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Posts posted by JLIDIBBFAN

  1. 7:12 BBT: feeds are back, ( Jason and john lost bob comp Jackie and James won) shelli and Jason are in good storage room talking, Jason says knowing his luck he will go home the week he loses his job. He tells shell he officially loses his job on the 18th. Shelli says Jason theirs still more fight. He says I know it just sucks. He leaves storage and shelli yells we got food lots of food eggs and more and Clay and Austin come I to room.

    7:14pm BBt: Jackie and James are talking in WA saying how it doesn't seem like people are happy for them and someone she must have to thank Jeff for this. James says to Jackie well the good thing is we are safe one more week, no back dooring us.

  2. 10:02am BBT: HOHR Vanessa is still reassuring Audrey that she will not be going anywhere and that she is safe and just to continue what she's doing pretending like she's lost all hope basically Audrey leaves and then Shelli. And Clay come up into the room and Shellys ,"tell him no no way no way tell him he's being an idiot no way'" and Vanessa and Austin say why what's up and Shelley says ," Clay wants to go up as a pawn and both Austin and Vanessa say no way. Are you crazy dude." Johnny Mac has volunteered to go up as a pawn and he's going to throw the competition and Shelley says he's all for it he's totally going to do it and Shelley says to Audrey you ask him right and he said yes and Vanessa says absolutely he's totally down for it.

  3. 9:25am BBT: Shelli is going over scenarios with Julia trying to figure out when she was Liz. Shelli said she knew once they talked about working for their mom in her business.. Liz said she only works in spare time and her sister works more.

    9:30am BBT: Julia is telling Clay and Shelli she will be switching today and it will be quick. Julia asks Clay and Shelley if they realize that she switched after the first live-eviction


    Shelli. And Clay are talking to Julie about painting a design on her nails because all the other housemates have been talking about putting something on her nails to tell the difference between the two twins

    9:32pm BBT: Clay and shell are asking Julia if she has any cuts or anything and they noticed something on her ankle and then she says I guess I'm just going to have to wear socks for the next couple of weeks they mention that Julie also has a small freckle on your face and then talking about liz using cover up and having Julia put a slight dot w makeup on

    9:34am BBT: they keep showing fish in between every other sentence

  4. 1:07pm BBT: all cameras are on FOTH

    1:07pm BBT: Austin in BY working out Jeff and Clay playing pool, discussing how Austin should have been a go go dancer and how much they make. Austin said out here they make 500 a night.

    1:09pm BBT: Austin saying how he used to work out 2 hours straight and thinks he was probably overtraining BC here he does 30 here and there and feels better. Jeff says yes you were def over training

    1:12pm BBT: Meg is in the KT complaining that she can't get any sleep in the have not room it's so uncomfortable..she asked Vanessa what she's cooking and again Vanessa explain that she's making eggs with bananas and cinnamon and offers some to Meg and Meg says I wish and Vanessa says oh my gosh I'm so sorry I forgot you were on slop

    1:13pm BBT: Steve is now in KT with the girls discussing the Chinese food from the other night. Audrey wants to know if he thinks they will get it again. Maybe weekly. Steve says I wish, I would love some Chinese food.

    1:15pm BBT: Vanessa give Audrey her egg and says you don't have to eat it if you don't like it. Audrey tries it and says omg this is so good and Vanessa says I know right, why isn't the whole world eating this!

    1:17pm BBT: Jason enters KT, Vanessa's telling Jason that she's going to make him when the eggs once he's off a slob and Jason says he wouldn't throw up right now

    1:18pm BBT: Megan and Jason are in the have-nots room discussing how uncomfortable the dental chair is Meg saying that she can sleep. Pretty much anywhere we just cannot sleep in this chair.

  5. 9:51pm BBT: Clay and Becky are in the BY playing pool. Becky said she had her first BB dream and Steve was in it.

    9:53pm BBT James and Steve are in the KT cooking slop, discussing what they can add to slop to make it better, they plan on burning it and making it crispy. Shelli in KT too just eating and listening to the guys. James says slop is literally the stuff they feed pigs.

    9:56pm BBT: Steve is commenting on Shelli eating ketcup on her chicken and finds it weird. Shelli tells him people use ketchup on chicken. Nuggets do u find that weird and steve said I guess not and laughs.

    9:58 Clay walks in KT, James says I know what you all were up to steve snitched on you, he said them guys told me I should call you Mr. Miyage.

    10:00pm BBT: James, Jeff, Shelli, Clay, Meg and Jason are all in the KT talking and joking around. Shelli is asking Jeff if he has a sweet tooth.. said no, but he likes cheesecake. Shelli says Clay has a major sweet tooth. We learned clays Bday is March 12th and had spring break every year on his bday.

  6. 6:32pm BBT: Vanessa and Liz in CBR discussing shelli's NOM's. Liz is saying that Shelli and her had a really nice chat and that she promised she wasn't going to put her up and that she was definitely going to put Meg up. Liz also said that she's not really sure she can trust her but she hopes she can. Liz then tells Vanessa she def. Trusts Austin and her. They both agree they trust each other and keep everyone else "friendly".

    6:32pm BBT: Steve, Jackie, shelli in BY discussing Janelle and other Former BB players and their order in which they got evicted. Speaking about the coaches season.

  7. 6:06pm BBT: Shelli and Clay are up in the HOHr discussing the POV meeting and NOMs changing. They are discussing if she should tell Meg. She says that Austin really is gaining her trust this week and if it wasn't for him liz probably would still be the replacement, but Bc she trusts Austin she out of respect she won't use Liz.

    6:06pm BBT shelli discussing she needs to put her game face on now.. Time to do the dirty work. Her and Clay are snuggling.

    6:11pm BBT: Austin and Liz are in KT cooking, idle chit chat.

  8. 5:53pm BBT: James and Meg are In the have not room laughing. James is wearing a pink hat (girls) trying to make the dental chair more comfortable with pillows. Becky comes in making fun of James in the hat and how he has pillows under every part of him.

    5:58pm BBT Becky talking about how Austin just tried to adjust her back.

    5:00pm BBT- James asks meg for her phone number and she said yes, oops can't give it to you know we are on live feeds. They are discussing area codes in NY and Meg says hers is still a NJ are code. Discussing phone plans now.

    5:02pm BBT: all feeds still on James and Meg, idle chit chat.

    5:05pm BBT- Shelli, Clay, Vanessa all in KT discussing everyone's pictures on the photo wall and how they all look.

    5:07pm BBT- Liz, Clay,Shelli, Audrey, Vanessa, are all discussing the photo game where they mix everyone's faces together and you have to guess who they blended. They are discussing who's faces would be hard to tell if they mixed them.

    5:09pm BBT: Liz thinks Audrey and Becky have similar noses.

    5:10pm BBT: Jason, John, Austin are all hanging out in the BY discussing Slop. Jason was saying how he almost got a penalty Bc he almost ate a cheeto..thankfully someone knocked it out of his hand.

    5:12pm BBT: Steve in BY complaining about wanting to eat pizza and Austin is egging him on to go eat a pizza.

    5:14pm BBT: Audrey in KT talking with shelli, comes up with an idea they should have a BB fair. And Austin can be the host. Shelli saying that may be fun!

    5:15pm BBt: Audrey saying. She heard someone in production yawning really loud through one of the walls early in the morning.

    5:15pm BBT: Vanessa in KT by pic wall and has a piece of paper or cardboard and has now cut a hole in it and is holding it over different parts of the face. Her and Shelli are looking at it together trying to practice for memory.

    5:19pm BBT: Steve joins girls in KT, they are talking about what each person looks like they should be by looking at their photos. They say Jackie looks like an MRI tech, Audrey and elementary school principle. ect.

    5:21pm BBT: Vanessa tells Steve that he has almost the same nose as Clay. Steve looking at photo and agrees, from the angle of the photo they are similar.

    5:22pm BBT: Meg and James sleeping in have not room.

    5:23pm BBT: Clay and Jackie laying in BY talking idle chit chat with other houseguests



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