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Posts posted by Cotizzle

  1. 3:00pm BBT Frank and Paulie talking game in the Tokyo room. Jozea walks in and game talk stops. Paulie starts talking dinner plans. 


    3:05pm BBT Bronte, Corey, James, Natalie by the pool talking about dating and lying. Natalie says she told her friends she had to lie, but her friends didn't believe she could. James and Corey jokingly call her a liar.


    3:07PM BBT Pool crew turns to rent costs. Girls are in disbelief at how low James's rent costs are.


    2:10 BBT  it's picture time in the BB house as Nicole got her HOH camera so they taking pictures all over the place. Ongoing for the past 30mins to an hour






    2:20 BBT Michelle/DAY talking outside by the sofa. Michelle catching her up on her long conversation with Jozea. James/Bridgette talking by the pool also 



    2:45 BBT The girls called Tiff from downstairs & asked her to come take their pics but are instead taking FATAL 5 pictures upstairs doing their hand sign


  3. 6:10 PM. BBT The outside crew was asking Jackie so how that hard-work/boot-camp and they dont even pay you enough money even when the players make somuch money (plus they cant even chip in -Cotizzle)& Jackie say but most dancers would have done it for free. Steve asks so how did you then support yourself. Jackie says she had another job & her parents supported her.

    6:11 PM. BBT Shelli and the twins run inside and hide Clay's shirt so that James can't wear it again.

    6:13 PM. BBT Shelli/Twins actually went into HN room & through James stuff & found the shirt they think its Clay's & took it so that James dodo not wear it again

    6:16 PM. BBT Shelli as they leave HN room say: "This is definitely it. Oh my God. It smells like James now. Julia: Ewww"

    6:17PM. BBT Shelli and Julia hide the stuff and go find Liz in BA and tell her that they found the grey one & Liz yells OMG. Shelli says if they go through her stuff - she will be so pissed ( she just went to HN room and went and grabbed the shirt by going through James things- Cotizzle)

    6:20 PM. BBT James is throwing Tortillas on the ground no making a twister board. FOTH

  4. 5:38 PM. BBT Steve joins Meg and James in the kitchen. Meg says, "Steve man, we have to pull a win this week. Big time!"

    5:40 PM BBT James keeps asking Meg if he has seen Shelli studying at all bc she is going to win & that scares him. Meg responds she hasn'tbut they have to study

    5:50 PM BBT Operation get Clay shirt has stopped since Jackie is with twins/Shelli. Meg/James/Steve all outside now

    5:56 PM BBT Jackie just told the HGs that she made $55 a game dancing for the Miami Heat.

    5:57 PM Jackie says she got on TAR by being a Miami Heat dancer. She got an email from TAR casting director who saw her dancing.

  5. 3:38 PM Caleb is awake now. In the Kitchen with Frankie, Hayden, Donny, Jocasta. Caleb gets something to drink. BB calls Victoria out "microphone obstruction"

    3:38 PM everyone in the Kitchen asks what could she be talking about? Frankie: shes probably like "Let me tell you it's something irrelevant"

    3:44 PM Hayden goes upstairs to lay in bed and cuddle Nicole alone. Frankie cuddling and laying on top of Cody in Jocasta bed. Chris in fire room

    3:45 PM Hayden spooning with Nic. FR: Caleb, Cody, Frank, Vic, Derr, Chris

  6. 3:35 PM Derrick to Victoria in Fire room: I want you to stay focused when I am defending you. I will tell you the 1st time. Victoria: Zach is a piece of Shit man. He pulls me aside and is super nice to me when he was not on the block. I think he always wants attention.

    Derrick I was defending you. There was a lot of people out there.

    Victoria: just dont defend me next time then.

    Derrick: I was like .. you got a mother .. If that was my daughter I would be out of the show because I would have knocked your F'ing teeth out. I dont know if he was standing there but I was talking to Cody and Frankie

    Vic: what did he say.

    Cody comes in and Derrick tells him to come over.

    3:34 PM Victoria: I need to know when someone talks shit about me. I am super genuine with Zach. I was super nice to Amber right? I cant stand her. Just tell me when someone does that so i wont look stupid.

    3:36 PM Cody: I dont feel like being around anyone right now. Derrick rubbing on Victoria's ear. Derrick: you are gonna win HOH. Cody: Victoria why do you curse a lot now?

    Victoria: The sentence this year, everyone is gonna be like "let me go fuck myself"

    3:37 PM Derrick/Victoria in fire room, Victoria asked what was said. Derrick said it was "something along the lines of" Zach was questioning why Derrick was with Victoria all the time, how Derrick could stand it, and Derrick said because he likes her like a little sister and Derrick doesn't disrespect women like Zach does. Derrick said there were lots of people there so it wasn't a secret. Victoria asked why Derrick didn't tell her and Derrick said he didn't want her to think it was a game move.

  7. 2:37 PM Hayden talking about getting flicked off as an ant and imagine if you were an ant and a giant foot kicks you a mile away!

    2:38 PM Hayden: I want to make a Youtube video like that. Victoria in Kitchen making a drink alone.

    2:58 PM Hayden asks Cody what he thinks about putting "First Name" on one arm and "Last Name" on the other name. Cody: Never seen that.

    2:59 PM Cody says he got his last name tattooed on himself. Christine says a lot of guys from UofA has their name tatted on them.

    3:00 PM BY couch: Victoria, Nicole, Hayden. Cody, Chris, Jo, Donny. Chris: All the tatt shops are in war w/ each other. Its Scary.

    3:00 PM Hayden talking about tattoos again .. now tattoos gone wrong.

    3:02 PM Christine shouted out "Jason at Chrome?" that did her tattoos.

    3:04 PM Cody: I dont know the names of ANY person that has done my Tattoos. Hayden: My ankle ones, my dad and mom, "Allastair" did it My 2 chains one, a girl did it that has never done tatoos alot. My rib one i bled a lot. it was random i just walked in to get this one. Christine: get "LB" on your throat.

    Christine: They will love me forever. I will get T town (tucson). 520 (my area code)

    3:06 PM All other HG still sleep.

    3:14 PM Cody: Bermuda triangle? Hayd: Did they ever find that Malaysia Flight? Everyone No. Vic: they found a pic from a cell phone. Hayd:I think the whole thing is fake.

    Chris: How can you find the box and nothing else

    Cody: I think its aliens.

    Hayd: i think it would be cool as hell if aliens came

    Chris: No thank you

    Hayd: we would all be part of the war and have semi automatics...

    3:17 PM Yelling from outside the house and we get Fish...

    3:20 PM Jocasta goes inside to cook. Nicole goes to HOH. Victoria goes inside to use the Bathroom. Cody laying down beside Christine on backyard couch w/ the guys

    3:23 PM Fish... then inside lockdown. Hayden says it isn't the eviction day lockdown. May be related to the shouting they have heard from outside the house.

  8. 1:03am BBT: Christine to Frankie: "If someone tries to backdoor one of us, we have the votes (long pause)...at least I know I do.....

    Frankie: "I really think all he (Zach) wants is to be the first member of the jury so that he can vote for me".

    Frankie points out if Zach blows up the Detonators they can point out he put Christine On the block

    1:21am BBT: Derrick, Frankie, Caleb in hammock talking about how many double evictions they will have and rehashing how many Double evictions were in previous seasons.

    1:37am BBT: Frankie tells Caleb and Derrick " I plan on doing a weekly youtube video when I get outta here".

  9. 12:09am BBT: Nicole asks Cody to cuddle but he was eating. So as a 2nd choice, she cuddles with Hayden in the rock room.

    12:10am BBT: Zach and Frankie playing pool, no game talk. Derrick/Christine on hammock, Derrick saying Zach played them against each other.Derrick says you thought we had a Final 3 deal with him, but when we vote him out on Thursday, you'll see how much of a Final 3 deal we had. Christine says exactly and laughs. Derrick also claimed Zach never talked bad about Christine to him, but did to Frankie and Cody and Derrick guesses Zach assumed Cody would tell him.

    12:21am BBT: Zach talking with Frankie and wondering if there are even any other alliances in the house. He says it with a laugh.

    12:25am BBT: Zach saying his eviction poem again out loud. In the bg, Derrick hears and says "Yeah, he's definitely gonna blow up".

    12:25am BBT Derrick to Christine- If I had to put money on it, he (Zach) is not going out quietly Less...

    Derrick tells Christine he was oblivious to Christine/Frankie thinking they had a Final 3, so he understands why they felt left out

    Christine tells Derrick about her plan to split the votes 4-4. Derrick says that Nicole would be pissed if that happened

    Derrick tells Christine that the "Los Tres Amigos" was made up on the spot by Zach and that him and Cody joined out of spite

    Derrick to Christine: When I vote him (Zach) out on Thursday you'll see how much of a Final 3 deal I had with him.

    12:35am BBT: Derrick gives hypothetical, "If i win HOH, who do we nominate?" to Christine.Chris says Donny/Victoria. Derrick says if Donn wins POV. Chris says backdoor Caleb

    Christine says that Donny would be voted out. Derrick asks "Do we really want Caleb out because he thinks we're in an alliance?"

    12:39 BBT: Some more whispering about nominees and who is evicted next. Derrick says something "Worst case scenario Jocasta goes home.If we win POV, Caleb or (someone else) goes home"



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