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Status Updates posted by kyrans

  1. Love your Drawings!! https://t.co/VTQoNKJSnD

  2. RT @89razorskate20: #BBCAN6 3/12/18 Alliances & Deals Update! How 24hrs changed things! https://t.co/u3sTDjVBer

  3. RT @89razorskate20: #BBCAN6 3/12/18 Alliances & Deals Update! How 24hrs changed things! https://t.co/u3sTDjVBer

  4. RT @89razorskate20: Week 10, RT & LIKE If You're Team TIM! #BBCAN4 https://t.co/bvFmecUhaX

  5. RT @89razorskate20: Week 11, RT & LIKE If You're Team TIM! #BBCAN4 https://t.co/K4CbSc3NBI

  6. RT @aaron_macman: What did I just witness https://t.co/g1ZrHMmy02

  7. RT @agentm0m: #tucker #tuckercarlsontonight "We need a deeper conservation." Translation: Tucker is kicking my ass so maybe we should talk…

  8. RT @alisanporter: #voicesavepaxton #voicesavenick please RT and save one of these incredible artists!

  9. RT @amanbatheja: Can we all agree this is the greatest 3-tweet story in the history of Twitter? https://t.co/mmUpr6JRhc

  10. RT @AndyHerren: Fun! https://t.co/SADP3LC1Jq

  11. RT @bakedalaska: Why does this Democratic Response look like an infomercial for LifeAlert? #JointAddress https://t.co/hY6PJnFMnv

  12. RT @baker_ric: @TheMikeBagley @jerrysan52 heres a good one to get you a good laugh.. https://t.co/eqpyLqmX6i

  13. RT @BB_Updates: RT if you want Paul to win Big Brother 18 #BB18 https://t.co/9BbSfBRme4

  14. RT @BBGossip: I've updated the CBS schedule - let me know if this helps you wrap your brain around all he events! #bbott https://t.co/thOtP…

  15. RT @BBTooms: Corey put salt in Nicole's water but it didn't go as planned. #BB18 https://t.co/Vdp70d53X2

  16. RT @CaptYonah: 1. He's 10 2. A lot of public attention for a child to handle 3. With your looks, I wouldn't criticize anyone else https://t…

  17. RT @Chet_Cannon: Wait for it.... https://t.co/Dn964T4oS0

  18. RT @CloydRivers: Merica. https://t.co/zxGJpgcCVe

  19. RT @CTrost7: RT if you got spanked and you are not violent https://t.co/gM2B5ZTFTJ

  20. RT @DaleJr: Everyone forgot that there was a land speed record set today by a floor jack. Big day for floor jack fans everywhere...

  21. RT @drawandstrike: Here's 1 of the biggest reasons I follow @ThomasWictor. Look what he does in this thread. https://t.co/BJRGqFHGZy

  22. RT @drawandstrike: I see #SarahSanders is trending again for all the right reasons: bitch-slapping the WH press corp for asking her baiting…

  23. RT @dutchsinse: After 7+ years of research... now we have a Global Seismic pressure map — Which way does the planet really “move”? https://…

  24. RT @EARTHDOGBB: RT... IF YOU WANT THIS BACK TONIGHT #BB18 Pressure cooker !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...... !!!!!!!!!!!!! https://t.co/w71yzkn89n

  25. RT @EvelDick: Here is the video of Paulie pissing in the hot tub for those of you thinking the pics are fake. Fucking PIG #BB18 https://t.c…



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