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Status Updates posted by Elvin71

  1. RT @BB_Updates: Amber to Cody- I'm running to that backyard, winning HoH and if it's double eviction I'm sending his (Caleb's) butt home #B

  2. RT @carlosv_1031: If you ever need someone to filibuster a conversation, Caleb is your man for the job. #BB16

  3. Zach: I'm gonna go stir up the pot with Victoria.

    Love this kid! #BB16

  4. RT @fergy127: @Great_Scott33 @princessglammy Only a lowlife scum would lie about military service. It dishonors the true heros who have ser…

  5. My kids never saw this when they were little. They just did it anyway! http://t.co/gRh4MCimh3

  6. Caleb keeps calling himself a cowboy but yet has he said anything about working with cattle which is what a cowboy is. #BB16

  7. RT @TraceeM: OMG, will someone please call Caleb to DR and ask him to explain what his wedding to Amber will be like to get rid of him for …

  8. RT @Gabbycrts: Why is everyone so scared this season? Not even one person has made a good move in the game. Everything is just safe. #BB16

  9. So every girl has now been nominated and only 4 guys? Girls should have listened to @JoeyVanPelt1 and stuck together. #BB16

  10. RT @AndyHerren: Donate $50 or over and I will call you for a 10 minute phone chat! Want to cuss me out? Donate! http://t.co/SqTd60h2qO

  11. RT @USMC: #factfriday From the Halls of Montezuma ... The Marines' Hymn is the oldest official song in the US military, dating back to the …

  12. I thought Frankie and Zach won HOH. Why is Derrick deciding who to put up??? #BB16

  13. Brittany looks like she came out of a Robert Palmer video. #BB16

  14. RT @princessglammy: RT if you're #TeamDonny for HOH win tonight #bb16

  15. RT @teamdonnybb16: RT if you want Brittany evicted.

    Fav if you want Donny evicted.


  16. RT @USMC: #throwbackthursday #ODT Marines landed on Tinian, beginning the sweep to secure the island in 1944. #TBT http://t.co/rf6WrtcvE7

  17. RT @HalfBakedCookie: Inside the banana peel is the pickle... but what HE doesn't know is that inside the pickle is the restraining order! #…

  18. My elderly mother just called Cody a chicken sh*t after he put up Donny. Can't agree more! #BB16

  19. Caleb is so delusional that he already has plans to get Amber a ring. Maybe he will propose at the finale. #BB16

  20. HA! Amber just came into the HOH and asked Cody to be her date for the night! #BB16

  21. Donny: Think I might go wild tonight and go without my hat. #fearthebeard #BB16

  22. 10 am in the BB house...they need to wake up!! #BB16

  23. What a lame thing to vote for this week for the live feeders! Glasses or Viking hat?? #BBLF #BB16



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