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Status Updates posted by kyrans

  1. RT @TrumpStudents: ENTER OUR HAT GIVEAWAY! 1) Follow us! 2) Follow @OpioidSolutions 3) RT this tweet WINNER will be selected in 48 hour…

  2. RT @drawandstrike: I see #SarahSanders is trending again for all the right reasons: bitch-slapping the WH press corp for asking her baiting…

  3. RT @Jody_Rossel: @WiredSources @TrumpTrainOnly Better get my box of Kleenex, patriotic enthusiasm here :) Military parades, National Anthem…

  4. RT @TwitchyTeam: NO WAY! CNN interview with David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez just got a LOT more interesting [pic, video] https://t.co/aK5TkC27…

  5. RT @liquid8d: Hey @BigBrotherCA How many RTs to get a quad cam? #BBCAN6 #LiveFeeds

  6. RT @89razorskate20: #BBCAN6 3/12/18 Alliances & Deals Update! How 24hrs changed things! https://t.co/u3sTDjVBer

  7. RT @89razorskate20: #BBCAN6 3/12/18 Alliances & Deals Update! How 24hrs changed things! https://t.co/u3sTDjVBer

  8. RT @IsItUpOrDown: Here it is, from start to finish, the HN's wrap almost everything in the storage room. Not sure how this will go over.

  9. RT @PearlsofLogic: @AHappyPatriot @drawandstrike TRUMP TWEETS ♥️

  10. RT @ThomasWictor: (1) All right. So here's what's going on. All your questions answered. This is why Trump signed the omnibus spending bi…

  11. RT @CTrost7: RT if you got spanked and you are not violent https://t.co/gM2B5ZTFTJ

  12. RT @larrycraft57: What is going on here.Twilight Zone??? YouTube removed this. luckily a anon downloaded it. #QAnon https://t.co/b7aMkzPg…

  13. RT @aaron_macman: What did I just witness https://t.co/g1ZrHMmy02

  14. RT @drawandstrike: Here's 1 of the biggest reasons I follow @ThomasWictor. Look what he does in this thread. https://t.co/BJRGqFHGZy

  15. This pup would have a forever home. https://t.co/1UED92PRUh

  16. RT @ummmno21: Kellyann just did the “oh no you didn’t just go there, bitch”



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