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Status Updates posted by playtone22

  1. "Your long lunch won't be nearly long enough" predicts @OpenTable. #Appiversary8Contest https://t.co/B4J6mS5vbl https://t.co/JxF4MmwfgP

  2. @AmeerahAltaweeL @realDonaldTrump He doesn't brainwash us - that's left to mainstream media. Some of us just get it now.

  3. @BasedJon22 @Nero this is exactly what I was picturing when he said it

  4. @Bethenny do you have a response to this? https://t.co/jLbMyHhllF

  5. @CastroTheBand @thehotelcafe well this is a bummer...I missed this tween and I was right by there the same day :-(

  6. @DestinyJewell13 @PhillyD I would luv for some1 to research this. I read it's a false story.

  7. @EatThisNotThat for some reasons your links don't work correctly in Chrome. Odd. Got them to work in Safari, though

  8. @GadSaad - oh, as in San Diego, not South Dakota LOL

  9. @gossmakeupartis what about all the recent drama related to BP drama???

  10. @LakeNormanLynda she looks like a mermaid...so pretty. I look disgusting when I swim.

  11. @MoneyMichelle what App were u using in today's Snapchat? I tried lookimg up what ur friend said, but couldn't find it.

  12. @NotreDameRiv yay - my aunt was there representing...we have a whole family of ND alumni

  13. @PhillyD @Boogie2988 - I'm pretty new to watching Boogie and I've enjoyed his vids. This was a fun watch. :-)

  14. @Rand_Official @ElvisPresley 100%...not even a close call for me.

  15. @tanamongeau WTH? How do you even prove that? That's BS!!!

  16. @WhatCrappens you guys mentioned a Shahs poll on the latest episode - I never saw the poll and I still don't see it :-(

  17. #Philip DeFranco Fan Nomination Confirmation https://t.co/hJ7Sp83O9j via @streamys

  18. Great collection of FREE Office Calendar Templates: https://t.co/76YbRtDHpL #OfficeTemplates via @calendarlabs

  19. It's official, the #BB16 cast is full of sheep. Lame! #BBDonnyforthewin #longshot

  20. LOL - I watched that video again just to hear you say Milip DePlanko. https://t.co/jvQSP67Rpq

  21. RT @AimeeRaupp: My dear friend & colleague Marc Sklar (@marcsklar) has launched this amazing #fertility #school which… https://t.co/RzNtWjk…

  22. RT @AndrewTMcCarthy: New ep of @thefamily tonight at 9 on @ABC - directed by yours truly. https://t.co/ZlJxU9k1nk

  23. RT @aroymb: I agree with @Pataltschul theory of choosing whom to invite. Life is too short to endure certain people. #SouthernCharm @Taylah…



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