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Posts posted by sandilee

  1. 1:15 am BBT  All HGs, except Raven are up. Xmas is washing dishes. Josh and Paul playing chess, Alex and Jason watching. An hour ago, the only one up was Josh. Don't know when the rest got up or why. 


    2:00 am BBT  Josh and Paul still playing. Xmas still watching. She has been taught how to play by Paul today. Other HGs seem to be sleeping.


    3:27 am BBT Paul and Xmas having another discussion about Raven in the HOH.  {Wish they would go to sleep so maybe I could too.  Also wish that the feeds would stop being cut off for the only people left awake. Very irritating. I would prefer to hear the entire conversation instead of listening to people snoring.}   


    6:05 am BBT  Xmas was called to DR at 5 am because she was still awake with Paul. She went to HOH to bed, and Paul went to his bed at this time  {Me tpp}.

  2. 2:35 BBT  Most HGs found a bed and are trying to go to sleep. Paul still trying to control what Kevin is up to. Only seems to work when Paul can threaten Kevin in some way. Paul says that Kevin didn't want to drop first, said Kevin said he was embarrassed to drop before the girls did. Paul told him that if he didn't drop then Paul would stay in the running for HOH and put Kevin up. Then Paul would make sure Kevin would go to jury. That seemed to work. {Paul had spent days arranging for people to drop out as soon as Kevin did. Paul has become Quite the puppet-master.this season.}

  3. 2:20 am Corey & Nic cuddling in bed waiting for Vic to get done showering so they can go to sleep. Corey has just fed the fish and then gone downstairs to get his clothes from the dryer. Still waiting for Vic to leave. James & Paul already in the UKBR in their beds, Paul still asking questions about further comps and procedures. Hopefully all will be sleeping soon. (Including me -- Sandilee)


  4. It is 2 am. All are trying to sleep but unable to. Corey and Nic are in HOH talking about why he is upset that her rear end is in his comic page. Lots of possibilities there. Other guys in UKBR. Paul says he wants to hate F someone. They are all exhausted but Paul can't seem to shut up. Vic is probably the first to finally sleep. He had to ring the bell the most times in the comic comp,15 or 16 times. Nicole only had to ring 4 times.

  5. Thursday September 1, Big Brother 18, 4:30 - 5:15am  Corey could not sleep so he spent some time sweeping, then mopping the floors. He also sprayed down and wiped the counters, tables, chairs, and stove in the kitchen and dining areas. He also sprayed and mopped the stairway to the HOH room. He even worked up a sweat! (Many days  earlier he had explained his current home situation, having other male housemates who dirtied his house up and he had to clean it up and get the old roomies out) Finally, he spoke on the live feeds, to his family and current housemates, to say hi, explain why he was up and what he was doing, and to ask his housemates to keep his house clean too. Then he went to bed in the HN room bumper car.

  6. Couldn't put this in other forum. Michelle, or the Big Meech as she likes to be called, and the other lady competitors have island-type costumes on with green painted faces. Most go off to shower but she stays in costume and asks the other hgs if she can wear her new POV to the dr. She is so darling. Love both her and Nicole, my two Michigan BB women.

  7. BTW. Looked like some kind of ?OMTEP? Is that the name for the one where they have to get answers and race back to save themselves first, before they lost their spot in the line?

    Maybe I should be putting this in live feeds forum but I am just so pleased and HAPPY that she won that I had to comment here. Maybe I will go there now.

  8. Just had to say, directly from live feeds, Michelle won the POV and if things go as planned, with no self evictions, Frank will be out on Thursday. I am so proud to be another Michigan woman, with two already on BB. First time posting here. Hope this is the right place for this, So proud of Meech!



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