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Posts posted by EEonBB

  1. I have always liked Survivor better than BB. I won't hesitate to throw a brat fit if there is even a remote chance someone wants to watch something else on Thrsdays...lol

    At least with Survivor you have 2 teams who have to vote out one of their own if they lose a challenge. On BB this year, with the 2 teams, it has been so predictable. Whichever team got the 'challenge' you knew would send home a member of the opposing team (with the exception of Howie).

    Making a team turn on itself makes things much more interesting.

  2. She said you have to vote who played the game best... That Janelle played the game well... That she really knows the game... That she came in knowing she couldn't make friends (hehe) and that she knows alot of stuff about what is going to happen in the game before it does...

    As a non-live feeder here.......WHAT is Aprils reaction to THAT????? Maggie appears to have got bitten by the same "tell-all" bug that Howie did!!

    (BTW, thx live feeders....this is too good to go to bed for....lol)

  3. When I lived in Arkansas we had something called Krystals (same thing as white castle, just different name) and now that I'm in Springfield, Mo I dont have EITHER.... North is White Castle .... South is Krystals.... I WANT ONE SO BAD!!!!!

    LMMFAO!! In Tennessee we have both. Krystals has been around forever.....White Castle came in about 20 years ago?

  4. Why not whine about something constructive....like gas prices or the war. For Christs sake......its a freakin live feed to a tv show......NOT the end of the world! So what if you were forced to wait like everyone else and see the results on Saturday!

    The only things you can ever expect to be 24/7 in life are hospitals and law enforcement......other than that.....you're setting yourself up for disappointment. I can't believe some people get so wired up over a live feed being cut. Damn and all.



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