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Status Updates posted by Mamaria66

  1. RT @demetres_gia: I'm thanking my lucky stars for the crazy year I've been having. Crazy to look back a year ago I was locked up in sequest…

  2. RT @DemetresBBCAN: Thanks @PhilipAlanPhoto for taking us to Santa Monica & getting these great shots. This is just a cellphone shot. Real p…

  3. RT @EARTHDOGBB: #afp #bb19 CODY wouldnt talk to 95 % of you KEVIN would invite you to Thanksgiving dinner https://t.co/qNWUhyJy2b

  4. RT @elfitvic: In the airport trying to watch @CBSBigBrother live feeds but the internet and cell service suck. Missing you homie

  5. RT @elfitvic: Off to Edmonton

  6. RT @EmmettBlois: Who's it going to be? #BBCAN4 https://t.co/tiiWCZ22ow

  7. RT @EvelDick: And we have a game boys & girls

  8. RT @EvelDick: Damn you Ross, that's my girl! https://t.co/RPTpFRFYbB

  9. RT @EvelynBraxton: 3 John 1:2 - Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

  10. RT @GaryLevyOnline: Accepting applications for #TheSchoolofShade @theikawong & I will be looking over submissions this summer for the Fall…

  11. RT @GiseleBB17: Coming soon to a retailer near you... #BBCAN5 https://t.co/nsronQPOJi

  12. RT @Global_TV: Nothing bad to say about Kevin. A true class act.

  13. RT @Global_TV: Nothing bad to say about Kevin. A true class act.

  14. RT @hamsterwatch: @UgotBronxd https://t.co/erd36dFp6o

  15. RT @hamsterwatch: can someone explain why you continue to excessively block the feeds.. it was feedsters who saved your show, TV viewers di…

  16. RT @Hec718: Almost 3 hours?! Ridiculous! #BBCAN5 https://t.co/KbZGipJDjq

  17. RT @iamsheajenkins: Mom.. know that this is some high school bullshit and if I get HOH, these boys better shit their pants. #bb18 https://t…

  18. RT @IAmTeamVegas: Save The Misfits, Save #BBOTT! Vote Shelby now! https://t.co/QcqB8ZHvXI

  19. RT @ItsTheTruthOhMy: Alex has a secret advantage, she didn't weaponize HER twist or shake things up. Vote Alex 3rd Nom. #BBOTT #FunFeeds ht…

  20. RT @itzzkait: Rip to all 22 victims. You will always be loved and remembered #OneLoveManchester https://t.co/1RvHmQi9AY

  21. RT @JackiexIsabel: As much as I loved living in the BB house, the BBCAN house just shits on ours lol

  22. RT @JackiexIsabel: Love this so much! @megmaley @beckyburgess17 @TheJayRoy @RockstarDMD! This photo needs to be framed! ❤️❤️❤️ https://t.co…

  23. RT @joncoopertweets: Doctors say Puerto Rico is ripe for an outbreak of endemic diseases, putting millions of American citizens at risk. ht…

  24. RT @JoyceMeyer: Anytime you or I feel frustrated, it's because we're trying to make something happen that only God can make happen. Give it…



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