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Status Updates posted by ParasocialDude

  1. RT @Parasocialist: My novel about the Dream Recording Industry was released as an #ebook today here: https://t.co/QKfpyLOWBV #Dreams are th…

  2. Happy Birthday @LargeTravels Chicago welcomes ya back. #reboot

  3. Fort Collins Police falsely arrested/pepper sprayed me in July @timstelloh https://t.co/jGbQfOCjEC https://t.co/xigGinq0OM

  4. @iamjohnoliver This puppet vid of a recent police abuse audio seems like something you & your peeps would do: https://t.co/j4LkeQLeiM

  5. Don't ignore it. Look it in the eyes and bite its face.

  6. Why is it inherently harder constructing strong themes than viable twists? @robcesternino @stephenfishbach @scottstp #RHAP

  7. @MonstersSee 25 Best Horror Films of 2016 https://t.co/axzYwLbs2U #SEEMONSTERS

  8. @robcesternino @stephenfishbach W/David's big move, does his being a TVwriter give him an edge w/character&story arc optimization? #RHAP

  9. After 18 seasons of bare-bone BB, finally succumbing to the live OTT madness @Robcesternino Just signed up via https://t.co/7M6zikLVPB #RHAP

  10. Great new site @robcesternino #TheFutureIsNow #RHAP

  11. Hope you are comfy, darling!! https://t.co/1wdkOT2bI5 @NikkiGrahame

  12. Dear Queen of Reality @Kassting : Is @CBSBigBrother currently casting for Fall's #BB19 on the CBS site or yall locked in already? #BBEnan

  13. @RockstarDMD What d'you think about the possibility & implications of no more root canals? https://t.co/t4ikQRTvde

  14. @Zaliraval https://t.co/OF0aOgvSQc #EdgarAllen

  15. mmhmm, #obvi @truedorktimes

  16. Noxious bias of @thedailybeast getting a little redundant/stale for "edge" outlet; get outta Hilary's ass & write @BernieSanders accurately

  17. RT @BernieSanders: Voting for Bernie in Ohio, Illinois, North Carolina, Missouri or Florida today? Use #iVoted and share this image! https:…

  18. @gilberttim How can I get my hands on WAY UP THERE? Please advise! @nathanfielder

  19. Looking forward to coverage! @robcesternino Nikki and Tim are two of the most fun and entertaining players ever. #BBCAN4

  20. My students had finals, so #whiteboard #RickandMorty helped them focus https://t.co/sXUOz3nVXi

  21. Entries 8 and 9 of #ThisDiary are up - My first #TeacherCrush is hinted at: http://t.co/iTIKiz9lNc Fall of 1990

  22. Not only is he a terrible strategic, but his strategery is the worstest too. @russellhantz #BacktoSchool But in all seriousness, I concur.

  23. #7thEntry of #ThisDiary and the first entry I made as a rough'n'tumbling 8 year old! #Flashback to 1990: http://t.co/iTIKiz9lNc



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