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Posts posted by Samantha

  1. 24 minutes ago, Slowpoke said:

    I've never understood why other HGs use the HOH shower.

    I can understand if they want to soak / bubble bath in the tub... but why drag all your stuff up there for the shower?



    For the added privacy maybe? 


    If I was in the BB house and won HOH, I'd be stingy with my room! I won that comp and all the immendies, you have no business in my room unless invited! With the exception of my "best friend" in the house, no one is going to have the luxury of coming in the room without knocking or using the room while I am not in there! 

  2. Completely unrelated to this season but whst are some of the things you miss from previous seasons?


    I miss the HOH room changing every week. That was one of my favorite things to see each how the room changed when I new HOH was selected! This season, they have barely even shown the pictures and letters every week. 


    I also miss the key ceremony where each house guest pulls out the next key until they are all gone! 

  3. Did anyone catch the ending narrative of tonight's episode? Regarding the POF, he said "...will it be used to save Bridgette AND Frank" instead of the usual or. Am I thinking too much into this or is a twist coming that could save them both? 


    Also, what do you think could be coming with this new twist about a secret room? 



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