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Posts posted by snarkie

  1. Sticking to my fav Meg.  I know that she will not get it, but she is my fav.


    Jmac or Steve are also good for me because they represent the nerd votes.


    James lost it for me because he was so stubbornly stupid.  He led his little band to avenge Jason instead of being smart and go after the better targets when presented.  I believe that he led them to the slaughter.   He could have teamed with Becky to get V out early, but no.  He stuck with his ill-conceived plan for vengeance.

  2. I have pretty much the same thought on comp wins.   My thought is that to base a vote solely on comp wins is a lame metric that is used by the intellectually lazy.


    If Derek had taken Victoria to the final two last season, I would have voted for her.   Sure she could no right as far as comps were concerned, but she did her job as pawn the entire season.  So we would have had the sly and conniving vs the obedient and dutiful.  Both would be at final two, so why would only comp wins be the primary criteria.


    Many say that they would never vote for Meg.  I would.  She was a nice person to have in the house.  I would have given my vote to her had she not been culled like the weakling runt of the herd.


    Steve played his part as the meek red-headed stepchild or the hired mule (you pick).   He took the abuse and condescension from them all.  They called him "boy" and berated him for wanting to cook a damned pork chop.  He did his duty as a loyal alliance member and suffered the abuse without complaint until the end when the time was right to revolt.  Then he lead the blood shed to final three.


    JMac was this season's court jester, or at least that is how he presented himself.  Again, the arrogant narcissists discounted him and used him until very late into the season  (final five?).  Disarming goof ball?  Yes, but he was still kicking.


    The slick and the vicious make for great TV, but why do they always have to be the only ones rewarded.   Many times, they are just not nice or likable.

  3. The V approach to a social game is to get someone cornered and then get her greasey nose about 2 inches from them.   Then the interregation begins: 


    "don't f..... lie to me.  I will know if you lie."


    "Tell me the truth ..."


    She has spent too much time in the back rooms of Vegas card joints.


    Unfortunately for her, all the jury members are sequestered in a house far, far away.   No nose time for V.  Poor baby.

  4. He is just a NERD.   Most people only think of tech weenies as the classic nerds, but they come from all areas interest.  I spent a year in the company of a group of doctors and nurses.  There are as many social screw balls in medicine as there are in tech.  I know nerds, cuz I are one.  lol  (Geeks bite heads off live chickens, nerds divert their cluminess into being really, really good at something.)

  5. I am so over this season after the 2nd double eviction night.  As of tonight, I see it as a done deal.   A or one of the useless idiot twins will get it.   They will be the final 3 unless lightning strikes the house.


    I couldn't care less for any of the remaining house guests.  Steve and John have made disastrous alignment choices and will reap their rewards of being picked off.   V will also be added to the mix.  Order of elimination is the only question at this point.


    V thinks she is so smart, but her paranoia is her downfall.  The wild-eyed stare while demanding "truth" and accusing betrayal in the same sentence has isolated her from any meaningful alliance.   Anyone that got up in my face in her manner would earn one of the classic responses to such outrages.  She only considers herself and what any action might mean to "her game".   She has played the entire season dirty (self-admitted) so I have not been able to understand why she would not work with others to blow out the dominant alliance.   Meg and James would have been happy to side with her for a week to be safe.   They, with John, could have thwarted the big three.   But NOOOOO,  she was afraid of Meg seeking revenge?   Makes little to no sense.


    BTW, she also pulled the same crap on Steve, the koolaid drinking sycophant.  I didn't know if he was going to barf, cry or poop his pants when she attacked him.   Funny as hell.


    I stopped watching After Dark because of the harpy screaching voices of the useless idiots.  And I do not anticipate much in the way of surprises or entertainment in the remainder of the season.   This thing will end with a disappointing whimper.   Then again, I could be wrong.  Usually am :))

  6. Oh hell no, useless idiot #1 as HoH?  What will this whiny voiced b**** do?   Surely, not something that she might attempt to think up.   This should be fun and we get to see A with his disgusting picture arms up her back as the puppet master.


    A - Here's your plan for this week:   Put up useless idiot #2 and Vanessa on the block.   We can then back door Meg.   She will never see it coming.


    UI#1 - (in the whiniest voice ever)  but she's my sssssiiiiissssttttteeeerrrrrrr?   Wwwwhhhhyyyyy wwwwwwoooouuuulllllldddd wwwwwweeeee dddddddooooo  tttttttthhhhhaaaaattttttt?


    A - (thinking:  because you are mine to control and I don't need useless idiot #2 making any more trouble for me than neccessary)  Oh, she will be cool, she wants to be the pawn.   She told me that being your pawn is the best way that she can support you.  (thinking - JUST DO IT, or I might have to cry again).


    UI#1 - (pouting and in that voice again)   OOOOOOOkkkkkkaaaaaayyyyyyy  As long as she wants it.



    Where is freaking Darwin when the voice genes of that family are getting passed along????????

  7. Hey James, your chickens are coming home to roost.   You got played.  Rolled by V and A.   V implemented the Jason plan. And then turned on two of her own along with the other traitors in the alliance.    It was HER you dope.   By sticking with the rage that V and A created with their lies, you are making bad decisions and going after the wrong parties.    Clean your gun, son.   Wake up.  Oops, too late.  Your little group is now being torn apart and it is your fault for being a myopic dunderhead.  FOOL, James, fool.


    Too bad for you and yours.


    (Just a side note here - I have been screaming at the TV for the past two weeks.   I need to vent this some place.  LOL)

  8. I don't like being superficial, but when a houseguest annoys me, I can't help but only see the things that I dislike about that person.... like how Shelli's forehead has a mind of its own.  Does anyone else only stare at her forehead when she talks?


    Thanks for mentioning it, her face does seem to be the result of botox and veneers. This is supposed to be BB, not The Swan.   Becky may have a face that can stop trains, but it is all hers.   Can't say as much for S.

    1. Someone's face will be greyed out.


    2. Neither, hoping for a super surprise double eviction twist called "Y'all Go!!" where the entire nom block is cleared.


    3. The chlorine duck,  the only cool HG this season other than Meg.



    I WIN THIS POLL.    Someone's face did turn grey  AND the chlorine duck stayed cool wit dem shades.   WOO HOO

  9. You gotta love this jerk's tactics.   Facing nomination he cries and begs like a baby to V.  That tough feminist lesbian V falls for the phoney act and decides to keep him. This is not the first time that V changed the stated plan.  She seems to have a habit of flip-flopping.


    Now, it is time to face the music and what do we get?   A and V blame C and S for the entire thing.  A then furthers his act by claiming to be afraid of C because he gives him dirty looks (has anyone else seen C giving A anything of the sort?)  We know that C yelled at A once, but nothing more was ever shown in broadcast or in after dark.  A makes this claim several times as though repeating it often will make it the truth.   I guess that he is right.


    And, and the useful idiots follow A's every plan just like all strong women should do.  Is there anyway that we can revoke their vagina credentials???


    I hate all four of these trators.


    In the room to spare category, James will be the biggest idiot when he realizes that he got rolled by this crew and he caused his own destruction.

  10. When one of the useful idiots was asking Dr. John for more free dental advise,   I clearly heard him say that both useful idiots (they are identical twins, after all) should have their mouths sewn shut so that we would not have to hear their annoying whiny voices any longer.


    Way to go Dr. John, BB hero of the week.



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