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Posts posted by dland82995

  1. 9:35PM BBT - Live feeds are not back up, but BBAD is airing on TVGN. Cody, Derrick, Donny, and Hayden, the houseguests not in the PoV, are on LD in the HOHR.

    10:00PM BBT - Houseguests in the HOHR are playing a game of "Would You Rather...?"

    10:12PM BBT - The houseguest in the HOHR heard Frankie walk up to the door and are now leaving the HOHR.

    10:14PM BBT - There is now there is fish showing on BBAD.

    10:25PM BBT - The live feeds are back up, and Christine won the PoV.

    10:26PM BBT - They are talking about the PoV, and Zach is mad because he could not solve the puzzle. He said he took a piece and through it across the yard and hit a camera.

    10:20PM BBT - Zach says that he tried to give up 3 times, but production would not let him. He said that he only had Donny and Victoria mixed up in the comp.

  2. 4:20PM BBT - Christine and Nicole are in the LR and Christine tells Nicole that the plan is to keep Zach this week. Christine is talking about post-veto nominees and Nicole asks Christine that if she does not put up Donny, who should she put up. Christine tells her either Cody or Derrick because she thinks that they are a team.

    4:25PM BBT - Cody, Derrick, and Frankie say that the past PoV competitions have been around 6 at night except for last week, which was around 3.

    4:27PM BBT - C, D, and F are now talking about what to do if Zach stays on the block. Frankie says to make the vote 5 to 3 and keep Zach, and then point fingers at others to stir things up.

    4:37PM BBT - Because Caleb and Victoria are dressed up as Adam and Eve, Victoria is sitting in the LR reading scripture from the Old Testament to Caleb, Christine, Donny, Jocasta, and Nicole.

  3. 3:30PM BBT - "The Detonators" are all talking, Zach says that after this week that there will be 10 players left in the game. Zach says that the best thing to do is to get Jocasta out this week if they can't get out Donny. He also says that out of the 5 players that are not in their alliance, the last one that should be evicted is either Caleb or Victoria. Order to get out rest of players assuming Jocasta leaves: Hayden, Donny, Nicole, Caleb, then Victoria.

    3:39PM BBT - Zach tells Christine that if Nicole wins the PoV, that she needs to follow her around everywhere and be in her ear. Cody says that he does not think that Nicole will use the PoV because she would not want to get anymore blood on her hands.

    3:40PM BBT - Christine says that they would have to convince Nicole that Zach would not be coming after her. Zach says that himself or Caleb needs to win and Cody says that he believes they will be good this week unless Jocasta wins the PoV.

    3:45PM BBT - Now "The Detonators" minus Derrick are talking about who Hayden likes, saying that Hayden has been having sex with Victoria in the shower everyday. Also, they say that he made out with Paola. Zach says that someone should tell Nicole, and everyone says "No" immediately. Frankie tells Zach to say it during his exit speech.

    3:47PM BBT - Frankie is cutting up his "Slop-Pie" and letting some of the other houseguest try it out. Cody and Hayden said that is was good, and Cody went back for seconds.

    3:50PM BBT - Nicole is telling everyone that Hayden has a cuddle score of 4 out of 10, and that Cody has a 9 out of 10.

  4. 2:40PM BBT - Cody, Derrick, Hayden, and Nicole are in the HOHR talking about alliance names. Some of the names: quadtropolis, married with kids, islands incorporated, & the rationale.

    2:45PM BBT - Christine and Frankie are in the KT talking the post-veto nominees. Frankie says that if Zach wins that Donny will go up and go home. If Jocasta comes off the block, then put someone up that won't go home and get Zach out.

    2:54PM BBT - Zach says that he doesn't even remember Joey and barely remembers Paola.



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