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Posts posted by kuzma

  1. 10:05 PM BBT Austin, Steve, and Liz are sitting around the HT, Steve is telling them about a couple dates he has been on. In the KT James is cooking food, Jeff tells Shelli, Jackie, and Becky about the benefits of Uber.


    10:07 PM BBT Steve and Clay in the HT tell Liz and John about their fight nights during college, Da'Vonne and Jason are listening from the BY couches.


    10:11 PM BBT Jeff is talking about Georgia to Shelli, Becky asks him what his favorite parts of the state are. Austin asks Jeff if he knew of a city on the state line of Georgie/Floria where he wrestled one time.


    10:15 BBT Talk in the KT has turned to white water rafting after Jeff talks about doing it in Tennessee. Jackie tells a story about when her friends went one time and their boat fell apart. Liz and Steve start to play fight in the BY, BB tells Liz to put her mic on but then the fight continues.


    10:18 PM BBT Jason, Steve, Meg, Liz, and Da'Vonne in the BY talk about who shares beds in the house and who has their own. Jeff in the KT with Shelli, James, Becky, and Jackie are talking about hiking through the Florida wilderness.


    10:21 PM BBT The question is asked in the KT of Survivor vs Amazing Race, Jeff would race again, so would Jackie but she would also want to do survivor. Becky, Shelli, Steve, and James all agree on Amazing Race as well. More talk about Amazing Race after that, Jackie's experiences.


    10:25 PM BBT In the BY, Jeff, Da'Vonne, Jason, and Meg talk about Bob Saget's standup vs Full House. Jeff wonders who is behind him in the HT, Clay and John, then wonders where Steve went, in the KT. Talk moves to slop on all feeds.


    10:30 PM BBT Jason asks Jeff, Da'Vonne, and Meg what their twitter names are. Da'Vonne says she has to start a new account because of the previous things she has said. In the KT James asks Becky, Steve, and Jackie how much they put into the first episode of BB this season. Shelli is called to the DR.


    10:35 PM BBT In the BY, Clay and Meg are talking about eating slop and the effects it has on them. James tells in the KT Becky he tried not to cry when Becky and Shelli where reading their letters from home. Then talk moves to letters from home on previous BB seasons.


    10:40 PM BBT All feeds on the BY Meg says they have been in the house for 18 days, halfway through a month. General talk about the BY table and other furniture. Jeff is messing with the Elliptical and breaks it, but manages to fix it.


    10:45 PM BBT More talk in the BY about the Elliptical, Jeff, Jason, and Da'Vonne say different ways they use it. Jeff increases the incline on it and Meg calls him a soccer mom. Jason asks Da'Vonne and Meg if they will still have their jobs after BB, they both say yes.


    10:48 PM BBT Meg tells Da'Vonne and Jason about going through airport security with a lot of ice packs after having surgery. James comes into the BY with them and talks about using the bathroom after Jackie, who left it smelling unpleasant.


    10:51 PM BBT Meg and Jason go into the house. In the BY, Da'Vonne asks James what everyone is talking about. James says that no one is talking but they wouldn't tell him anything because the HG know he would tell her. Da'Vonne and James starting running through the votes she might have. In the KT, Steve watches Jason and Meg make popsicles.


    10:55 PM BBT Da'Vonne hopes Shelli puts Audrey up as a replacement nom, James says that is unlikely but it would be nice scenario if that happened, it would let the house decide who to evict between Da'Vonne and Audrey. James says the worst case scenario would be that if Da'Vonne is evicted then James or Jason would be targeted next.



  2. 12:39 AM BBT Becky is eating alone at the dining table. In the BY, Steve, Jeff, Da'Vonne, and Liz are playing pool.


    12:49 AM BBT Becky has joined the HGs outside. John, Jackie, Jason, and Da'Vonne are on the couches, general talk about their height. Liz is eating and watching Jeff and Clay playing pool. Austin is watching as well.


     12:55 AM BBT Jason, John and Jackie on the BY couches talk about previous BB alliances, ones that didn't get along at first but then worked well together. Austin and Liz go into the Kitchen. Liz tells Austin that the possible replacement noms make no sense either way.


     1:00 AM BBT Liz asks Austin what Clay said to him when Austin was talking to Shelli and Clay earlier. He tells her that Clay was asking how Liz was doing, assuming Shelli was still deciding to put her on the block as a replacement nom. Liz and Austin think Clay is unaware of Liz not being nominated because Clay and Shelli haven't had time alone to talk.


     1:05 AM BBT Clay and Shelli are playing pool. Jeff and Austin are "hosting" a talk show on the BY couches with guest star Steve. Liz, Da'Vonne, John, Becky, Jason, Meg, and Jackie are the audience. Audrey has her feet in the pool.


    1:09 AM BBT The next guest on the Jeff and Austin show is Jason, he starts talking about his brother and then we get FOTH.


     1:15 AM BBT Feeds are back, Da'Vonne "calls" into the show to ask what kind of man Jason likes. Meg is the next guest after Jason. More silly personal questions are asked. Clay and Shelli are still playing pool, Shelli asks Clay about different shots, and Clay shows her how to do them.


     1:25 AM BBT Meg has been talking about her dating life with older men and ended by saying she is "married". The next guest is Liz, Jeff asks Liz how she felt when Jace asked for a kiss before he left the house. Clay and Shelli have started a new game of pool.


    1:35 AM BBT Liz has ended her time on the Jeff and Austin show, they say the show is done but Becky sits in the hot seat and they resume asking personal questions. Other feeds are on Steve going into the house to change his microphone then he gets a pickle to eat from the kitchen.


     1:40 AM BBT Shelli finally notices what the group on the couches are doing and asks whats going on. New guest Da'Vonne is talking about men in Tennessee, in a Tennessee accent. Shelli tells Clay that Da'Vonne is hilarious but Clay says that she wouldn't be as funny if she wasn't going home soon.


    1:50 AM BBT Clay and Shelli have finished playing ppol and have gone to the Kitchen with Steve and John. Clay wants ice cream. In the BY, Meg, Becky, Jackie, Jason, and Da'Vonne talk about how uncomfortable some of the beds are.


    1:55 AM BBT Steve tells Becky and Shelli that he thinks America is voting on which HG is going to have the last laugh, since they have not had a have not food option. Becky thinks it might be a chicken costume or something like that.

  3. 12:00 AM BBT Derrick and Cody start to play plastic lime basketball in the KT, shooting at the pot on the dining table. Derrick looks at the time and says that their families are definitely here by now. Derrick goes to the WA. Victoria is sitting at the KT table watching Cody play basketball and making commentary with himself.


    12:10 AM BBT Victoria is giving shout outs to her friends about talking to them once she is out of the house, we keep getting FOTH while she names a couple different people. After we come back Cody shouts at Victoria that she is an "L 7 Weenie" but Victoria doesn't get the reference. Derrick has finally emerged from the bathroom, joins Cody and Victoria in the LR and says its officially day 97.


    12:15 AM BBT Cody and Victoria say they have both shot a gun. Victoria says she shot the gun cops carry and both her and Cody try to say which gun that is, Derrick hasn't said much on the subject. Victoria tells the guys her story about getting a gun pointed at her at a gun range because she was acting carelessly. Cody and Victoria say they like shooting guns, Derrick is still not as communicative about this topic.


    12:20 AM BBT Cody and Victoria say if they go to bed right now they won't be able to sleep and will just toss and turn for a while. Derrick suggests going to bed in 45 minutes.


    12:25 AM BBT Victoria heads to the KT and asks Derrick, "cereal or salad?" Derrick says cereal and she starts to pour a bowl. Cody and Derrick both say how hard it will be to fall asleep tonight. Derrick is sitting at the dining table, tapping on it. Victoria has rejoined Cody in the LR. Cody says he wants to play a game but when Victoria asks which game he doesn't have an answer.


    12:30 AM BBT Talk between Cody and Victoria has moved on to theme parks. Victoria has finished her cereal and went to the KT to pour more. Derrick joins Cody in the LR and they both talk about the time of their lock down tomorrow.


    12:40 AM BBT Derrick starts to wander around the house. Victoria has gone back to the LR with Cody and starts talking about the dress she is going to wear tomorrow. Victoria tells Cody that him and Derrick are going to meet everyone of her friends and family tomorrow. Derrick comes back to the living room and says that tomorrow they will find out all the secrets of all the HG. They have landed on Donny and his Harvard Medical shirt.


    12:45 AM BBT Derrick says he is too excited to go to sleep tonight. Derrick tells Cody he thinks there will be a bigger audience tomorrow based of what Nicole told him. Victoria asks if they want to start getting ready for bed. All 3 get up from the couches and head to the WA to brush their teeth.


    12:55 AM BBT After a couple minutes of FOTH, feeds are on the bathroom door [assuming

    Derrick is inside], Victoria is looking in one of the camera windows instead of the bathroom mirror, and Cody laying down in the ER.


    12:59 AM BBT Derrick emerges from the bathroom and asks Victoria if Cody is in bed, she says yes and heads in the bathroom after him. Derrick heads to the FR and tells Cody good night on the way, saying its their last night in the BB house but not to worry since he will be staying at Derrick's house in the future. Victoria heads to the FR and says good night to Cody as well. Victoria gets into bed and Derrick turns off the light in the FR.

  4. 11:05 PM BBT Cody is in the shower. Victoria and Derrick are in the LR, Victoria is helping Derrick with his speech to the jury. Derrick says if he loses the HOH comp tomorrow he won’t throw Victoria under the bus in his speech to Cody. Derrick is reminding Victoria about their pact that if one of them is in the final two and the other is in the jury, they will give them their vote to win.#BB16 11:05 PM BBT Cody is in the shower. Victoria and Derrick are in the LR, Victoria is helping Derrick with his speech to the jury. Derrick says if he loses the HOH comp tomorrow he won’t throw Victoria under the bus in his speech to Cody. Derrick is reminding Victoria about their pact that if one of them is in the final two and the other is in the jury, they will give them their vote to win.


    11:10 PM BBT Victoria says to Derrick that she hopes she is America's Player. Derrick says she might be because she is the last female in the house so by default all the female votes might go to her. Victoria asks Derrick if he wants her to ask him her jury question. Derrick says he doesn't want to tell her what to do, she can ask either him or Cody a question. Derrick says he isn't scared about tomorrow. Victoria says he is never scared and Derrick tells her that about this time tomorrow she will find out why he isn't scared.


    11:15 PM BBT Derrick is telling Victoria about how excited and no matter what happens tomorrow, he will get to see his family the second he walks out the door. Victoria says if she sees her family, especially her dad, she won't be able to function for the show.


    11:20 PM BBT Cody is done taking a shower and changed then joined Derrick and Victoria in the LR. Victoria is still talking about how she will feel when she walks out of the house. Derrick tells her that Nicole said she felt a lot better the second she walked out of the house. Cody and Derrick say that it will be hard to sleep tonight at a decent time since they woke up late today. Derrick says that all of their families should be landing in CA now. Victoria brings up the hotel they stayed at during finals and we get FOTH.


    11:25 PM BBT After a couple minutes of FOTH Victoria is in the WA digging around in her bag. Derrick and Cody are in the LR talking about buying something at Marshall's for their toiletries. A brief FOTH and the conversation between the three HG is on where the word "jamoke" is from, they are trying to think of a movie with it in it.


    11:30 PM BBT Cody tells Derrick his BS card game strategy, when he puts down cards he actually hides more cards underneath. Derrick says that is 100% cheating. Cody asks Derrick if he wants to play checkers but Derrick isn't biting. Victoria stares briefly and Derrick says when she stares or zones out her eyes look scary.


    11:35 PM BBT In the LR, Derrick wonders to Cody and Victoria if their families are at the hotel watching the live feeds. Cody and Derrick are teasing Victoria that her mom is going to be mad at her since Victoria only says she misses her dad. Derrick tells Victoria that they shouldn't worry about tomorrow they should be excited. Victoria is worried that the jury is going to hate her and she will be sitting with them the whole show. Derrick says not to worry because her family will be there and once she leaves the house, the game ends.


    11:40 PM BBT Cody says he won't turn his phone on the first night out of the house, Victoria says she will do the same thing. The HG are talking about seeing cars, seeing other people, and other things when they leave the house. Victoria is excited to see all her text messages and picture messages as well as all her birthday voicemails.


    11:45 PM BBT Derrick goes to the DR to ask a question. Cody tells Victoria they should hide from Derrick on the balcony outside the HOHR and scare him when he comes back out. They both rush up there within seconds and Derrick comes out a few seconds later. Derrick says "Ha ha I love this game," while walking around the house. Victoria giggles out loud and Derrick looks up at them. Cody yells at Victoria for giving them away. Derrick says he was heading up there anyway. Afterwards Cody starts battling Victoria and Derrick with dodgeball in the KT.


    11:50 PM BBT Derrick is walking around the house. Victoria and Cody are laying down in the LR. Cody says they should play the fossil game and lays still with his eyes open. Victoria starts yelling at Cody to stop because he is scaring her. Cody and Derrick start yelling at each other and making each other laugh. Cody asks Victoria if that is funny to her. Cody and Victoria start debating what time BB will make them separate tomorrow. Cody says 6 and Victoria says 9:45 AM BBT.


    11:55 PM BBT With the previous topic we had a brief FOTH. When the feeds return it looks like Cody and Victoria tried to scare Derrick again in the LR. Derrick says it didn't work because he saw Cody's back. Cody and Derrick start playing baseball in the house. Derrick is using a dough roller and Cody is pitching the plastic limes they were playing dodgeball with. After a couple pitches BB tells Derrick and Cody to stop. Cody asks Derrick if they are still on TVGN tonight. Derrick says it will be the last night on TVGN and they have a few minutes left.

  5. 11:05 PM BBT Derrick, Cody, and Victoria in the KT talking about packing their belongings and trying to take home everything. Victoria says there is about 40 hours until they are out of the house. Derrick says about 16 of those hours they will be sleeping. Derrick and Cody are trying to guess if there will be a tie breaker question during the last part of the HOH comp. Cody is asks Derrick a hypothetical questions for the final comp, "Which speech made by Zach in the house was Zach's favorite."


    11:10 PM BBT Cody says that are all lucky to me in the final 3 out of the thousands that applied and the 16 HG that were in the house. BB played an announcement for Jeremy and Howard from a previous BB season and the HG go nuts. BB plays a second announcement for Judd from last season.


    11:15 PM BBT Cody, in the KT, tells Derrick, in the LR, who might be at the after party. Cody hopes Enzo BB12 will be there but will hit him up when outside of the house regardless. Derrick wants to see Michele BB10. Victoria asks Derrick if he wants to play checkers, Derrick says sure but Victoria says he doesn't sound excited to play.


    11:25 PM BBT Derrick and Victoria are playing checkers in the LR, Cody has joined them to watch. Talk is on reminiscing about being in the BB house when next summer comes around. Derrick and Cody explain to Victoria how double jumping works. Cody is helping Victoria play against Derrick. Derrick and Cody are now both helping Victoria try to beat Derrick at checkers.


    11:30 PM BBT Cody asks Victoria why she becomes a 3 year old when she plays checkers. Derrick and Victoria are chasing each other around the board, Derrick slightly winning.


    11:35 PM BBT Derrick and Victoria are still playing the same game of checkers. Cody has introduced the rule of king wall jumps. Victoria asks Derrick if he wants to allow wall jumps, and Derrick says okay. Derrick and Victoria have finally king'd their remaining pieces and Cody says that now its a party.


    11:40 PM BBT Derrick now complains about wall jumps in their game and Victoria says they don't have to do it anymore. After a few more moves Victoria tries to wall jump Derrick but he tells her she can't do that. Cody suggests they play the card game BS and after an exhilarating game of checkers, Derrick forfeits and Victoria is the winner. Cody deals the cards and they start to play BS.


    11:45 PM BBT Victoria sees her cards and says "F***". Cody says her parents are going to be mad at her for cussing so much now and they will want to blame Cody for it. The group goes around a few times, Cody calls BS on Victoria's Queen but is wrong and takes the cards. The game continues. Derrick says after their game he thinks he will have a quesadilla and then try to go to sleep.


    11:55 PM BBT The BS card game continues in the LR. The amount of cards each HG has has been shifting as they have all gotten BS called on them and on called wrong BS on someone else.


    11:59 PM BBT After many titillating rounds of BS Cody finally wins with 1 Jack. BB plays Amanda's dance music from BB 15 for a few seconds. Derrick is laying on the couch and Cody is in the KT making a quesadilla.

  6. 11:05 PM BBT Cody and Derrick still playing pool in the BY, Victoria goes inside to change clothes. Derrick tells Cody that he knows who he and Cody will get a jury question from. He tells Cody, Victoria will ask Derrick a question and Christine will act Cody a question. Derrick and Cody are talking about what might factor the voting and if people are mad about certain alliances. Derrick says people like Hayden shouldn’t be mad because he wasn’t in the BB house long enough to be mad about anything.


    11:15 PM BBT Cody and Derrick both agree that by the time the jury asks them questions, they most likely have already decided who they are voting for to win. Victoria comes back outside, talk between all three has moved to how much a pool table costs. Derrick says that when they leave the house they probably won't want to play pool at all.


    11:20 PM BBT Cody and Derrick are still playing pool. Victoria is telling the guys when she thinks BB will clear the BY for the finale interviews, she says 5 AM BBT Wednesday morning. Cody and Derrick both say that they have gotten a lot better at playing pool in the house. Victoria says she can't wait for Halloween and then says "what up?" to both Derrick and Cody. They all say they are bored and want to go to sleep by midnight.


    11:30 PM BBT Cody and Derrick start another game of pool, Victoria is laying down on one of the BY chairs. Cody and Derrick start talking about which of their grandparents are alive. Victoria goes into the KT to make something to eat.


    11:35 PM BBT Victoria is still in the KT, Derrick tells Cody outside that he can tell Victoria is dying to go to sleep but won't. Cody asks why she does that because he has noticed she has done this all summer. Derrick says its a level or paranoia that him and Cody did not feel and that Victoria feels like she would be missing something important. Derrick and Cody finish another game of pool and say they will play one more for the night to make it 40 games played in 2 days.


    11:40 PM BBT Victoria comes back outside. Cody and Derrick continue their pool game, no more game talk with Victoria present. Cody and Derrick finish their pool game and Cody says he is going to go to sleep and heads to the WA to get ready for bed. Victoria asks Derrick if he wants to lay down in the hammock he says he will in a few minutes.


    11:52 PM BBT Derrick goes to the WA to wash his hands. Cody tells Derrick, "another day in the books,". They both hug and Derrick heads back outside and Cody goes to the ER to get into bed. Cody is talking to the cameras asking "whats up" to the live feeders, he says odds of him going to sleep right now is 6 to 1, after tossing and turning for a couple hours. Derrick and Victoria go lay down on the hammock. Derrick says that he is sad that there are no more competitions in the BY anymore. Cody has started hashtaging in bed, "#bb16 ‪#‎final3‬ ‪#‎summersalmostover‬‪#‎seasoncomingtoanend‬ ‪#‎wecrushedit‬ ‪#‎hitmen‬ ‪#‎hitmenallday‬ ‪#‎calzone‬‪#‎imtalkingtoacamera‬ ‪#‎whatup‬ ‪#‎ihopeicangotosleep‬ ‪#‎summernights‬‪#‎notsummeranymore‬ ‪#‎itsfall‬ ‪#‎mineissoccerseason‬‪#‎fallseasonisthebestseason‬". Derrick asks Victoria who might and might not vote for him in the final.


    11:59 PM BBT Cody has fallen silent in the ER. Derrick and Victoria are talking about what things they miss doing in the outside world. Derrick says he didn't expect to meet someone like Victoria and be friends with her inside and outside of the house. Victoria and Derrick start talking about Victoria's dating life and her finding someone to marry.

  7. 11:05 PM BBT Victoria and Derrick in the LR, Victoria says she is cold and wants a sweater, but none of Derrick’s even though he offers, she wants a light colored one. Derrick tells her to ask Cody for one. Victoria asks Derrick why they didn’t have an alliance nickname like The Hitmen. Derrick says that him and Victoria were never an alliance in the house, they were just really close friends.


    11:10 PM BBT Cody comes out of the DR. Victoria asks him if she can borrow a sweater and he gives her his Rutger’s sweatshirt. Victoria is called to the DR and asks Derrick if The Hitmen can be trusted alone. Derrick laughs and yells at Cody in the KT that he never should have told her their alliance name. Cody starts yelling about ants in the KT and Derrick comes to the KT to help the situation. Cody and Derrick are talking in the KT about pissing people off in the game and wondering how people will vote based off that.


    11:20 PM BBT Talk between Cody and Derrick about reasons on them winning the money and what they will spend the money on (college funds for Derrick’s daughter and paying student loans for Cody). Cody says he is glad he can finally have a game conversation like this with Derrick without anyone trying to listen since Victoria is in the DR. Derrick tells Cody that he thinks Caleb will congratulate the winner on finale night, but they both think Frankie may not which Cody doesn't care. They start to run through what the jury members will think after learning about their Hitmen alliance.


    11:25 PM BBT Derrick and Cody were making a bet on who they think America's Player is, Cody says Caleb and Derrick says Zach. They both say to bet $100 since either of them maybe at least win $50,000 but they quickly remember that they aren't in the final 2 yet and call the bet off. Cody says that if Caleb is AP and he tries to gloat about it he will tell Caleb that he still wouldn't have beat Cody in the end. Derrick and Cody toast to The Hitmen alliance with the champagne in the KT.


    11:30 PM BBT Cody and Derrick start going over the weeks of their BB season (nominations, veto meetings, HOH comps, evictions, etc.) Derrick says he won't study yet, maybe later in the day tomorrow after their breakfast. Derrick and Cody are going through who may vote for either of them, BB is looping a Holla from his wife over and over for about a minute then switching to a different Holla loop again. Derrick is explaining to Cody about the part 2 HOH comp from BB10.


    11:35 PM BBT Still in the KT, Cody tells Derrick how Victoria was during the 2nd facemash Veto comp. Cody asks if Derrick thinks he can remember all the replacement nominees, Derrick starts to list all the nominations week to week since Victoria is still in DR.


    11:40 PM BBT In the middle of Derrick naming the nominations BB announces "Houseguests remember, if you win half a million dollars you will never have to eat peanut butter again." Cody asks out loud why BB just said that to them. Derrick and Cody say that production is bored. Derrick starts to name off the HOHs in order. Cody lists possible scenarios of the part 2 HOH, saying for each one that Victoria won;t be able to do it. Derrick asks Cody to ask him questions about each week and Cody starts to quiz him.


    11:50 PM BBT Derrick tells Cody he knows how many HOH, BOB, and Veto comps each HG has played in. Derrick says he is unsure what day the 2nd HOH comp will be but he thinks that the Sunday episode will be the reminiscent episode. Victoria is finally out of the DR.


    11:57 PM BBT Victoria sees that Derrick has been drinking champagne and says that she has been trying to get him to drink for 90 days and he finally does when she is in DR. Derrick is called to the DR. Victoria and Cody in the KT talk is about what to do with the fish they have, either throw it away or put it in the fridge. Victoria asks Cody if Caleb knew he was going to be evicted and Cody says he thought Victoria was the target.

  8. 11:02 PM BBT Derrick and Cody shaving in the WA still talking about their family/parents. Victoria is laying down in the WA with them not speaking.


    11:08 PM BBT Derrick and Cody finishing shaving in the WA and Victoria heads up to the HOHR [off camera]. Derrick tells Cody she is going up there knowing that both of them will go there too. Cody says that Caleb is depressed. Cody is telling Derrick his reasoning for possibly voting Caleb out. Cody says that evicting Caleb gives him and Derrick a better chance to be final 2, but Caleb shouldn't hate Cody for that decision. BB tells Derrick to put on his mic and Derrick says that BB is crushing him tonight.


    11:15 PM BBT Derrick tells Cody that Caleb has been mentioning all 3 of the guys til the end and final 3. Derrick says that they are doing to Caleb what they did to Frankie before he was evicted, they are just playing the numbers. Cody says this isn't a pissing game of a competition of egos, its a game of chess. Cody and Derrick are going over the possible competitions of the 3 part final HOH comp. Conversation moves to how well/bad Victoria will do in the final HOH comp vs. how she has done in previous competitions.


    11:20 PM BBT Caleb in ER laying down, eyes open, not saying a word. Derrick and Cody still talking game in the WA. Caleb gets up and passes the WA to go up in the HOHR, he looks around the room and leaves. Caleb finally finds Cody and Derrick in the WA, game talk has shifted to shaving. Victoria has fallen asleep in the HOHR.


    11:25 PM BBT Feeds on Victoria asleep. Caleb is walking around the KT table making laps. Derrick comes back out of the FR and Caleb asks him is Victoria is still pleading to him. Derrick says he hasn't been up there yet. Caleb tells him he has a pretty good speech planned for the Veto meeting. Victoria has woken up and heads down to the KT. Derrick is called to the DR. Cody comes out of the WA and says "What up girl?" to Victoria. Caleb still making laps in the KT.


    11:35 PM BBT Derrick is out of the DR, only got called to change the batteries in the TV remote. Victoria is sitting and staring at the KT table/Caleb [who is still pacing]. Derrick and Cody go up to the HOHR and check if Caleb has followed them up. Derrick tells Cody about Caleb telling him about his speech tomorrow. Victoria asks Caleb if he is trying to remember his speech but he says that he doesn't try to memorize things because he would just mess it up. Caleb goes up to the HOHR, Cody asks why he was pacing and Caleb says he is just thinking.


    11:40 PM BBT Cody, Derrick, and Caleb in the HOHR talking about Victoria's possible speech for tomorrow and eating Derrick's food. Victoria is in the WA doing her make up. Talk in the HOHR was briefly about Benihana type restaurants before Cody gets called to DR. Caleb is campaigning to Derrick and Victoria enters the room but Caleb still continues talking.


    11:45 PM BBT Derrick tells Caleb and Victoria that they have less than 5 days until they get out of the house. [unaware the finally is actually on Wednesday]. Derrick is talking about seeing his daughter and whether she will have to fly home before he gets enough time to see her. Caleb says that he is so happy this game is almost over. Derrick tells him that he see this every year at this point.


    11:52 PM BBT Cody enters the HOHR, finished from his DR session. There is now small talk between Caleb and Derrick. Victoria is sitting on the couch not talking and Cody is listening to music on the bed.


    11:57 PM BBT Conversation in the HOHR has shifted to seafood between Derrick, Cody, and Caleb.

  9. 11:00 PM BBT Cody comes back out of the DR and joins the HG in the KT. Caleb asks Cody if a cup with Gatorade in it was his, Caleb said he dumped it out, Cody said it was his. As Cody takes a bite of pizza, Derrick fills in Cody about the new house thing where a fellow HG that sees someone eating something, they will facetiously ask the them how their food is, as an indirect way to make sure they clean up after them self. Still in the KT, the HGs reminisce about watching the clips of the "rat" in the house.


    11:08 PM BBT Caleb is called to the DR and gets his HOH key. All HG go upstairs. They see pictures of Caleb in his military uniform, him at age 7/8, and as a baby. Caleb's music is Brett Eldredge. Caleb also got a new hat, Cody/"Dino" asks if he can get some of the pumpkin seeds that Caleb got in his basket.


    ***Caleb's letter posted by brotayjax at 11:10 PM BBT***


    11:15 PM BBT In the HOHR, the HG are talking about Caleb's picture of him when he went home from basic training and he was wearing his army uniform. They picture is dated 2007, the HG ask about his brother's army rank and how high it is. Caleb starts to call out all the food he got in his basket and mini fridge.


    11:23 PM BBT Frankie says its time to fed the fish and gets up to do that. Caleb is listening to his music and calls Cody to listen as well, Victoria keeps asking Caleb if the song Brett Eldredge played for Jeff and Jordan is on the CD. Derrick is laying down with his eyes closed and gets a couple hollas which get him to open his eyes.


    11:28 PM BBT Victoria is taking her turn listening to music. Caleb, Cody, Frankie, and Derrick all say its cool how Caleb's dad calls himself Beast Mode Dad. Caleb was hoping for a picture of his dad but it wasn't included with his letter. Caleb tells them his next DR session he will ask BB for a picture, after that BB calls him into the DR. Frankie has gone downstairs to wash his cup. Derrick is still laying on the couch and Cody is on the HOH bed with Victoria getting an arm massage. Brief production audio leak of Caleb in DR, we hear him say "Hey...I'm doing good", before the audio cuts out.


    11:32 PM BBT Frankie announces from the KT that the indoor lock down is over, Caleb is already out of the DR and heads outside with Frankie and Victoria. Derrick and Cody are left in the HOHR, they both say that if they win this Veto competition it makes final 2 much closer with a plan to get rid of Frankie this week and in the final HOH both Victoria and Caleb can be beaten in certain parts of the final HOH comp. Victoria wants to eat more chips and heads back upstairs and stops Derrick and Cody's conversation.


    11:38 PM BBT Cody goes to the BY to play pool. Derrick tells Victoria in the HOHR about him telling Cody not to stir anything with Victoria by talking with her about anger towards Derrick. Derrick tells Victoria that Cody thinks she crushed him in her eviction speech. In the BY, Frankie tells Cody that his HOH was a waste because of the BBRewind.


    11:45 PM BBT Victoria is alone in the HOHR eating chips. Derrick is in the BY watching Cody and Frankie playing pool. Derrick tells them that he was left alone in the HOHR not knowing they all came outside. Derrick tells them that he head an "Ooohhh" from the crowd during her eviction speech, Cody said he did the same thing. Derrick says that it is a good thing she is still in the house because if she was in the jury house, she would be campaigning against Derrick. Frankie asks Cody and Derrick to let him know if Caleb is going to try to backdoor him again.


    11:56 PM BBT Cody goes inside to wash a water bottle to spit seeds into. Frankie is playing pool with Derrick and asks him if he thinks Cody will be fine this week. Derrick says he will but they still need to win the Veto comp. Cody and Victoria have joined Derrick and Frankie in the BY, all game talk has ceased. Caleb is still in the DR. Victoria says once Caleb gets out she will say good night and go to sleep. Cody and Victoria are talking about the reveal of the BBRewind, they say BB dressed up Frankie in his outfit and they didn't let Victoria know to dress in athletic gear. BB tells him to not talk about production.

  10. 1:04 AM BBT Feeds showing Caleb in the ER and Frankie in HOHR asleep, Victoria is in the KT by herself eating cereal.


    1:13 AM BBT Victoria has gone to bed. Feeds showing Cody asleep. Frankie has gotten up to use the bathroom and then went back to bed. All HG currently in bed/asleep.


    1:25 AM BBT Derrick has gotten out of bed and went to the WA. He sat in there for a couple minutes before using the toilet. Afterwards he started to wander around the house back to the FR in near darkness. Derrick, Cody, and Victoria are all in bed in the FR.

  11. 11:03 PM BBT Derrick went up to the HoHR, Caleb just got out of the shower and Derrick decides to jump in next. They are both talking about Victoria being mad earlier. In the LR, Frankie has left Victoria and Cody by themselves still laying on the couches.


    11:08 PM BBT Cody closed his eyes briefly and BB reminded him that they are only allowed to sleep in the bedrooms. Caleb is now in the ER giving a shout out to TVGN. Cody finally gets up and gets ready to take a shower.


    11:13 PM BBT Victoria goes up to the HOHR where Derrick is still showering. She tells him that Cody and Caleb are getting ready for bed and Frankie is in the DR. Victoria says she is going to go lay in the hammock, Derrick says he will join her. When Victoria heads back downstairs Frankie is out of the DR and says its time for bed. While in the shower, Cody is asked to go to the DR, he stares at the camera and asks if they want him to go and they repeat him to go to DR.


    11:19 PM BBT Caleb is laying on the couch in the LR. Frankie is talking to Derrick in the HOH bathroom about what will happen on Wednesday. Frankie was suggesting an HOH comp which lead to maybe a double eviction and Derrick doesn't think so about the DE.


    11:25 PM BBT Victoria joins Caleb in the LR. Caleb says he wants to wake up to music in the morning and get back to his normal sleep schedule for when he goes home. Victoria tells him that she won't be able to in her bed when she goes back home. Derrick and Frankie are talking upstairs about Wednesday night possibilities still. Cody comes out of the DR and Caleb is called to go in right after him.


    11:31 PM BBT Cody is back in the shower downstairs. Derrick and Frankie are talking in the HOHR about Wednesday still, Derrick keeps going back that the mirrors in the room are significant. They both agree that whatever happens will be negative to everyone. Derrick was on his way out to go outside to let Frankie takes his bath. Victoria comes up to the HOHR to join them. Derrick still leaves, and Victoria shortly after says she is going downstairs because Frankie's bath is just about ready but instead sits in the HOH bathroom.


    11:39 PM BBT After a brief FOTH feeds are back, Cody, Caleb, and Derrick are sitting around the KT, they are talking about Victoria not in her DR session [she was apparently called in right before FOTH started, which lasted for a couple mins]. Victoria is upstairs with Frankie as he is bathing.


    11:45 PM BBT Victoria tells Frankie that she isn't the kind of person to give up even though she might be going home on Wednesday she wont go out without a fight. In the KT, Derrick is telling Caleb and Cody about how he stumbled on BBAD. Derrick is says that a possible outcome of pushing the button is a 3rd nominee going on the block. After not saying a word for a few minutes Cody asks Derrick and Caleb if Christine throwing the BoB comp with Donny is a factor to her getting booed. Caleb says if that's the case he might get booed because he sat out the BoB comp with Frankie.


    11:55 PM BBT Victoria and Frankie end their conversation, she tells Frankie she is going to do her DR session. When Derrick, Cody, and Caleb see her they ask about her DR and she says they never called her again but she is going there now. Frankie is upstairs getting out of his bath. Derrick, Cody, and Caleb are in the KT eating and throwing around other ideas of what might happen on Wednesday.

  12. 11:05 PM BBT Caleb, Cody, and Victoria sitting in the BY talking about how long DR sessions seem as the HG in the DR vs. the HGs not in DR. Caleb and Victoria both think that on Wednesday something both good and bad will happen from the gold button. Caleb is saying that BB will set up 5 lanes and at the end of each lane will be a penalty for choosing.


    11:10 PM BBT More ideas being thrown out by Caleb as to what will happen on Wednesday such as 5 veterans returning to battle the 5 current HG, if they beat the vets they get a prize and if they lose, the HG get a penalty. Victoria tells Caleb she wants to go to Greece, she was supposed to go this year. Caleb would like to go to Jerusalem to see where Jesus walked.


    11:15 PM BBT Derrick is still in the DR, Caleb is getting his head rubbed by Victoria on the BY couch with his eyes closed. Caleb tells Victoria about his dream where he is at the airport going home and a father and son walk up to him excited to see him and Caleb gives the son his cowboy hat. Derrick comes out of the DR and asks the HG outside who washed his dishes.


    11:21 PM BBT Caleb tells Victoria in the BY that after BB he is going to make a lot of shirts that say "Beast Mode Cowboy", he will also be dressed up as Beast Mode Cowboy for Halloween. Victoria tells him that isn't a real costume for him to dress up in. Caleb asks who has had a DR session today, he hasn't gone all day and expects to get called next. Victoria is called to the DR instead, Caleb asks Derrick and Cody to play a game of pool.


    11:26 PM BBT Caleb and Derrick are playing pool. Derrick is explaining to Cody and Caleb about watching BBAD on TVGN and how he discovered BB when he found BBAD on Showtime one night.


    11:31 PM BBT Derrick and Caleb still playing pool, not much talk other than their game. Cody finishes his chips and throws them away inside. Derrick and Caleb start a new game, Caleb starts telling about how his friends only play trick shots at pool halls, Derrick cuts him off by saying he can't wait for Wednesday.


    11:38 PM BBT Cody tells Derrick and Caleb, both are starting a new pool game, that he wants to go to sleep at a decent time tonight. Cody says he will get hungry in a little bit and all he will eat is an apple and that's it. Cody asks Derrick every time he swears if it gets bleeped out on TVGN. Derrick says to get the live feeds because they don't censor anything.


    11:45 PM BBT Caleb is called to the DR, once he heads inside. Cody and Derrick say that he will be quite because he doesn't have anything to say, he over exaggerates too much. Victoria comes outside and asks Derrick if he changed the setting on the washer, she had the settings on hot water and heavy duty for a normal wash, as well as too many clothes. Derrick says he won't be mad unless his clothes are shrunk.


    11:53 PM BBT Victoria is folding Cody and Derrick's clothes. She tells Derrick that one of his shirts has holes in it, Derrick says it was brand new coming into the house. Victoria says that maybe the "rat" made the holes. Cody says that he doesn't like sleeping with Caleb in the FR, he sweats when is in bed with Caleb but as soon as Caleb leaves he gets comfortable. Cody asks Derrick and Victoria who they are most excited to see from the evicted HGs. Derrick says Zach and Victoria says Hayden. Victoria says she can't believe that Christine said that Victoria and Hayden hooked up in the house.


    11:58 PM BBT Cody, Derrick, and Victoria are all talking about the negative characteristics of Christine. Christine's hate towards people like Donny and Jocasta. Christine's fake laugh and how she liked to stir the pot in the house.

  13. 12:45 AM BBT Frankie and Derrick say they will see the mouse around 2 am.


    12:50 AM BBT Frankie, Caleb, and Cody in the Gold button room trying to decipher what the words on the wall mean towards the gold button’s use. Cody says he says the word “Hi” in the words. Frankie keeps hitting the button. Frankie also says they a key word is mirrors and mirror images. Victoria is in the LR living room laying down. Derrick is not show on feeds.


    1:00 AM BBT Frankie and Cody are doing pirouettes in the gold button room. victoria from the LR aks/yells to Frankie if she can listen to Ariana upstairs and he says of course, all 3 guys in the GBR [gold button room] yells they love her. Frankie recaps that they are definitely on to something with mirrors/mirror images in the GBR. Frankie says it might relate to a competition but Caleb disagrees.


    1:05 AM BBT Frankie is now doing an African dance to Cody's beat with the gold button singing about being outside on Wednesday. After Cody and Frankie looking at their bodies in the GBR mirror they leave and head to the KT. Victoria is in the HOHR listening to music and looking in the mirror.


    1:15 AM BBT In the KT, Frankie says that Victoria should be happy she made it this far. Caleb and Frankie mention the 1 veto she won. Frankie, Caleb, and Cody are talking about the images for the questions during the Veto competitions. Victoria is still in the HOHR listening to music and slightly dancing.


    1:25 AM BBT Frankie, Cody, and Caleb still talking about the Veto competition. They say the color on the projector during the comp is different than the HG wall. They all say the eyes of each HG was a key component to the comp. Caleb and Frankie say Zach's eyes are what threw them off a lot and Frankie slightly asks production to show Zach in color. Frankie says this week will not top what happens next week due to Jeff and Jordan's proposal, the Veto comp, and the button. Talk in the KT with the 3 guys has turned to the BB schedule. Frankie tells Caleb that the final HoH competition takes place in the LR. Victoria comes downstairs and joins the guys at the dining room table.


    1:35 AM BBT Frankie, Caleb, Victoria, and Cody are asking hypothetical questions about the final part of the last HoH competition regarding the jury. The Outdoor lockdown has been lifted and Cody heads outside to the pool table. Caleb joins Cody, Frankie goes to the WA and Victoria is eating cereal out of the box in the KT. Caleb and Cody start playing pool and Victoria is starting to wash clothes.


    1:44 AM BBT Frankie, Caleb, and Victoria in the BY are debating whit male artist is on a song with Frankie's sister Ariana. They mostly say Justin Bieber but Michael Jackson and Chris Brown's names are thrown around. Cody and Frankie are playing pool now, Cody goes in the KT to make coffee. Derrick is out of the DR now.


    1:56 AM BBT Caleb and Victoria in the KT are asking production to call them to the DR, Derrick says to call Victoria instead of Victoria. Frankie and Cody are talking about how the Veto ceremony will go tomorrow, saying that Victoria has been nominated for a reason that she is the target. Cody, Caleb, Derrick, and Frankie are playing pool in teams. Caleb starts rapping to/about Victoria then says he wishes Ariana Grande was in the house so they can bang it [meaning in listen to her music] Frankie says "What?!" to his comment. Victoria is then called to the DR and all 4 guys yell "Yay". Victoria goes between the WA and FR getting ready for the DR. Frankie says he wants a diamond power of veto.


    1:59 AM BBT Caleb asks Frankie and Derrick if it is possible to prepare for an HoH competition. Derrick says no because of the his experience with trying to do so previously.

  14. 11:04 PM BBT Cody putting his dinosaur costume back on in the WA, Frankie tells Cody that he is going to be stressed out before and after the HoH competition tomorrow. Nicole, Christine, and Caleb in the HOHR trying to figure out what date the finale is going to be on.


    11:10 PM BBT Victoria is in the WA alone doing her makeup/looking in the mirror. Frankie and Cody join Christine, Caleb, and Nicole in the HOHR. Caleb farts loudly towards Frankie who is sitting on the couch with him, causing the HG to discuss farting. Nicole says she gave someone pink eye by farting on a pillow.


    11:15 PM BBT Victoria still looking in the mirror in the WA. Derrick hasn't been shown on feeds. Nicole was auctioning off Cody in the HOHR, Frankie bought him for $7500 then jumped on him.


    11:19 PM BBT Nicole and Frankie are complimenting Cody's looks. Nicole wants to auction Cody for real outside of the house. Caleb jumps in and says he was auctioned for real once to a woman, he said they just went out for dinner once.


    11:22 PM BBT Nicole leaves the HOHR and goes to the KT, Victoria joins her and asks if anything is happening upstairs. Nicole says no and tells Victoria that she wanted to talk to Caleb but its too late now and there is nothing for her to do at this point. Nicole says that Caleb put up Victoria against Nicole for a reason. Derrick is still in the DR. Talk in the HOHR with Frankie and Christine is about spas.


    11:27 PM BBT Frankie and Christine are talking about going to Disneyland after BB is over. Frankie tells Christine he can get her in for free. Victoria is in the FR, whispering and counting on her fingers. Nicole comes in and comments on how long Derrick has been in the DR. Victoria starts talking about her DR sessions getting a warning from production. Frankie and Christine in the HOHR say she is the worst at talking about DR. A holla calls for Derrick indicating to the HG that he is out of the DR.


    11:31 PM BBT Caleb and Derrick join Nicole and Victoria in the FR. Caleb asks Nicole if she is going to bed, she says kind of, Caleb says he is tired. Derrick says he might make a quesadilla and Victoria starts yelling that she wants to make him one. All 4 of them go to the KT. Derrick tells Caleb that he can't wait to have a drink with the production crew. Caleb walks into SR followed by Nicole who asks him if she is a threat to his game. Caleb tells her that she can't beat him at anything. Nicole asks why does he want her out then and Caleb says the house would go after him if he didn't get her out.


    11:36 All HG have congregated in the KT. Victoria and Derrick are talking about different cheeses. Christine says what time it is prompting most HG to sing "It's 5'o clock in the morning.", causing a few brief FOTH. When they finally return, Cody and Nicole were dancing and Frankie was laughing to himself in the SR.


    11:42 PM BBT Nicole leaves the KT telling Victoria to join her after she makes Derrick his food in the FR so they can talk and giggle for her last night in the house. Nicole tells Cody goodnight and goes to the FR and says "This sucks" a couple times to herself. Cody and Caleb talk in the KT about what time they are going to bed saying they don't want to be tired for the HoH comp(s) tomorrow. Cody asks what he is going to wear and Cody says for him it doesn't matter.


    11:47 PM BBT Cody and Christine are playing around by the ER. Derrick and Caleb are sitting and talking at the dining table. Caleb tells Derrick about his brief talk with Nicole about why she is the his target this week.


    11:52 PM BBT Victoria, Frankie, and Derrick eating in the KT with Caleb. Cody and Christine talking about her conversation with Frankie earlier in the KT. Christine says Frankie asked her if she was mad at him she says yes because he yelled at her for being nice to a person. Christine tells Cody that Frankie is scared of Cody, Derrick, and Caleb and has no choice but to be loyal to them.


    11:57 PM BBT Frankie, Christine, Derrick, Caleb, and Victoria are all silent in the KT. Someone sneezes and they all say "bless you" and go back to silence. Cody and Nicole in the FR, Nicole is talking about making it this far in the game. Nicole says she didn't think talking to Caleb would help. Caleb tells the HG in the KT that Cody is putting the on the moves in the dinosaur suit. Cody tells Nicole that Caleb was close to putting Frankie up as a replacement for Christine. Nicole says she should have talked to him before the Veto ceremony but Cody says it wouldn't have mattered saying he would have punked out anyway, that he was scared of nominating Frankie. Frankie suddenly walks into the FR and interrupts their conversation.

  15. 1:05 AM BBT Caleb leaves the HOHR and heads downstairs to the HN room with Derick and Cody. Caleb tells them that he feels scared since he isn’t able to compete in the HOH comp that he would be nominated. Nicole, Victoria, and Christine in the LR talking about how BB might edit something for the episodes.


    1:10 AM BBT Derrick tells Cody in the HN room that Christine would win an endurance completion due to her performance in the last HOH comp, she was right behind Caleb. Derrick says to Cody that he doesn’t see Victoria making final 3. 


    1:20 AM BBT Frankie and Cody hugging/saying good night to each other, Frankie is acting like someone named “Sid” telling Cody to have fun sleeping upstairs. Victoria asks Derrick if he knows something she doesn’t, he asks Victoria if she trusts him.


    1:30 AM BBT Frankie, Caleb, Christine, and Cody in the KT talking about who they want to guest host an upcoming HOH competition. Derrick is telling Nicole that Caleb told him if they grill the liver it tastes like steak and is thinking about making one. Derrick heads to the KT leaving Victoria and Nicole in the HN room. Nicole tells Victoria that if she is put up as a replacement nominee then Nicole’s game is over and she accepts that. 


    1:40 AM BBT Caleb is cooking with Derrick, Christine, Cody and Victoria in the KT as well with general talk. Nicole tells Victoria that she doesn’t want Victoria to be sad and asks if Derrick was sad earlier. Nicole asks Victoria how it was alone with Caleb and Cody, Victoria says it was awkward and that Cody was saying that “it was that point in the game”.


    1:45 AM BBT Caleb and Derrick still making food in the KT, Frankie, Christine, and Cody talking about addiction. Victoria and Nicole in the HN room, no talking for the past few minutes. Nicole finally tells Victoria she wants to go to sleep soon and Victoria leaves. Victoria joined the KT crew, talk has turned to kosher food. Caleb has finished cooking the liver, everyone is trying it, they mostly say it has the texture of dog food and doesn’t taste good.


    1:55 AM BBT Talk in the Kitchen with everyone except Nicole about the punishment costumes BB makes them wear. Cody was wanting to take the dinosaur costume home but Derrick says that Nicole told him she hasn't seen the frog or the germantard costume in Jury. Talk about production brought FOTH briefly. Nicole leaves the HN room and asks Derrick if the liver is cooked, he tells her that it was cooked perfectly but it was still disgusting. Frankie is talking about his love for the movie Showgirls, no one else in the house has seen it.

  16. 12:10 AM BBT Caleb and Frankie are talking about who the biggest threat in the house is. Caleb mentions Cody saying he is well liked, but since jury doesn’t vote that way sometimes and Caleb and Frankie have been planning their game play out much more than him they should be okay with a jury vote. 


    12:20 AM BBT Derrick and Nicole talking alone, Derrick asks Nicole who she would nominate if she was HOH, she says Christine would be her target and Victoria would be a pawn. 


    12:25 AM BBT Derrick says to Nicole that he is going to try to keep her this week but doesn’t want to make himself a target. 


    12:30 AM BBT Nicole tells Derrick that the house wants Frankie as a replacement nominee but Caleb doesn’t have the courage to nominate him.


    12:35 AM BBT Derrick is wondering to Nicole if him talking to the house about saving Nicole is a good game move for himself, Nicole tells him not to do it then. Nicole tells Derrick that he is in a good spot in the house. Nicole swears on her parent that Derrick is not her target.


    12:40 BBT In the HOHR, Frankie brings up to Caleb that he heard that Caleb told Nicole he wants to be next to Cody in the final 2. Caleb says he was just agreeing with her about Cody. Frankie asks Caleb who he wants to be with in final 2 and he says any of Derrick, Frankie, Cody, and Christine would be good for him. 


    12:45 AM BBT Nicole tells Derrick that she might want to put Victoria up since she might be the one evicted instead of Christine, she suggests Cody being next to her. Derrick says to Nicole that he is going to tell Caleb about Nicole wanting to nominate Christine and Victoria, Nicole is okay with it. As Derrick leaves Nicole he tells her that he will try his best to keep her safe this week and Nicole wishes him good luck.


    12:50 PM BBT Caleb and Frankie in the HOHR discussing who are the big targets in the house. Frankie tells Caleb that since no one will waste a HOH getting Victoria out then she will go to final 2 so she needs to be evicted next. Caleb asks Frankie why he should keep Christine because she could beat everyone in a competition. 


    12:55 AM BBT Derrick and Cody talking in the HN room that Christine is a big target, Derrick says if Nicole was able to get off the block then Christine would be the one going home, she is good in competitions. Cody tells Derrick that Donny was good at Veto competitions but wasn’t able to win many HOH comps. They agree that Frankie is good in competitions.  Caleb tells Frankie in the HOHR that Frankie is his best friend in the house.

  17. 1:03 AM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 on Frankie and Caleb laying down in the dark in the HoHR not talking. Victoria and Derrick in the HN room, Victoria is crying and Derrick is telling her that there are about 20 days left and she needs to play her hardest and if she is evicted at least she knows she played as hard as she can. He tells her to go to sleep because she is crying and has booze in her and that isn’t a good combination. They both hug and Derrick leaves the room. All feeds on Victoria laying down in the HN room by herself.


    1:10 AM BBT After a few minutes of Victoria crying in the HN room, she leaves to find Derrick and catches him coming out of the WA, she hugs him and Derrick asks her what’s wrong. She says she doesn’t know and Derrick tells her its because she has been drinking and that she should lay down and she will fall asleep. She wonders into the WA still crying, Derrick follows and tries to ask her whats wrong but gets no response, he turns to the camera and shrugs. Victoria tells Derrick she thinks it’s just from everything building up.


    1:19 AM BBT Nicole is out of the diary room and goes to the KT to eat some food, Victoria is sitting at the KT table, Nicole asks Victoria to stay up with her for a little bit. Derrick walks into the KT and asks Nicole how she likes the HN food. Frankie is shown watching the HOH TV with the screen on the KT. Christine is called into the Diary room.


    1:25 AM BBT Derrick goes up to the HOHR, Caleb is still awake and Derrick asks what they are doing. Caleb says that just shut off the TV, Caleb asks what Victoria was yelling about down stairs. Derrick says he was in the HN room but that it was Nicole yelling because she stubbed her toe in the KT.


    1:30 AM BBT Nicole was talking to Derrick about making her bed in the HN room, she walks back into the KT and tells Victoria that Derrick is so funny and she sees how Victoria loves him. Nicole calls Derrick Victoria’s Hayden. Victoria says yeah.  Victoria and Nicole talking about the goodbye messages for this week. Nicole says that Victoria better cry for her goodbye message, she tells Victoria that she will probably be shown last because BB shows their closest friend in the house last and her last eviction they showed Donny. Nicole says that she doesn’t want to see Christine’s ugly face in the good bye message.


    1:40 AM BBT Nicole and Victoria in the KT talking about targets in the house. Nicole says its funny how she is a bigger target than Cody, Caleb and Frankie [no mention of Derrick]. Victoria says that they are trying to get all the girls out and she really wants to make a final 2 deal.


    1:50 AM BBT Nicole and Victoria go to the WA and brush their teeth to get ready for bed. Victoria tells Nicole she is going to tell Derrick goodnight, who is being shown on the other feeds with his eyes closed. Victoria still goes to the HN room to tell Derrick goodnight. Nicole is not far behind, now talk is about how Victoria doesn’t want to sleep in the FR or ER. She suggests sleeping in the HN room but both Nicole and Derrick tell her not to do that to herself.


    1:55 AM BBT Victoria finally tells Derrick and Nicole good night and leaves the HN room. Derrick tells Nicole that Victoria is a sweet girl, but geez. Derrick says to Nicole that he thinks she had the longest DR session this whole season, it was about one and a half hours. 

  18. 11:00 PM BBT Frankie, Nicole, Cody, and Victoria are in the kitchen wanting drunk Cody to eat something. Frankie offers to make quesadillas for him. Talk in the KT and Frankie tells the HG he can’t wait to be back outside the BB house so he can be a vegan again.11:00 PM BBT Frankie, Nicole, Cody, and Victoria are in the kitchen wanting drunk Cody to eat something. Frankie offers to make quesadillas for him. Talk in the KT and Frankie tells the HG he can’t wait to be back outside the BB house so he can be a vegan again.


    11:15 PM BBT Cody then goes up to the HOHR where Caleb is listening to music. 


    11:20 PM BBT In the HOHR, Caleb is laughing at Cody’s dinosaur costume. Caleb tells Cody that he should wear it for Halloween.  Caleb tells Cody to go to bed but Cody says he is waiting until he feels good enough to lay down to sleep.


    11:35 PM BBT Derrick and Nicole are making HN food in the KT with Frankie, Victoria, and Christine. Frankie says he will go to bed in another hour. Frankie goes up to the HOHR with food, Caleb is awake listening to music still and tells Frankie that Cody is asleep on the couch. Frankie asks Caleb when he is going to sleep and he says soon. Frankie goes back downstairs and Caleb tells production that one of the cameras in the HOHR has fallen off and is hanging by a wire if they want to fix it. 


    11:40 PM BBT Cody and Caleb leave the HOH room. Cody heads to the ER and Caleb tells the HG in the KT about the hanging camera.


    11:45 PM BBT Frankie is talking about how much drama would be in the house if there was another gay man there, that they would also have lots of sex too. The HG ask him if he would hook up with Andy from last season. 


    11:52 PM BBT In the KT Derrick is talking about if pandora’s box will appear soon. Christine and Nicole are discussing luxury competitions of previous seasons. Christine says she wants to go to bed but doesn’t want to wake Cody up while getting ready. The HG say that he will be passed out for a long time and not even an earthquake will wake him up. Frankie and Caleb are talking about who can outdrink who with alcohol between the two of them.

  19. 1:06 AM BBT Cody and Christine laying down in the FR, Christine comes and joins them. Derrick tells everyone goodnight and heads to the HN room. After a bried FOTH, Frankie and Caleb are in the FR as well. Derrick and Nicole are talking in the HN room in the dark, they are saying that in their BB contract it states that the producers can make a change per their discretion.


    1:15 AM BBT Derrick and Nicole in the HN room are getting ready for bed, Nicole says she thinks tonight will be really cold in their bedroom. Derrick says he is wearing two pairs of pants. Nicole tells Derrick she is ready to go home to see her family. Derrick tells her that if she wins the Veto tomorrow she will change her mind. Derrick asks Nicole what her perspective on the house is, meaning who she thinks what the alliances are. Nicole says she knows there are two sides of the house and she thinks everyone lies and flip flops as well as sucks up to people. Frankie, Caleb, Victoria, Cody, and Christine are talking in the FR about Christine being a barista.


    1:20 AM BBT Nicole also says to Derrick that she thinks there is no strategy being used in the house this season, no one is willing to listen to game moves and too many people are set in their ways and being unanimous with the targets each week. Derrick tells Nicole that Dan was able to sway the house but no one in the house this season is the same as Dan. Nicole tells Derrick that she thinks he is the closest to Dan and she respects the way he has been playing the game.


    1:25 AM BBT Nicole repeats to Derrick what Donny said that she would want to be final 2 with someone who is the best player in the house because in order to be the best you got to beat the best. Derrick tells her that she must win the Veto tomorrow to become final 6. Nicole says that with Thursday being a double eviction, if she walks out of the house she will be pissed if Derrick comes out after her. Nicole is telling Derrick that she feels more like a viewer coming back into the house, Derrick tells her that she must have talked to Hayden and Jocasta in the Jury house and figured stuff out within the BB house so she needs to use that to her advantage.


    1:32 AM BBT Frankie and Caleb are getting ready for bed in the HOHR, they are also talking about Caleb was thinking about wanting to go for the money during the HoH comp, if it was more money it would have tempted him more. Cody, Christine, and Victoria are not being shown currently. Nicole and Derrick in the HN room are talking about Hayden. Derrick thinks Hayden is more intelligent than he presents himself. Nicole says if he was still in the house he would have one this last HoH comp because he played ice hockey for many years. Nicole is worried what competition is being built for the Veto comp tomorrow.


    1:40 AM BBT Nicole thinks is more important for her to not win the HoH competitions since she wouldn't be allowed to compete the following week, and even though its risky its better for her to win each Veto comp to promise her safety. Derrick tells her that she is doing the best she can in her current situation. They are now talking about Dan Gheesling, Nicole says he played his social game the whole time in the BB house and when he needed to win a competition he was able to win. Cody and Christine in the FR are talking generally about production being able to hear them sometimes with their mics. Talk has quickly shifted to Disney movies and Cody's dislike for classic movies.


    1:48 AM BBT Nicole tells Derrick that she was worried about coming back into the BB house because she would have to get into game mode again and face everything that comes with playing the game, and this was after she spent a week in the Jury house getting used to not playing anymore. She didn't want to stress staying alive in the game. Nicole says to Derrick that Caleb told her that even if she survived this week she would be targeted again next week. Derrick tells her that he if he survives the final days in the house he won't stress himself out trying to dodge eviction.


    1:56 AM BBT Cody and Christine in the FR are talking about musicians. Still in the HN room, Derrick tells Nicole that Frankie, Caleb, and Cody have been playing great games, both social and with competitions and Nicole should be happy that she is playing BB with the best of the best. Nicole says to Derrick that she is sick and tired of the unanimous eviction voting and the first chance she gets she will break it. Derrick tells her not to say that out loud to anyone except him. Nicole says she thinks he will tell everyone anyway but Derrick asks her if anything she has ever told him been leaked. She says no. Nicole is back to worrying about the Veto competition tomorrow, she is most worried about Frankie winning. Then Nicole wonders to Derrick who Frankie will target after Nicole.

  20. 11:02 PM BBT Frankie is yelling/asking Derrick, Caleb, Christine, Cody, and Victoria in the KT what Donnie did in BB to get such a large fan base, judging from the crowd reaction walking out of the house. Derrick has left the KT and went to the FR and is now apologizing to the cameras/live feeders about their TA mission, he said also said he got the picture and understands.


    11:06 PM BBT Derrick is now taking a shower in the WA, Nicole was in the same room and Derrick asked her if she heard how loud the crowd was for Donnie. Nicole said she knew America loves him. Derrick tells Nicole that even during his interview with Jeff that his biggest fear coming into the BB house was his daughter changing a lot while back home. Frankie, Caleb, and Cody are all complimenting how their dinner turned out. Victoria was called to the DR.


    11:13 PM BBT Derrick and Nicole are talking in the WA about the HoH comp. Both agree that they should have done better scoops during the competition. Derrick says that whatever mixture was in the slippery flooring is still on him, even after washing his body. In the KT, Cody and Caleb are still eating. Christine has her head face down on the table but is still conversing with the HG, and Frankie announced/sang [giving us brief FOTH] that he was going to make cookies.


    11:20 PM BBT Frankie, Cody, and Caleb are wonder when Caleb will get his HoH key. Caleb asks Cody how long he had to wait last week for his key. Frankie says that they shouldn't take too long setting up Caleb's HoH room because they might have known for a while who was going to win. Derrick and Caleb are now talking in the WA about Caleb's HoH win and Derrick getting his $5000. Derrick is saying that next HoH will be a mental competition so Derrick, Cody, and Frankie should be able to win since Caleb will be sitting it out.


    11:26 PM BBT Caleb walks back in the KT, Frankie tells Caleb that he is the greatest person on the planet and hugs him. We get a brief FOTH. When the feeds return Derrick and Victoria are in the FR laying down talking about trying to get the $5000 reward during the HoH comp. Derrick is said he is glad Victoria let him go for it. Derrick says he knew he wasn't going to win the HoH so he wanted to try to win money for his daughter's college fund. Caleb and Cody walk into the FR and Derrick thanks the two guys again for letting him go for the money because he didn't want to also annoy the HG with the Hollas for the rest of the season.


    11:32 PM BBT Christine and Frankie are talking in the KT about what the Veto competition might be, hoping its mental since everyone is sore from tonight's HoH comp. Derrick tells Caleb, Cody, and Victoria in the FR that the best part about tonight are the videos with their family members. Derrick knew he would cry after seeing how Cody and Victoria reacted while watching their videos. Talk in the FR has turned to the HG falling during the HoH comp.


    11:41 PM BBT Christine tells Frankie in the KT that while Donny was in the house she would try to get up early in the morning to have the BY to herself but Donny was usually there as well. Frankie still wonders who Donny really is, he says, "just a high IQ groundskeeper, I guess." Derrick and Caleb are in the FR still comparing how they got their balls out of the snowman head. Cody has joined Christine in the KT, they hug while Cody tells her its okay, Christine says she wanted to win because she has already been feeling good all week.


    11:45 PM BBT Christine tells Cody that she will stay clear of the girls this week and she needs to keep her own mouth shut. Caleb tells Derrick that Cody told him he heard Christine trying to help Nicole during the HoH comp by telling her to scoop the slush at the bottom of the container. Caleb says he sort of heard Christine mention that to Nicole. Frankie says he heard it too but Derrick didn't hear anything. Caleb doesn't think that was a big deal but Derrick tells him that it is because Christine was only telling Nicole and that could have helped her win the competition.


    11:51 PM BBT All HG in the FR except Cody, who is showering, and Nicole, who is in the DR, are talking again about seeing their family videos. Frankie and Derrick get up and say they are going to eat the cookies they just baked.


    11:57 PM BBT Caleb and Christine are left in the FR. Christine asks Caleb if he is stuck in the FR due to his injury, Caleb says he will move around and then he starts talking about how his knee and back injuries are resulting from his army days from wearing all his gear. Frankie, Nicole, Victoria, and Derrick are all in the KT eating the freshly baked cookies.

  21. 11:08 PM BBT In the KT, Frankie is washing the dishes, talking like Consuela. Caleb is drying the dishes and Derrick is putting them away. Donny, Cody, Nicole and Christine are in the HoH room talking about watching the HG on the TV. Donny was going to make a remark about the TV but didn't want to because he thinks its about production. Nicole says Donny is very good at following the rules, Cody tries to get Donny to hand him his mic but Donny didn't fall for it.


    11:15 PM BBT Victoria has joined the Clean-up crew in the KT, she has got a disinfectant wipe and was cleaning the kitchen table. Derrick is now sweeping the floor. The HG in the HOHR are amazed about how much Frankie, Caleb, Derrick, and Victoria are cleaning the KT. Cody asks if anyone feels bad that they aren't down there helping.


    11:20 PM BBT Nicole and Cody in the HOHR are taking turns playing with each other's hair. The HGs in the KT are still cleaning. Donny, Cody, Nicole, and Christine in the HOHR are now talking about dirty dishes and glasses that are left behind by other HGs. Cody and Donny took a bet at what time it was. Donny guessed 11:12 and Donny guessed 10:52. It was 11:17 PM.


    11:27 PM BBT Derrick, Caleb, and Victoria are finished cleaning. Frankie is still washing dishes. Cody, Nicole, Donny, and Christine are still watching the downstairs HGs on the TV. They are watching Victoria wander around, saying that's all she does. Victoria sits at the KT table and Donny says she will be there for 2 minutes. Cody times her and she gets up at 40 seconds. Donny said that Amber was the same way she would go into every room wandering around. Cody says it was because she was paranoid.


    11:32 PM BBT Caleb is now eating in the KT, Derrick and Victoria are drying and putting away dishes. HGs in the HOHR watch as Victoria leave the KT towards the LR and comes back to the KT within a few seconds. Christine is telling about how Victoria slapped Derrick in a flirty way previously. More talk about Victoria in the HoHR about her dating an older man.


    11:38 PM BBT Cody, Nicole, Donny, and Christine in the HOHR are watching Frankie, Caleb, Derrick, and Victoria making/eating food in the KT. Donny leaves and tells the HG to watch him for his wave on the TV. Cody and Nicole are playing thumb wars, Christine says she sucks at that game, but she plays Cody anyway. Derrick is talking about his daughter Tenley, her nickname is T Rose because her middle name is Rose. If she would have been a boy the name would have been Nolan, Derrick says in a way after Nolan Ryan. Caleb then asks Derrick who he thinks is the best pitcher in the MLB.


    11:45 PM BBT Nicole and Christine in the HOHR are trying to tickle Cody's feet, he is making the girls try to smell them. As Donny passes by the cameras they all yell good night to him. They are watching Derrick, Frankie, and Caleb were eating cereal in the KT. Christine says that its annoying how Frankie drinks a glass of milk out of a new glass every time. In the KT, Caleb is giving Frankie a nutritional instruction about what to eat before bed, he says cereal is a good choice to eat because it is a complex carbohydrate and will break down better.


    11:52 PM BBT Derrick and Caleb are talking in the LR about Cody being popular with the girls of the house. Currently Christine, Nicole, and Victoria are all upstairs with Cody. Donny has gone to bed and Frankie is not shown on feeds. Derrick says he doesn't act like Cody because he is married and Caleb is because he is a southern gentleman. Derrick is telling Caleb about how this may affect the jury vote. He wonders if the vote will be a popularity contest or best game play. Derrick hasn't watched the seasons with Dr. Will but he says Dan was the best player in BB history.


    11:58 PM BBT Derrick and Caleb are talking about Dan from BB14's game play. Retelling about how Dan convinced Danielle to use the veto on Dan to take him off and replace him with Shane, whom she was head over heels with. Derrick says if Dan was in the BB house, he would not be in a room with him because Dan would be cable to convince him to give him the money because of Dan's mist. Talk with Derrick and Caleb have moved to Dr. Will and Mike Boogie. Nicole, Cody, Victoria, and Christine are watching Derrick and Caleb on the HOHR TV talking, briefly wondering what their conversation is about.

  22. 2:02 AM BBT Derrick and Caleb finish their pool game and head inside. Derrick says he wants to take a shower. Frankie joins them in the KT and they all 3 talk about the situation of evicting Donny this week, they all feel terrible about doing it but unfortunately in this game it has to be done. Victoria heads inside to the KT leaving Cody and Christine on the BY couches with Cody's head on Christine's lap and she is massaging his hair. Caleb and Frankie are asking each other hypothetical questions for the possible Before and After competition.


    2:10 AM BBT Nicole has come out of the DR and heads to the BY. Cody and Christine tell Nicole how she is going to be Hayden in the BB Broadway play. Derrick asks Caleb a couple Before and After questions before he heads to the HoH to take a shower. Caleb goes back outside. Victoria sitting in the KT by herself eating. Frankie is doing laps in the BY. Christine, Cody, Caleb, and Nicole are talking about what is going on in the Jury house and then they move onto movies. Caleb is now shouting at BB to call him into the DR and Cody tells the HG to now call him Beast Mode Calzone.


    2:18 AM BBT Frankie finished running and asks the HG how many laps around the perimeter is a full mile. Someone says 19. Frankie says it is 440 laps in the swimming pool is a full mile as well. Victoria has joined the HG in the BY, the conversation outside has moved on to IQ tests. Cody says the highest IQ to be tested for now is 200. Nicole and Caleb briefly debate the lowest score possible on an ACT test. Cody has been called to the DR.


    2:26 AM BBT In the BY, Christine, Frankie, Nicole, Victoria, and Caleb are talking about the Veto competition again. Christine says Derrick said, "Groundskeeper, my a**," when Donny was within 30 during one of the rounds. Talk has now moved on to what is the average size of testicles and how guys act during sex.


    2:38 AM BBT Caleb tell the HG that he would never have sex with a virgin because they would fall in love with him afterwards. Christine asks him if he would if he had previously fallen in love with a girl and Caleb says he would. Caleb says he is a born again virgin and hasn't had sex in over a year, the people in his hometown ask and wonder if he is gay because he turns down girls for sex. Frankie talks about some Tony award winners. Derrick comes out to the BY and Caleb gives a shout out to follow him on his social media. Caleb says he is a Kentucky Bachelor and is looking for love and to send a girl to him or have her write to him on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram.


    2:47 AM BBT Talk about love in the BY with Frankie, Nicole, Caleb, and Victoria. Frankie, Vic, and Caleb say they all fall in love too easy and don't play hard to get. Nicole says being too easy isn't fun and its safer to play hard to get. Caleb and Victoria talk about dating new people that seem perfect for them but those relationships always end. Christine and Derrick are in the KT, Derrick tells Christine that today was a good day and he is glad he had that talk with Donny. They are both wondering too who Nicole would nominate if she won HoH next week. Derrick tells Christine that Nicole doesn't trust him but she might not nominate him because he hasn't done anything to her.


    2:57 AM BBT Derrick says to Christine that he is close to Victoria and she may or may not ever vote to evict Derrick but he would vote to evict her when the time comes for it. He says that Victoria hasn't played BB as hard as Derrick and Christine. Their conversation about Victoria is interrupted when Victoria comes into the KT. Their conversation quickly changed to Derrick not being able to eat cheese because of his minor lactose intolerance. Derrick and Victoria are talking about her face being swollen. In the BY, Caleb, Frankie, and Nicole are mentioning about this is a crazy house but not it has calmed down a lot.

  23. 1:07 AM BBT Derrick, Frankie, and Donny in the FR finish talking and give a shout out to BBAD and TVGN about BB Brodway, Derrick comments that it might not work. Frankie leaves the FR and Derrick and Donny are talking about making it to the end. Donny is trying to sell to Derrick about taking him father in the game. Derrick says he wants to get to the end as much as Donny but they both have to play the game to make it there.


    1:15 AM BBT Frankie has gone outside and is playing pool with Caleb. Christine is the only person out there watching. In the FR Derrick is telling Donny what kind of situation he is in that he has no one in the house that he can trust. Derrick told Donny that Nicole is his friend but this week she is against him because she is beside them on the block. Cody briefly enters the FR and interrupts their conversation, he doesn't stay long and Donny and Derrick go back to saying how Nicole won the buy back competition and is leaving again.


    1:23 AM BBT Derrick points out to Donny that the majority of the remaining house will leave having made less money than the Team America alliance. Derrick says that as soon as he became part of TA his goals of the game have been to complete the TA missions and instead of playing the game to make it to the end, he would play the game surviving week to week to make the money by completing missions. Donny and Derrick end their conversation they both tell each other they are good people and Derrick is crying a little.


    1:30 AM BBT Frankie is pitching the idea of BB Broadway to Cody and Christine in the BY. Frankie tells Christine to be Paola in the play. Caleb goes into the FR with Derrick and Victoria, Derrick is retelling his conversation with Donny. Back in the BY, Cody says that Donny is talking to Derrick in the FR. Christine comments about Donny making new alliances with everyone.


    1:38 AM BBT All HG are in the BY, except Nicole and Donny. Derrick is again telling everyone about his talk with Donny. They all agree that he would probably win BB because he has proven to be able to win competitions and he is very likable. Derrick says that when Donny came out of the DR earlier that he can tell Donny was crying. Derrick tells the group he feels bad for Donny because he is sad about most likely going home this week and his game talk and campaigning to stay is a little too late to do in the game.


    1:46 AM BBT In the BY, Victoria asks where Nicole is and they tell her the DR, the conversation then moves to their diary sessions tonight. They note that Donny was in the DR for over an hour, Nicole has been in there for a while, and Caleb had a long session earlier. After a brief FOTH, talk outside is now about this Veto competition. Derrick says there was a big lapse of judgment when too many people folded during one of the rounds. Frankie says his strategy was to Stay every round, which he did until he was knocked out.


    1:54 AM BBT Frankie brings up doing BB Broadway and is assigning the HG which evicted HG they will play. Derrick will be Hayden, Cody will be Zach, Frankie is going to be Amber. Frankie tells Victoria that she should be Jocasta but she wants to act like Joey. Christine comes back outside and the guys tell her that she is to be Paola. Caleb has changed to being Brittany in the play so Derrick is now going to be Devin. and Nicole is volunteered to be Hayden. They have also volunteered Donny to be Jocasta. Derrick and Caleb have started to play pool. Frankie says he is going inside to take a shower.




    1:54 AM BBT Frankie brings up doing BB Broadway and is assigning the HG which evicted HG they will play. Derrick will be Hayden, Cody will be Zach, Frankie is going to be Amber. Frankie tells Victoria that she should be Jocasta but she wants to act like Joey. Christine comes back outside and the guys tell her that she is to be Paola. Caleb has changed to being Brittany in the play so Derrick is now going to be Devin. and Nicole is volunteered to be Hayden. They have also volunteered Donny to be Jocasta. Derrick and Caleb have started to play pool. Frankie says he is going inside to take a shower.

  24. 2:05 AM BBT Frankie, Cody, Caleb, and Christine in the HoH room are watching Victoria walking around the BB house wondering if she will come back up or not. They say she is waiting for Derrick to come out of the DR before she goes to sleep. They call her a chipmunk because of her cheeks. Talk in the HoH room has moved on to farting. Caleb says it would be awesome if Victoria left because of a medical reason. Cody hopes she wont be able to compete in the Veto competiton if she is picked.


    2:12 AM BBT Derrick left the DR he went to the SR immediately and showed to the cameras a card that had "SLOP" written on it and then threw it away. Afterwards he went up to the HoH room with no mention of it to the other HG.


    2:20 AM BBT HoH talk is covering the Bomb Squad alliance. How it was started too early, and comparing it to The Brigade alliance. Derrick says the difference between The Bomb Squad and The Brigade is that no one turned on each other in The Brigade and Zach and Devin turned on The Bomb Squad. They all think The Bomb Squad will be an immortalized alliance in BB history. They are all now talking about the black box BotB competition how Christine was giving Cody and Caleb the wrong size bones. Christine takes the opportunity to say she hates Donny.


    2:25 AM BBT We keep getting FOTH because the conversation in the HoH is about how Frankie noticed during the nomination ceremony the cameras are pointed on the nominees before they are revealed.


    2:37 AM BBT Derrick and Frankie say they hope BB won't let Victoria play in the Veto competition tomorrow. We get FOTH as they talk about this. When the feeds return the HG say Donny would pick Vic for the Veto comp not because she would use the Veto on him but because he could beat her in the competition. Caleb tells the HG in the HoH room about the conversation Donny started with him, he told Donny how he feels Donny is a genius, military, and is lying to everyone in the house. Caleb says he wants to find out who Donny really is.


    2:47 AM BBT Talk in the HoH have turned to how digital this season has been with the key nominations and Twitter. Frankie and Caleb are complimenting how pretty Julie was this last live eviction. The HG are saying that they have forgotten they are on a reality TV show, most have gotten used to it and are not conscious of that fact. Frankie and Derrick say that mostly people watch the TB episodes and only the die hard fans watch the live feeds.


    2:56 AM BBT The HG in the HoH room have been talking for the past few minutes about how many people watch the live feeds. They are now saying how emotional Donny was when he saw Jocasta and how terrible human beings they are and people must hate them but that is followed by everyone saying how america likes them for being a strong alliance

  25. 1:03 AM BBT Caleb is talking about him being an upcoming Country artist. Cody says he can harmonize for him. Caleb says he has played in front of a crowd of 4,000. Christine is now giving Derrick a tatto with no glasses on.

    1:15 AM BBT FOTH for the last few minutes. When the feeds return Caleb is telling the HG at the KT table about a story he usually tells at family reunions and gatherings. All the HG have been mentioning people that makes us have FOTH off and on. Victoria has joined the HG in the KT again. When the feeds returned Cody is not seen.
    1:22 AM BBT For the past few minutes all four feeds have been showing Donny sleeping in the Have Not room. Feeds then move to the bathroom, Frankie is brushing his teeth. All HG have moved from the Kitchen. Caleb is in the bathroom as well, Nicole is going to take a shower, Christine looks to be doing the same. Derrick and Victoria are in the FR, Derrick is asking her if she feels alright and tells her that at least she will sleep in a regular bed tonight.
    1:26 AM BBT Derrick and Victoria have moved to the bathroom, Derrick says he is going to take a shower. Nicole only changed in the shower stall and is now brushing her teeth. Caleb is alone in the KT doing shout outs to the camera to look up his brother. Frankie is telling everyone good night, he is exhausted.
    1:31 AM BBT All HG in the bathroom except Donny and Christine, Derrick is showering and Nicole is putting on makeup for her DR session. Victoria is laying down on the bathroom couches. Frankie, Caleb, and Cody have moved from the bathroom and are sitting around the taller KT table. Talk between them is about the Veto competition and whoever wins needs to keep nominations the same. Cody and Caleb say they will both pick Frankie for HG choice.
    1:47 AM BBT Frankie and Caleb are talking about getting BB related tattoos once they are done with the game. Caleb says he wants to get the BB key with all their initials surrounding it. Talk in the KT has turned to trying to obtain social media domain names. Christine has entered the bathroom and is brushing her hair, Derrick is still showering. Caleb does a shout out to follow him and his brother at Fat Neck Outdoors on Instagram.
    1:52 AM BBT Derrick asks Christine in the bathroom who is still awake, she mentions everyone except Donny, he asks again if Frankie is still awake and she says yes. The KT crew is talking about evictions and Frankie asks if BB tries to find the fans of the HG that are on the block to get a big reaction when they walk out of the door. Nicole comes out of the DR and joins the KT crew.
    1:57 AM BBT The HG in the KT are talking about how much they have drank tonight. Nicole was washing up in the bathroom then walks by the KT and tells the HG good night. After that the Frankie, Christine, Caleb, and Cody move up to the HoH room. Frankie mentions how when they were walking upstairs Victoria saw them but just shrugged and didn't follow them up. The HoH talk briefly says that Donny better not win HoH and they move on to Nicole being in love with Hayden. Victoria is seen coming up to the HoH room and Frankie asks what they should be pretending to be talking about, Victoria just walks in to say good night and leaves.



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