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Posts posted by hotqd

  1. 10:34 pm PAC

    Frank and Bridgette talking, still stuck with only Cam 1 that is up to date, the rest of them are still all stuck on noon today

    Makes no sense that they can’t fix it, they should give us a free month cause of this, IMHO.

    Anyway those 2 are just blabbing about nothing in particular, but will hang in for a little while longer in case something exciting happens.

    Okay I have figured out how to run BBviewer and now can see all cams in current time, which on the West coast is now 10:59 pm.

    James, Bronte, and Nat are talking about how Paul, creeped Bronte out and asked for a backrub, even though she said she was tired, and then when she quit, she started falling asleep, and then she felt his hand on her back. She woke up and moved over, and I guess it bothered her that he kept reaching out to touch her.

    Natalie tells Bronte that she thinks Paul has a crush on her, but Bronte quickly points out that when they first met, he told her he thought she was weird.

    Conversation goes onto how uncomfortable Jozea and Victor made the girls feel, in the first couple of weeks. That they won’t want to have anything to do with them outside of the house with them.

    Just boring conversations James asked the girls if they were recruited or if they went to an open casting call to get on the show.  Nat says she knew someone on Amazing Race, that got her recruited, and Bronte says that last year she went to an open casting call in LA, but didn’t have to go through any of that this year.

    Oh great now my BBViewer has frozen, guess I will call it a night, not much happening here anyway.

    11:14 Pacific Time



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