers maybe?) and the girls get him to dance around, doing several diferent dance steps on command.  Paul is bored.  Natalie has never been on a picnic as part of a date.

  13. 1:40AM BBT Everybody says they have eaten too much tonight and are useless, but there seems to be a lot of energy in the house.  Not sure where Paul is, maybe the DR.


    Bridgette talking about Amazing Race.  Sounds like Meech isn't familiar with it, she asks which season was good, which season to watch.  They talk about possible BB pairs crossing over to Amazing Race [didn't Amazing Race film their final season earlier this year? -- Wikipedia seems to say that it is still active]


    Whoops, I forgot, Paul is with Nicole in the Tokyo bedroom.  They are talking a bit of game, but pretty quietly, even with volume turned up I can't make out a lot of what they are saying.  They starting talking at more normal volumes and as they do, Paul says he thinks Michelle is too unpredictable, which makes her kind of a threat.  They are both talking in pretty normal terms, no back-biting or sarcasm for once.  Nicole says she better go mend fences with Corey.  Paul says she should go talk to Exec and go along with anything he says.  They both say they are very tired, and now they do seem to be fading a little bit.

  14. 1:27AM BBT Nicole walks through the kitchen and Paul tries to sass her, but she walks through the room, and Paul follows.  She is a bit upset, some kind of anxiety attack.  Paul says he has them too, what's wrong?  Nicole says it just happens from time to time, and she's fine.  Getting better already.  She ate too much, and had three cups of coffee and her heart started racing and she felt like she was going to die.  She's talking pretty normally by this point, and Michelle and Z have come in by this point.  They exchange some fairly short stories about anxiety and anxiety attacks.  Everybody has them at one time or another.  Nicole says she has them more often than most, and often at the weirdest time, like after a random Thanksgiving dinner one year.  Nicole thanks everybody for being so nice.



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