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Posts posted by DawnMarie

  1. 1:56 AM BBT:  Everyone sound asleep again.


    1:51 AM BBT:  Sarah goes upstairs to bed, Bruno lays down in the Bath for a few minutes breathing so heavily you would think he had run a mile.  We get FotH for cams 1 and 2, and Bruno being very uncomfortable getting into bed on 3 and 4.


    1:42 AM BBT:  Bruno is PUSHING Sarah that she HAS to keep Bobby.  He loves Britt, but its better for their game if Bobby stays and fights with them.  Bruno says she (Sarah) has them (Bobby and Bruno) 1000% if she will keep him and vote out Britt.  Sarah says Bobby has your back, but Britt has mine.  Sarah says let me talk to Willow and Bobby, Bruno says please don't let Britt know, "I love Britt" .  Sarah says Godfrey might be blowing smoke up your ass. Bruno says its ok to for her to talk to Willow after he does the math and realizes he NEEDS her vote to keep Bobby.

    1:38 AM BBT:  Bruno is not so sure about Willow, Sarah is not trying to talk him out of not trusting Willow, he is trying to tell Sarah that Bobby is a better person to keep than Brittnee.  Bruno is being very careful about what he says.  Sarah says if they keep Bobby, then Bobby is going to get with Bruno, Bobby, and Godfrey and vote as a block, possibly AGAINST Sarah.  Bruno is saying he (Bobby) is a "sheild" against either of them going home.


    1:33 AM BBT:  Sarah is telling Bruno that they have NO chance with the showmances.  I think she is being honest with him.  She says the "girlfirends" (Pili and Ash) are dead loyal to the guys.  Bruno says they "need to start making moves"   Sarah says she is talking "real" to him. 


    1:25 AM BBT:  Sarah brings up again the fact that she has heard that Bruno told the show-mances that the girls (Britt, Sarah and Willow) are a threat and they need to vote out Britt.  Bruno was saying no way he didn't say that when we went to FotH.


    1:22 AM BBT  Looks like Bruno can't sleep, working out in his head if Bobby goes home how things will work out for him.  Sarah is up now talking to Bruno, he is saying its ok if Bobby goes, but they (Bruno and Sarah) need to stay together.

  2. 11:53 PM BBT:  Zach says well, they were going have to turn on Bobby and Bruno its just sooner than they thought, maybe Kevin or Pili could have done it for them.  Ash says a little earlier than they thought.  Zach says Bobby looks bad because of the little Veto lie.  Zach says he thinks Bobby just kinda panicked.   Ash said it was "broken hanger" he was trying to pull off as a Veto.  Zach says "bedtime, and good chat".  Zach asks Ash again where the Pacific ocean is on the west of the east.  She says I'm not dumb.  Zach says when you apply yourself you are smart.


    11:52 PM BBT:  Zach gives Ash the population of India and China in the billions (he is correct) and he wants to go to Japan and travel.  She asks why he doesn't go, he says because of time and money.  Ash thinks Bali and Australia would be great. 


    11:40 PM BBT:  Ash also thinks the South Pole is HOT because its opposite of the North Pole where Santa lives.  She is discussing Santa Monica now where she would like to live.  Zach thinks you can't live in California unless you are someone.  He says he wants to be from the prairies.   He thinks the US has a couple hundred million in population, he is right 300m.  He also thinks Canada has about 30m his is right.


    11:34 PM BBT:  Zach is amazed at how bad Ashliegh's geographical knowledge is.  She can't name any Canadian capital provinces.  He is explaining that she lives in the West (Alberta).  He is being very patient with her.  Explaining that the west coast does not mean ACTUALLY at the ocean on the west.  She also has no idea which is the Pacific ocean or the Atlantic ocean.


    11:31 PM BBT:  Zach and Ash are the only conversation happening.  Cam's 3 and 4 are on sleeping houseguest.  Zach is saying he is going next, and Ash is trying to talk him down.


    11:27 PM BBT:  Zach and Ash discuss how many times a day they lie.  And a white lie vs. a black lie.  Zach thinks in this house he is telling at least 100 lies per day, he suggests they tell the entire truth for whole day tomorrow.  Ash says NO WAY.  Lets not do that.  Ash still feel a tiny bit safe.  Zach says its because he is going home first and not her. 


    11:17 PM BBT:  Ash says she thinks from what Sarah said, the house will go after Kevin and Pillar before they go after Zach and Ashleigh [good job steering the convo Sarah].  Zach says he thinks Sarah is closer to Kevin than him.  Ash doesn't think Sarah and Kevin are ever together.


    11:13 PM BBT: Ashleigh says "Wool and Fool" do not rhyme.  He is complaining about something that shrunk.  Zach says that is only one reason he needs a girlfriend.   Zach says "Everyone is going after the couples if they don't win"  "If the next HOH doesn't strike at us they are idiots" Ash says "don't say that!" Zach says our only chance was having Godfrey going this week and having Bobby and Bruno for a few more weeks.   "If anyone other than us doesn't win next week..."  Ash says "you will eat your shorts."


    11:06 PM BBT:  Ashleigh and Zach discuss shrinking clothes in the laundry as Pili sits in the HOH bed alone waiting for Kevin.  [god bless her for not speaking~DC]


    10:59 PM BBT:  Pillar is washing Kevin in the HOH bathroom.  Ash, Sarah and Zach are brushing teeth and getting ready for bed.  They act like Bobby's fate is sealed.  No one is talking about voting for Brittnee.  Zach is popping pimples in the mirror... does Mr. Canada really have zits?


    10:54 PM BBT:  Sarah says she loved Zach and Kevin in the French Maid outfits, and would have created alot more work, but with them in heels, she felt bad for them.  BB has convinced them it is 11:45 PM instead of 10:45pm.  Some people are giving kisses goodnight.


    10:42 PM BBT: Sarah, Ash and Zach are talking smack about Bruno.  Zach says you have to remember all this next week when Bruno tries to convince you to come after the couples.  Sarah says the only reason Bruno wants her is because he is going to need the girls to vote out the couples.  [sarah is making herself the indispensable vote]. 


    10:35 PM BBT: Bruno and Brittnee continue to chat from separate beds , while Bobby walks in to say goodnight.  Britt asks him when he is actually going to cuddle Bobby says "Well it doesn't look like that is going to happen"  He picks up Godfrey and they leave the bedroom.  Bruno is hearing Brittnee repeat what he said to Kevin (these three girls are tight) and Bruno says "don't listen to any of that shit".  Britt says Kevin is keeping Godfrey because he is going after Zach and can do the dirty work.  Bruno is still saying "I haven't even spoken to Kevin in 46 days" and of course I didn't say that.  [of course Bruno DID say that~DC]  


    10:30 PM BBT:  Bruno is saying to Britt in the bedroom, "don't worry, the boys are going to take out the boys and you girls are going to be left standing"  Brittnee is not very comfortable about this conversation.  Ash, Zach and Sarah are talking in the BY.  Sarah asks if Ash and Zach are going to keep Bobby because Bruno is campaigning hard for him stay.  Sarah says Bruno asked her for a vote to keep Bruno.  Sarah says Bruno told her that she will need him for comps against the two showmances.


    10:20 PM BBT: Kevin now says to Pillar how great it is to work with Ash and Zach. Pili says she does not think Sarah would go after either of them, evin says Sarah thinks the world of you (meaning Pillar). Bruno is telling Britt in the BR that Godfrey probably made a deal with Kevin saying he is going after Zach. That's why he didn't go up as a replacement.

    10:12 PM BBT:  Ashleigh and Zach discuss dropping Kevin and Pili as team mates in the BY on work out bench.  Kevin and Pili discuss who Sarah does and doesn't like, Kevin says "she likes US specifically, but she hates Bobby"  Kevin says Sarah and Brittnee are a pair, but their game perspective is very opposite.

  3. 11:56 PM BBT: Bruno is getting a "gem" lesson from Sarah, on what each one is called and what it's supposed to do (calming, luck, etc.).  The maids and the maids girl friends have all crashed in the BY for a break.  Kevin still thinks if they can clean enough the costumes will come off.  Bruno and Willow are giving each other an update on the couples.


    11:50 PM BBT: Pili is relating the conversation she had with Sarah earlier when Sarah asked her who it would hurt Pili worse to see go home Ashleigh or Kevin, Pili said Kevin.  Ashleigh didn't seem too put out about it.  Willow is doing any needed damage control.  Bruno has gotten out of bed.  That leaves only Britt, Bobby, and Godfrey actually in bed.  Kevin took a huge fall down the stairs from the KT to the BY.  He laughing and says he is fine.


    11:45 PM BBT:  Willow, Pili and Ashleigh are talking about Sarah and who she trusts.  Zach and Kevin can barely stand up in their heels anymore, they are using their hands and arms to drag themselves along the counters and stair rails.  Zach says he is only walking on his ankle bones now to get anywhere.  They are however STILL cleaning.


    11:37 PM BBT:  Kevin was changing every ones batteries when we went to FotH.  This one is a little longer than usual.  Maybe Kevin and Zach are being let out their maid outfits?  Even the HG's don't know when they will be done with them.


    11:30 PM BBT: Pili and Kevin are discussing who they want to go home, and if he is using the Veto.  The camera keeps fading in and out.  It sounds like Kevin is saying he is going to use the Veto on Bobby and put up Willow, at the moment.


    11:20 PM BBT:  Kevin and Pili in the KT BARELY awake, he is trying to clean as much as possible hoping he can get out of the maid costume, so they can go to bed together.  Godfrey, Britt and Bruno talking about the Mayweather Pacquiao fight and money and betting in detail.  Sarah and Willow still rehashing every game move since the first night.


    11:10 PM BBT:  Game talk between Bruno and Brittnee dies out as Godfrey comes into the bedroom.  Willow and Sarah are still coming up with wild strategies, pie in the sky plans how to get Pili, Kevin and Zach all on the block at once.  Now they are saying they should not act so close anymore, they are planning a fake fight.  


    11:02 PM BBT:  Bruno and Brittnee talking in the bedroom, he says he could go toe to toe with Zach but not with the cast on his hand.  He tells her that he has her back and Kevin, Zach and Pili are his first targets.  Sarah and Willow still rehashing the days conversations.


    10:57 PM BBT: Sarah and Willow talk about if any of their campaigning worked today or if one the them is still going up if Kevin uses the Veto.  They think it all hinges on Bruno and if he is telling the truth.  Zach and Ashleigh are half asleep in the hammock.


    10:51 PM BBT:  Kevin is wondering if he and Zach have not cleaned the house to BB standards and that is why they are still in their costumes.  Bruno has given up and is going to bed.  Bobby is going down.  Sarah is going out to smoke before bedtime, Willow is going with her.


    10:46 PM BBT:  Zach puts his high heels back on, goes out to hammock, covers up in a blanket and is taking a little cat nap.  Everyone in the KT is betting Willow to eat crusty left out slop for $2.  She did it.  Lots of staring off into space from our tired HG's.


    10:45 PM BBT:  Kevin finally comes down for some wings.  Sarah and Ashleigh try on Kevin and Zach's high heels from the maid outfits.  Sarah gets called to the DR.  Everybody looks extra tired tonight.   Brittnee has decided to go to bed, I think Pili and Bobby are not far behind.


    10:30 PM BBT:  Everyone except Kevin is in the KT eating buffalo wings.  I believe Kevin is stuck as the upstairs maid.  Part of winning the Veto comp we are guessing.  Just general chit chat.


    10:25 PM BBT: Zach is serving the food in the KT as part of his maid duties, and is a HN and can't eat anyone of it.  Godfrey is explaining how to eat the cartilage on the end of the chicken bone.    Ashleigh is amazed.  Bruno, Willow, Sarah, and Brittnee are in the BY discussing voted out HG's game play.  They are using some pretty color terminology.


    10:15 PM BBT:  Zach, Ashleigh, and Pilar are just laying around the couches talking about being  tired.  Zach is talking about being a HN, and being hungry.  HG's in the BY are talking about previous BB houseguests, and how their pictures compare to them.


    10:10 PM BBT: Willow, Bruno and Bobby are talking some "perfect" game move in the BY, but the camera didn't tune in time to find out what game move.  Bobby maybe passed out on the couch.  Brittnee and Sarah walk outside and the conversation turns general.


    10:05 PM BBT:  Zach sits in the KT watching the food, while Willow, Godfrey, Brittnee and Bobby play ball in the LR.


    10:00 PM BBT:  Ashleigh just sells out everything Sarah said to her to Zach.  Bruno comes into the HOH bathroom with Ash and Zach and they all agree, those 3 girls (Britt, Sarah, and Willow) are working together to get the boys out of the house.  


    9:55 PM BBT:  Kevin and Bruno and talking about Sarah being very manipulative and wanting to drive a wedge between the guys.  Both Kevin and Bruno say they are not falling for it.  Kevin is taking off one high heel and rubbing his foot.  Sarah sits down with Pili to discuss how Pili would want to leave first, Ashleigh or Kevin.  Pili says it's impossible to answer.


    9:45 PM BBT  Ash and Sarah still talking about how much they can't always trust Pili because she is playing the game for Kevin and not herself.  They also are worried about a double elimination is coming (it's actually a triple).  Ash thinks Willow is super loyal to Zach.  Zach is sitting at the KT table looking like he is in alot of pain from the shoes and very tired from all the extra work.  Someone mentioned the Veto punishments should be over soon since its been over 12 hours.


    9:40 PM BBT  Ashleigh and Sarah talking in the bedroom about having each other's backs.  Zach is still the downstairs maid and has to get the food out of storage and change the laundry, Kevin is upstairs cleaning bedrooms and bathrooms.

  4. 11:02 PM BBT  Frankie Jedi training for upcoming comps on all 4 feeds.  Frankie says to the live viewers that he gets naked all the time.  And are we over his a$$ yet?  [i can say yes for all of us]  He thinks the reflection in the "Button Room" means to reflect on his game, not that next week will be a mirror image of this one. 


    11:14 PM BBT  Derrick is saying goodnight to Frankie and telling him how angry Victoria is with him.  [this is their little game on the HGs]  Derrick says its not good for his game, but, what can you do.  Frankie says he was surprise at how upset she really is.  Cody and Caleb talk about the game ending this week.  Derrick walks through to the Fire room and Caleb and Cody try to cover their conversation.


    11:25 PM BBT  Caleb and Cody climb into the same bed in the fire room doing more comp training.  Derrick sits in the living room chair doing exactly the same thing. 


    11:29 PM BBT  Derrick goes to the WA for ADLs.  Caleb and Cody still working out comp questions.  Cody tells Caleb he only memorizes people that have left the house because they never ask about people that are still here.  Frankie comes down to the WA and talks to Derrick about his hair.  Cody gets called out about not having his mic on.  Victoria is still in the DR. 


    11:33 PM BBT  Frankie talks about his DR sessions with Derrick.  He says he was asked "did you really need to win this POV?"  Frankie says he told them "yes!"  Especially since it was a POV where he couldn't see what other HG's were doing.  Victoria comes out of DR and Derrick gets called in even though he just got out.  Frankie is popping zits in the mirror and says he is "just going to cover himself in makeup tomorrow"  Vic says now that BB woke her up she is not tired any more.  Frankie kisses Cody and Caleb goodnight in the Fire room, then stops to look at himself in the mirror in the LR.


    11:41 PM BBT  Frankie and Victoria, at the KT bar talk about how sweet Caleb is.  Vic asks if Frankie thinks Amber is going to want him during the finally.  Frankie says "No".  Victoria says "even if he wins $500k?"  Frankie say "No".  Victoria says "he is a changed man."  Frankie says "He is better without her".  Frankie says "I don't think they were a good match".  Frankie talks about his hair again.  Frankie kisses Vic goodnight.  Caleb goes to the WC and goes to bed in the Rock room.  Cody is sound asleep in the Fire room with the lights on. 


     11:48 PM BBT  Victoria smacks down some food in WA.  Frankie goes up to the HOH room and does ADLs.  He is says "TVGN I am doing my morning energy work out, he may even meditate after this"  Victoria is now doing ADLs in the downstairs WA.  Derrick walks to the WA past Victoria, she comes back in and sits down to talk.


    11:55 PM BBT  Frankie is talking to the cameras from the HOH bed.  He is really proud of winning the HOH but wants to compete in the next HOH.  He says maybe the button will help him.  Victoria tells Derrick in WA how much she doesn't like Cody.  She calls him a "douche" for waking her up for DR.  When she got out of DR and Cody was sleeping in the Fire room, she walked in and said "Cody are you awake?"  [LOL]  He asked her to turn off the lights.  Derrick goes to the Fire room and crawls in bed.  Frankie is doing a meditation in bed in the HOH room with the lights on.


    12:01 AM BBT  Victoria lays on the couch in the WA picking hair off her face, and Frankie continues his meditation in the HOH.  All other HG's are dreaming away.  This must the earliest they have gone to sleep all summer.  Let's just see if they stay there!


    12:05 AM BBT  Victoria crawls into bed in the Fire room, Frankie uses the WC in the HOH one last time, and turns off the lights.  Baring anything exciting/silly from BB all HG's are tucked in for the night.  Maybe we will get some early morning activity for the first time tomorrow.



  5. 12:03 PM BBT  Victoria, Caleb, Frankie, Christine and Derrick sitting around the DR table.  Victoria is complaining to Caleb that and her didn't make up a dance, or do any salsa dancing.  Caleb won't dance with her and she says she's over it.  Victoria fishes for compliments from Derrick on her cooking have not food.


    12:16 AM BBT  Victoria keeps asking Derrick what a baking sheet is called.  He keeps telling her a "sheet pan, a baking pan, a baking sheet pan".  She starts laughing uncontrollably. Victoria ends up on the floor in the kitchen laughing and saying how funny Derrick is.  She says his name over and over.  Caleb is saying oh my gosh...  Frankie, Caleb and Derrick are amazed about her display.  Christine make a joke about English not being Vic's first language.  Caleb asks Victoria if she is going to going to hand out with him in the HOH tonight.


    12:30 AM BBT  Victoria is talking about everyone in Israel puts Thousand Island Dressing on everything, like spaghetti. Caleb goes upstairs with Frankie to the HOH room.  They talk about how drunk Vic is, and how much fun that was.


    12:45 AM BBT  Frankie and Caleb talk again about final 5, nothing new.  Derrick and Victoria sitting downstairs at the island.  Victoria says if she leaves it's going to suck.  Frankie is taking off his makeup and popping zits in the mirror.  Victoria says "one day Caleb turns his back on Frankie and the next day they are best friends, there is no loyalty in this game".  Derrick says "eat your casadia so I can go to bed, you are just bitching about them, who care, I don't care about them".  Vic keeps saying if she leaves, Derrick needs to win, he tells her he will try his hardest.


    12:57 AM BBT  Lights are off in the Fire room and HOH room.  Derrick is getting ready for bed in the have not room. We can't see Nicole, she may still be in the DR.

  6. 10:03 PM BBT  Cody is trying to talk game to Caleb, but he is a more than a little tipsy.  Cody says he is going to bring, Caleb and Derrick to the end.  He says Christine is going to hate him.  He says he is ready to cut Christine and Frankie, he wants to go to the end with Caleb and Derrick.


    10:12 PM BBT  Cody and Caleb are trying to drunkenly has out a final two deal.  Cody says he thinks America loves Caleb and Derrick.  He thinks both can beat him.  He says Derrick and Caleb have been loyal the whole time, but not Frankie.  Derrick asks the guys in HOH room to come out to the railing and Derrick shows them they got MORE alcohol.  Everyone is screaming and happy.


    10:23 PM BBT  Victoria tries to read the name of the Cabernet Sauvignon and has some difficulty.  Cody, Frankie, and Nicole are in the Kitchen around the island.  Derrick and Caleb are upstairs talking about love, and what Cody said to him earlier.  Caleb has been called to the DR.  Frankie is still hitting on Cody pretty hard.  


    10:27 PM BBT  Derrick reminds a drunk Caleb to go to DR.  Victoria is saying that it looks like Cody and Frankie are kissing, Frankie says they CAN kiss.  Cody says no, but he says we can grab butts.  Vic eggs them on to kiss.  Derrick sits upstairs in the HOH playing with this facial hair and watching the spy cam.  Caleb comes right back out of the DR saying they just asked him if he was drunk.


    10:40 PM BBT  Caleb said the DR really just asked him not to put the headphones for the music near his mic.  Cody is asking Derrick about how the BotB changed the game.  Now they are talking about prior years of BB.


    10:47 PM BBT  Most of the talk is about have not food and how to make it edible. Cody seems to be more than half out of it.  Frankie is hovering.

  7. 5:58 AM BBT  All the HG's are sleep except Victoria.  She gets out of bed, goes to the WC, washes her hands and gets a pair of tweezers out of a basket under the sink.  In the darkened bathroom she begins plucking the hair on her upper lip. [This explains the crazy wax experiment earlier this evening.]


    6:12 AM BBT Victoria is done with the tweezers, she goes to the KT and gets some fig newtons, goes back in the WA to eat them.  She then goes to the SR, eats another cookie, grabs a handful of M and M's and goes back to the Fire room and crawls into bed.

  8. 12:07 AM BBT  Frankie and Cody have made up after their disagreement about sending home Donny or Amber.  All three girls are eating at the KT island, Caleb points out to Cody and Frankie that they are all three together.  The girls are not saying anything at all.


    12:12 AM BBT  Caleb, Frankie and Cody are talking about how they have controlled the game from the very beginning, and they don't have anything to worry about.  Victoria is telling Nicole that she talking about Christine in the DR, she talked about the fact that Christine laughs at everything 24/7.  Vic said she never said anything about it before.  She is asking Nicole how she dealt with it being close to her for so many weeks.  Nicole says "I don't know, but I can't do it anymore".


    12:22 AM BBT Derrick and Christine are in the WA talking about family and babies.  Christine says everyone is gonna hate us, she says there have to be SOME fans for us right?  The KT crew Frankie, Cody, Victoria, and Nicole are talking about questions Julie might ask them during the live show tomorrow.


    12:27 AM BBT  Victoria hears Christine laugh in the WA and her eyes get really wide and she clears her throat really loudly.  Frankie goes to WA to take some meds, and look at his knee where he wiped out in the Bee Hive.  The KT crew is still talking about food and general chit chat.


    12:38 PM BBT Frankie, Derrick and Christine in the WA talking about contacts and how Tim can't see and has to wear 2 contacts.  Derrick is still cutting his toenails.  Nicole, Victoria and Cody think the house has made them weird, because when they came in they were normal, but not anymore.  Victoria says she is done cussing, then says the word sh*t, and fu*k in the same sentence.


    12:40 AM BBT  Derrick spent 30 minutes in the bathroom cutting his toenails over the trash can in the WA then goes into the fire room and cuts his nails on the bed.  The KT crew is still hungry and Nicole is talking about making protein pancakes.  Derrick is getting ready to shower.  Cody, Christine and Nicole are wrestling with each other in the KT.  Cody grabs Christine from behind and hugs her with his face in her neck.


    12:47 AM BBT Derrick and Victoria are talking about what Nicole has told Victoria today.  Vic says she promised not to put up her (Victoria) or Derrick, but she does want to put up Christine, but doesn't know if she has the votes to get her out.  Christine is rubbing Frankie's back with her elbow.  Cody and Nicole are trying to make protein pancakes.  They don't think it's going very well.  Christine walks over to see what they are doing and Cody grabs her and hugs her from the front for a long time with his eyes closed, rocking back and forth.


    12:51 AM BBT Frankie and Derrick in the Fire room wondering if they completed the mission.  Frankie says if Julie says we fail, then they know America hates us for not saving Donny.  They go to the camera in the Fire room and beg Arianna fans to vote for the mission to be a success. Frankie says MY fans.  Frankie tells the camera "any fan that votes for me, send a screen shot and I will follow you".  They both get on their knees in prayer begging to the camera for votes.


    12:55 AM BBT  The protein pancake ends up in the trash, burnt and still liquid.  Victoria is trying to clean the burnt pan.  Derrick goes to the WA to take a shower.  KT crew is going to try again with the pancakes.

  9. 10:58 PM BBT  Caleb is in the LR making animal noises that he uses to call prey for hunting.  Nicole is unimpressed.  Derrick, Christine and Cody are talking about how many people may hate them on social media sites when they get home.  Christine says Andy is great with the way he deals with "haters".  They are talking about the BB15 players from last year.


    11:08 PM BBT  The Fire room group are talking about Evel Dick giving ex BB players a very hard time online.  They are all discussing their interviews with Jeff, Rachel, Evel Dick and all the previous players they met before they were on the show.  BB keeps telling them they are "not allowed to talk about production" but no one is paying attention.


    11:12 PM BBT  Donny and Caleb are talking about how gross clipped toenails or finger nails are.  Donny is also talking about wanting to drive directly to the nearest store that sells chewing tobacco.  Donny asks Caleb if people are considering keeping him.  Caleb says its more about who you (Donny) would put up.  Donny says he would not put up Caleb.


    11:16 PM BBT  The Fire room group, Derrick, Frankie, Christine and Nicole are talking about what hashtags were trending this year.  Nicole thinks Fruit Loop Dingus went far. Donny tells Caleb that if he is out, remember he is a vote in jury.  Caleb tells Donny he thinks the reason Nicole is staying is because she is easier to beat.  Caleb says he does not want another "Andy" year to happen to me.


    11:20 PM BBT  Caleb tells Donny that him (Caleb), Frankie and Derrick wanted Donny to stay.  Donny asks about Christine, Caleb says he doesn't really talk to her, and Cody thinks you will put him up. Christine says when Hayden came back into the house, he touched her like she was "vermin". Nicole ask what that means.  Christine says like "scum".


    11:28 PM BBT  Donny goes to brush his teeth and Caleb tells Derrick the conversation he just had with Donny.  Nicole is in the Fire room playing with Cody's hair, while Christine is playing with Frankie's hair.


    11:36 PM BBT  Donny, Derrick, Donny and Caleb in the LR laughing at all the attention Cody is getting from all the girls.  Frankie says he got a head rub for 1.3 seconds and then it wasn't about me anymore.  Caleb says "well its not my life being looked at" meaning Christine and Cody.


    11:42 PM BBT  Derrick says he is shaving off his facial hair, "because this is not me".  Victoria who has come in and sat down next to him on the couch says he has to get rid of the beanie too.  He says "why, is that a rule?"  Vic says he can grow it back out when he gets home, he says "you don't get it, I work for the city, I can't have facial hair like this".


    11:54 PM BBT  Frankie is working out, doing abs, running the stairs, walking the house upstairs and down.  Frankie tells Derrick while walking that someone in DR asked him if he would be upset if he lost the TA challenge.  Christine is talking about Victoria telling them tomorrow how far she has been with a man, and Christine is going to tell her secret.  Frankie and Derrick are walking in circles in the Bee Hive room, Frankie falls and does a complete face plant, Caleb is laughing like crazy and Derrick tells him that is definitely making the show.


    11:58 PM BBT  Victoria is ranting about Caleb teasing her about being dropped on her head when she was young, and that Amber never wore lingerie, and that her twitter name has XXX in it and that is teasing guys.  She says Children's Services will come to her house if he says things like that. (It was a very strange rant, hard to follow)

  10. 5:00 PM BBT  Christine and Nicole are talking about FB relationship status'.  Victoria is trying to figure out how to use string to pull hair from her eyebrows, she is testing in out on Derricks arm. 


    5:05 PM BBT  Caleb and Frankie doing Jedi training in the HOH room.  Victoria has tried the dental floss hair removal on Nicole, she thinks she has it right and is now working on her own eyebrows in the DR mirror. It's not working, and she gives it up.


    5:10 PM BBT Derrick is building a Mayan temple out of skewers, Victoria is angry at Caleb for casually bring up the Holocaust. Donny is playing darts alone.  Christine is complaining about a spider in the WA, and Cody is making food in the KT.


    5:19 PM BBT Frankie is changing in the Have Not Ice room, he opens the cabinets and he has taken over every single shelf in there.  Derrick is talking about a drafting class he took in school and how much he liked it, his building project is now as high as his chin.


    5:27 PM BBT Frankie is giving a male makeup lesson at the KT table.  Derrick, Donny, Christine, and Nicole are at the dinning room table watching.  Cody still cooking.  Derricks skewer art project bites the dust.


    5:28 PM BBT  Derrick and Victoria pushing and wrestling in the Fire room.  He finally picks her up in the fireman throw over the shoulder, he drops her and she won't let go of him, he drags hers across the house to the LR couch.  Caleb does the same thing to Frankie and Frankie threatens to throw up.  Victoria is breathing really hard and Christine says "it sounds like you just had sex, in fact it sounds like you are still having sex".


    5:40 PM BBT  Cody, Christine and Derrick are complaining about Frankie cutting his toe nails in the living room.  They find his big toenail on the carpet.  Derrick says Frankie is the most unsanitary person in the house.  They say the dishes he washes stink and are not cleaned properly. They hope BB is doing a segment on TV about how unclean he is. [i did not know the house felt this way about Frankie - DawnMarie]


    5:49 PM BBT  Caleb had a dream about being famous and now he thinks when he gets out of the BB house, he says he is "going to have to beat girls off him with a stick".  Derrick has asked Donny for his bible to read.  We get a close up on Cody and Christine's feet all tangled up together on the couch.  


    5:54 PM BBT  Frankie comes out of the DR and goes into to see Derrick in the Fire room.  Frankie says "tomorrow during the live show, Julie is going to ask either you, me or Donny if you were a have not, what type of food would you like to request from America, we are to say APPLE PIE, if she says yes, our mission was successful, if she says no, we failed the mission.



  11. 4:04 PM BBT  All the awake HG's are in the HOH.  Just general chit chat about their mic's, napping, Caleb snoring, Frankie snoring.


    4:11 PM BBT  The IDLD is over, all the HOH crew pile out of the room.  Derrick picks up his activity tracker in the SR, Christine and Cody are getting something to eat and fooling around in the KT, Christine is laughing hysterically.  Donny is walking the BY.  Caleb opened his eyes for a few seconds and then rolled over and went back to sleep.  Still no sign of Frankie.


    4:18 PM BBT  Speaking of Frankie, he appears.  All the HG's greet him.  Nicole, Victoria, and Donny in the BY talking, just general talk about Vic's job, what they like to do during the day.  Donny asks Victoria if she has ever gone to a Miami Heat game, she says no.  Nicole asks if she should talk to Derrick, Victoria says "pointless".  Vic tells Nicole that its 100% that Donny is going home.


    4:24 PM BBT  Nicole is telling Victoria how much she appreciated her being so nice to her when she knew she was going home.  Nicole says "you didn't have to do that, and I will not forget it"  Victoria says "you're so cute".  Frankie and Cody talking in the KT about good naps and bad naps.  Frankie is saying he had crazy dreams.


    4:31 PM BBT  Nicole and Victoria are still complimenting each other.  Frankie and Derrick tanning on the double lounger, Frankie says "that is a scary thing (meaning Vic and Nicole)."  Derrick says "ya, they are getting pretty close".  Frankie talks about keeping Donny, and Derrick says "I'll tell you one thing, America would be ecstatic if we keep him"  Derrick: "but Christine won't vote to keep him, she hates that man".  Derrick: "you and I just need to be alone later today and talk it out".


    4:40 PM BBT  Only Victoria and Nicole talking.  Just general talk about being saved from eviction, being socially awkward, being special because they were picked for BB.  Frankie and Derrick talking about voting out Nicole or Donny again.  Frankie says "it all depends on Caleb".  Derrick asks "do you really think its the right thing to do?"  Frankie says "I do, I really, really do."  Derrick says "what if he's playing us?"  Frankie says "I don't think so because America would not have picked him as their player".  Derrick agrees.


    4:49 PM BBT  Frankie says "I hate her, I just hate her".  Derrick says "who, Christine or Nicole?"  Frankie says "Nicole, she just needs to go".  Derrick says "It's going to be hard".  Frankie goes inside to make food.  Donny on the couch with Cody talking about Donny social game, and how people on the outside like him and think he is funny, but it didn't work out well for him in the house.


    4:56 PM BBT  Nicole telling Victoria she would like to move to the city and have her own apartment and struggle with jobs and bills.  Vic says "why?"  Nicole says "because that's how all the romantic comedy's start out".  Nicole is asking Victoria to help he make a sexy calendar.  Vic says she will do it.  Cody and Derrick start a pool game.

  12. 3:00 PM BBT  Cody, Christine and Victoria in the HOH nest bed.  Vic is telling the them that Donny was really rude to her while she was making him tofu earlier, and that she told him he was rude.  Donny is outside playing pool by himself.  Nicole and Derrick in the WA talking about being called to DR when they have been napping.


    3:06 PM BBT  Donny is in the KT making coffee, Derrick gets called to DR, the HOH group are talking about low blood sugar, dehydration, bananas and avocados.  Just general discussion.  Nicole and Donny out in the BY, she says the tofu or the sauce gave her a stomach ache.


    3:10 PM BBT  Christine and Cody have a tickle fight.  Nicole asks Donny if the way Caleb portrayed Hayden last night was true.  Donny says he doesn't think so.  Donny says that at home he is a funny guy and people like him, he says in the house he has too much competition in here with the other big personalities.


    3:15 PM BBT Nicole and Donny talking game, but very carefully.  They are not talking specifics and no names.  Donny says if it is a DE this Thursday the good thing is they both have their bags packed.  Derrick comes out to join Donny and Nicole in the BY on the patio couches.


    3:24 PM BBT  Derrick, Nicole and Donny talking about Derricks daughter.  Christine is rubbing Cody's back in the HOH bed, they are talking about what the HOH comp might be this week.


    3:31 PM BBT  Nicole goes to DR.  Donny and Derrick talk game, Derrick says "I haven't made good relationships in the game and that is going to be my downfall".  They are discussing the TA mission from last night, they think it went well.


    3:35 PM BBT  Derrick is stroking Donny's ego, telling Donny that the greatest moment in the whole game was seeing Donny win the BotB all on his own.  Derrick tells Donny that when he goes home, his job is going to praying that he comes back to work for them.  Donny is crying at the compliments Derrick is giving him.


    3:41 PM BBT  Derrick thinks they have made $25k for the TA missions.  Plus the 13k stipend.  Donny says that is a good third place.  Derrick is home sick, he says if they told me we had to be here another month he would say "No, I am out of here".  (It is exactly one more month).  The HOH crew are talking about commercials and songs and we keep getting FotH, or all 4 cameras on Derrick and Donny.


    3:51 PM BBT  Derrick is reassuring Donny again that he believes Donny will have his job back when he goes home.  Donny says "well, I have other skills".  He goes to pick up a leaf from the BY and gives it to Derrick, Donny tells him it has "spider mites, that is the spider web on the back on the leaf."  Derrick says "that is really interesting, and really disgusting".  HG's get told they are on IDLD.  We didn't hear anybody outside.    


    3:56 PM BBT  Derrick and Donny go inside.  Victoria is in the KT and Donny thanks her for making them tofu, he says "I may even have some more for dinner".  She says "you're welcome, that's good to hear".  Everybody is in the HOH room except Caleb who is sleeping the Earth room and Frankie who must be sleeping in the Fire room.

  13. 11:17 AM BBT  Donny still working out on the elliptical. No one else is stirring.  


    11:23 AM BBT  Donny finishes his workout, gets some cold water out of the BY 'frig and sits on the couch in the shade.  Kate Anstey Smith on FB reminds us that "sadly this probably ending on Friday".


    11:36 AM BBT  Donny changes the laundry and folds another load that was left in overnight.  He hums quietly and happily to himself the whole time.


    11:43 AM BBT  Donny walks some laps in the BY, then comes in to the KT to make an electrolyte drink (a blue one!), then goes back out to the BY and has a seat on the couch.  All other HG's are still sound asleep.


    11:56 AM BBT  Donny sits outside alone with the dryer quietly keeping him company.  He watches the planes go by in the sky and we wonder if he wishes he was on one.

  14. 9:03 AM BBT  All the HG's sound asleep in their beds.  No wakeup call yet, all is dark.


    9:20 AM BBT  Frankie wakes up in the Fire room, uses the WC, brushes his teeth, and climbs back into bed.  It looks like Cody got to sleep alone in the HOH room.  Frankie, Derrick and Victoria in Fire room, Caleb and Christine in Earth room, and Donny and Nicole in Have Not Ice room. 


    9:47 AM BBT  All HG's still sound asleep.  No wakeup call yet. 


    10:12 AM BBT  Still no wakeup call for our HG's.  Everyone is dreaming away and lights are off.


    10:16 AM BBT  We have fish!!  Must finally be the wakeup call.  Time for the sleeping HG's to cover their eyes as the lights come on and stay on.


    10:27 AM BBT  We are still on FotH.  Waiting to see which HG's wake up and which ones go back to sleep.


    10:31 AM BBT Donny is in the WA humming to himself quietly, and putting in his contacts.  Frankie gets up, goes to the SR and back into the Fire room.  He adjusts his pink bandana to cover his eyes and crawls into bed.


    10:34 AM BBT  Christine get up, drops off her activity tracker in the SR, exchanges "Good Mornings with Donny" and goes into the WC.  Donny gets a cup of chocolate milk, and regular milk for his bowel of breakfast slop.  Christine washes her hands, blows her nose, and goes back to bed.


    10:41 AM BBT  Donny now outside on patio couch, eating his microwaved breakfast slop.  No other HG's moving around.


    10:45 AM BBT  Donny finishes his breakfast, washes his dishes and gets told to change his mic for one in the SR.  BB also tells the HG's that the lights must remain on during the day. 


    10:51 AM BBT  Victoria gets called to the DR, she gets up from under the blankets and reports as requested.  Donny uses the WC and puts his orange visor on the door knob to warn HG's he is in there.  Vic comes into the WA, sees the hat on the door knob and waits for Donny to come out.


    10:58 AM BBT  Victoria drops off her activity tracker in the storage room, and goes back to sleep.  Donny takes off his camouflage pants very quietly in the Fire room and has his shorts on underneath.  He picks up his pile of dirty clothes and heads out to the BY to do laundry. 


    11:06 AM BBT  Donny removes the clothes from the dryer and folds everything up, picks up some trash in the BY, and gets on the elliptical for a ride.  We can see his activity tracker still on this morning.

  15. #BB16 1:40 PM BBT  Cody and Derrick in the SR.  Cody says "I was tired, but Donny was the only one up, so I felt bad so I went outside, he's sittin' out there by himself all the time" Derrick"  "He's still not trying to talk game to you right?"  Cody "Nope".  


    Derrick "We are not in a good spot numbers wise, like with Christine."  Cody "Here's the deal if Frankie leaves we know where Christine will go".  Derrick "But you know, Caleb and Frankie.... they are like me and you".  Cody "Here's the deal, for our game to be most benefited, Frankie's got to go."  Derrick "Over Donny?"  Cody "Next to each other next week"

  16. 11:00 AM BBT  Donny just sits alone on BY couch staring into the sky while the dryer gently rotates in the background.  We see Frankie sleeping in the HOH room with the lights on but he is out cold.


    11:10 AM BBT  Donny gets up to play a little pool by himself, he is humming/singing to himself softly.  All other HG are still sleeping.


    11:23 AM BBT  Donny finishes his game of pool and get's himself a drink.  Caleb and Frankie sleeping together in the HOH room wake up briefly when Caleb knocks something over while moving in the bed.  All is quite on the HG front.


    11:38 AM BBT  We have FotH for no reason we can see.  But it's been awhile.


    11:53 AM BBT  Feeds return, Christine is up in the WA doing makeup, Donny is walking the backyard.


    11:56 AM BBT  Christine doing her makeup and BB says "Did you know that Sweden is slightly larger than California?"  Christine says "No, I was not aware, but thank you though"  She continues to talk to herself in the WA as Donny is walking the BY.


    11:58 AM BBT  BB says "Attention HG, did you know there are 121 marble slots in a Chinese checker board?"  Donny seems to be ignoring the info, but Christine is repeating it. 



    11:58 AM BBT  BB says "Attention HG, did you know there are 121 marble slots in a Chinese checker board?"  Donny seems to be ignoring the info, but Christine is repeating it.


    12:02 PM BBT  BB says " Remember HG, to swim one mile you only have to swim 440 laps in the BB pool"  Christine laughs in the WA.  Donny walks in circles in the Kitchen and the LR.  Donny comes into the WA and talks to Christine about what BB has been telling them.


    12:14 PM BBT  Donny is reading a box of Frosted Flakes in the LR and Christine is putting on earrings in the WA.  No more BB trivia.


    12:20 PM BBT  Donny and Christine both in the LR playing with the Jenga game.  They are trying to "back engineer" it from 31.  Everyone else is still sound asleep.


    12:24 PM BBT  Donny and Christine talk about the songs from this mornings wake up call from BB. Number 1 was Whittney Houston, 2 was Bonnie Tyler "Bright Eyes", 3 was Oysterman (??) Christine asks where Cody slept last night, Donny tell her in the Fire room where Victoria usually sleeps.  (Vic is a have not this week and has to sleep in the Ice room).


    12:30 PM BBT BB says "Hey everybody!!!  It's photo booth time!!"  Christine says, "no one cares anymore about photo booth"  Donny goes to the SR to get objects to play with in the photo booth.  They seem to be pictures of people from Twitter or pictures of dogs to hold up next to you while you take the pictures.


    12:39 PM BBT  Only Christine and Donny are playing with the photo booth.  They get bored and walk away.  Christine says she really wants Frosted Flakes but she has to eat slop.  No one else has stirred.  Donny keeps repeating the photo booth "guy"  when you take a picture "4,3,2,1"  They talk about whether this will be Double Eviction this week, Christine says "no" if they hold true to last year.


    12:46 PM BBT  Christine and Donny make lunch, Donny heats up some pizza and Christine is left with slop.  Donny take his food outside in consideration of Christine.  Christine sticks her pinky finger in her right ear, smells it, and then does it again. 


    12:51 PM BBT  Christine finishes her lunch/breakfast and goes back into the photo booth.  She belches several time and says "oh no, I do not feel good".  Donny cleans his dishes and sits back down in the BY.  Donny says "I believe I lost a little bit of weight, eating slop for a week, I might have lost my guy"  Christine goes to WC and does not turn of her mic and we a treated with listening to her pee.  She washes her hands with soap, dries off and gets called to DR.  She says " Yeaaaaa!!"  [i think she wants to go back to sleep and has been waiting for this]  BB says "HG!!!  Remember to enjoy yourself, these are the 'good 'ole days'  Donny smiles really big in the BY and says "yea right, the good old days".


    12:57 PM BBT  Cody wakes up, gets his fit tracker and goes to the WC.  He comes out, re-rolls some toilet paper that has been sitting on the floor in the WA and puts it on the bathroom counter.  He goes to the Beehive where the photo booth is and looks at the pictures that are left by Donny and Christine, takes off his sweatshirt leaving a "wife beater" on and begins to take pictures.


    1:10 PM BBT Cody comes out the BY after taking pictures and greets Donny very happily.  They are talking about how hot it is.  Donny is talking about his social game and Cody is saying "it's all about the social game".


    1:16 PM BBT Donny and Cody talk about the wake up songs, Donny tells Cody when the first song came on "Whitney Houston" Cody kept saying "F, F, F" (Donny does not say the word) Cody thinks that is very funny, he does not remember any of it. 


    1:28 PM BBT  Cody and Donny are putting down the awnings for BB.  Cody says, "you know who I think got it easy with Zingbot?"  "Victoria, she got it easy outside, but inside she got wrecked" 

  17. 5:01 PM BBT Zach is up and doing ADL's in WA.  Cody and Donny talking in the BY, Vic and Nicole sitting at the island in the KT with Derrick cooking something.  Frankie Christine and Caleb still on their reward outing with the NFL.


    5:07 PM BBT Cody, Zach and Donny in BY talking about what might be going on in Jury house, weather they have board games or what.  They are also talking about what it was like when Frankie, Christine, and Caleb to leave the house and if they had bag's over their head.  Derrick finishes his food and washes up.


    5:14 PM BBT  Nicole walks out to the BY, Cody and Donny are talking when people on Survivor get to go on trips the people left behind strategize.  Donny says "according to Caleb when they are leave the house is going to be Red Carpet, Limo's, Helicopters and Airplanes."  Cody says "Caleb thinks he is going to be in a movie after this. Donny says "I thought he was going to be in MLB.  Zach says: "He is going to be a Country Music Star"  


    5:23 PM BBT  Cody just realized that BB took the grill from the BY.  Cody says he can't believe they are been in there for 52 days.  BB comes over the speakers and says very slowly:  "you are one day closer to $500,000.00."  Nicole says that was good timing.


    5:26 PM BBT  Derrick is in the Fire BR talking to himself, then says "well, it took me until day 52 until I started talking to myself"  Derrick: "shout out to tall the feedsters, this game is tough, gotta keep Cody tight, gotta keep Caleb tight" now he is doing shout outs to family and friends.  Vic catches him in the Hallway and they talk about being "good" with each other.


    5:30 PM BBT  Derrick is now "fishing" in the backyard pool.  Cody says "this is what its come to".  Zach and Donny calculate they will be off slop Friday night at midnight.  Donny says "if I am still here, if I'm not, I will be with Julie pulling candy bars and pop tarts out of my pockets"


    5:36 PM BBT  Derrick recounting what happened last night and how he approached Nicole first about hearing she was talking about him and how things went from there.  Donny says "I'm glad I missed all that".  Donny says "it was just a big waste of time".


    5:51 PM BBT  Derrick and Donny talking about how easy the first 3 Team America challenges were and that's why they think it's been so much harder.  Derrick promises Donny that he has never talked $hit about him (Donny) and he's sure Donny has never said anything about him.  Derrick gives Donny his "word" that if he is going home over Victoria he will tell Donny the truth.


    5:58 PM BBT  Cody and Nicole talking about her bottle of wine that has not been drunk.  Victoria wants to drink it but she is on slop.  Derrick and Donny still alone at the pool "pretend" fishing in the pool with Derrick's fishing pool.  Derrick says Caleb was so mad at Frankie and then Frankie tells them all he is famous and now Caleb forgives everything.


    6:03 PM BBT  Donny is counting votes, he asks about Cody and Derrick says well he's not working with me, so I don't know.  Derrick says "I don't know why you wouldn't have Frankie, they all you needs is Victoria and Christine would decide".


    6:11 PM BBT  Cody, Vic and Nicole still on the BY couches talking about "safari's" that people can drive through and see all the animals.  Derrick asking Donny if his job is Union or not, Donny says no.  Donny is worried because he actually quit his job to be here.  Derrick says you have been such a good guy he doesn't see any reason they wouldn't re-hire him.  Nicole and Cody talking about Nicole being a nurse.  Both groups begin to talk about production and we get fish.


    6:17 PM BBT  Derrick tangled up the fishing line and Cody starts teasing him, Derrick says to shut up because he (Cody) pees sitting down.  Cody says that is because he is respectful of women and doesn't pee all over the seat like Derrick.  Donny chimes in and says he puts the seat and lid down so everyone is happy, "a guy can lift up what he wants and a girl can lift up what she wants"


    6:25 PM BBT  Cody and Zach are playing pool, Derrick is still trying to fix the fishing poll.  Nicole, Donny and Vic are sitting on the BY couches talking about food.  Donny compliments Victoria again how she never complains about being on slop even when he gets to eat peanut butter and jelly fish stuff with his slop and she doesn't.


    6:30 PM BBT  Zach is back.  He begins talking game with Cody.  He says "when Christine puts up Victoria, we vote Victoria out and it's me, you, Nicole, Derrick and Donny against Frankie, Caleb and Nicole."  "That's 5 against 3".  Cody says nothing.  Zach thinks the missing HG's are not allowed to talk game while they are gone.  Zach says they want Nicole out, "which I really don't" Cody says "me either".


    6:40 PM BBT  ZACH! SHUT IT DOWN!  BB gets on to Zach for trying to look through the windows in the BY because he and Cody can hear people laughing hysterically behind the glass.  Donny is telling Nicole she was talking in her sleep last night, she asks what she is was saying.  Donny says just that something was "not fair".


    6:49 PM BBT  Nicole asks Donny if he thinks she is "super mouthy"?  Donny says "no".  Zach and Cody still playing pool.  Nicole says when she gets out of the house she is going to need a week or two alone.  Victoria says she wants to see her sisters kids because they keep her sane. 


    6:56 PM BBT  Derrick and Victoria in the Fire BR talking about how upsetting things were last night.  Vic is saying she is concerned about his bond with guys vs. his bond with her.  She says "I know that the bond there is different"  Derrick is telling her that is why he confronted Zach.  He is convincing her that he was never working with Zach.

  18. 11:00 PM BBT  Frankie in the LR talking to Christine, Donny, and Caleb about his charity Broadway in Africa that he formed with his Broadway friends from the Lion King.  Frankie is not talking about how he won the BotB all by himself since Caleb didn't help, except one or two time he gave him advice.


    11:06 PM BBT  Victoria and Frankie bonding over his sister Ariana Grande, he asks her to request his sisters record.  She said she already did, it was number one on her list.  Frankie says he can't believe the way everyone was acting outside during the comp.  Donny sitting in the living room whistling to himself.  Caleb looking for more slop to eat.  Apparently he, Frankie and Christine get to go tail-gating and meet players from the NFL. 


    11:15 PM BBT  Frankie bragging he was the 33rd most influential tweeters in NYC.  Frankie says he felt like he was in the closet for the second time.  He said it was so hard.  He says Ariana is a 21 year old mega, mega, mega, mega star and she just the lost the most important person in her life.  He says it goes "Rianna, Beyonce, Ariana" that is exactly how it goes.  Its been so hard not to talk about it. Frankie is really happy he can honest about it all now.


    11:20 PM BBT  Zach, Derrick, and Cody are still trying to figure out who is lying about when and when.  It's so confused at this point Cody just want to sit down with Nicole and Christine and ask them which one of you are lying to me.


    11:25 PM BBT  Frankie says he posts on YouTube twice a week: "Frankie Friday, and Topless Tuesday"  Victoria remembers telling Frankie about losing her hair, and he said Ariana went through the same thing.  Dancing is singing and dancing in the KT about being safe for the week, and getting out of the house for a football game even though he says he doesn't know what that is.


    11:30 PM BBT  Nicole come out of DR and she has been crying.  Frankie comes running to her and she says "I know everybody thinks I'm the villain, because I put you on the block"  She says "I'm so sorry Frankie"  He says: "No way, I think it was the greatest game move every to put me up"  He is not mad at her at all.  He is trying to comforting her as she continues to be upset.


    11:35 PM BBT Victoria and Derrick talking in the Have Not room.  Derrick is saying that Frankie is getting Fan Favorite for sure, and she says "it's not fair, he is playing for charity and I am playing just for my life"  Derrick says it's the same for him.  Derrick leaves to get some food, and Caleb is asking if they are going to have cameras on him the whole time he is doing the time they are enjoying the football reward.


    11:45 PM BBT  Cody is getting ready to be off slop and eat until he's sick.  Nicole is still very upset that Frankie is "Famous" and she was "calling him out"  she can't believe it, she is so so sorry. 


    11:50 PM BBT  Frankie and Caleb bonding in the Have Not room.  Frankie says this is all real, "I am inviting you to my home, and staying with my family".  Caleb is telling him that Derrick, Cody and Zach are still wondering where his head is. Caleb says "they are wondering if you are going to work with Nicole and Christine."  Derrick walks in and Frankie swears he is not going to work with Nicole or Christine because they lie all the time.  Derrick tell him the reason Nicole is upset is not because she lied about you, it's because you are Ariana's brother.


    11:56 PM BBT  Victoria is in the WA with Nicole trying get pumped back up because Nicole is so upset that if she votes out Frankie, she is voting out Charity.  Victoria is doing on the common sense talking here.  She is telling Nicole she is a great game player, and not to worry about Frankie.  Nicole is still upset that she put him on "blast" during the veto ceremony. Victoria says he deserves it.


    12:05 PM BBT Victoria and Nicole still bonding in the bathroom.  Nicole talking about how much she misses Hayden.  She wants Vic to tell her if they are going to put her on the block.  Frankie and Cody are eating everything they see, while Caleb still eats his slop (he gets a pass at the NFL reward).  Christine is up in the HOH room alone watching the spy cam.


    12:15 PM BBT Nicole climbs in bed with Christine in the HOH room.  Nicole says "I know the guys are going to try to get you to put me up, and I want you to know that I never would have put you up even if they told me to"  Christine says we have to work together going forward, she says if the veto is used Victoria is up.  Nicole promises to tell her everything, and start with a clean slate going forward.  Both girls realize that Cody and all the guys are mad at them both, but they are not sure why.


    12:21 PM BBT  Christine wants Donny to win Veto, take himself off the block and she will put up Victoria and they will vote out Zach.  Nicole is promising safety to Christine since she can't play for HOH next week.  Frankie and Cody talking in the KT, Cody asks if he (Frankie) told Christine to put up him (Cody) as a replacement nominee.  Frankie said he did, but he was only "fishing" and Christine said she would put up Cody.  Frankie wants Christine to backdoor Nicole, Cody said he is not even going to bring that up, Frankie says I'll do it, make her prove her loyalty to us.


    12:29 PM BBT  Frankie says what Caleb said at the beginning of the comp was "I want you out because you are the only one that wanted Amber out and you lied"  Victoria has walked by several times and the guys stop talking, she gives them the stink eye the last time she walked through.  They also think Derrick is upset with all the lying that's been going on.  Frankie goes up the HOH with the girls.  He walks in and says "can I sleep with you?"  Christine says yes.  Nicole says she is sleeping downstairs.  Nicole starts immediately apologizing to Frankie.


    12:35 PM BBT  Nicole goes down stairs and lays on the opposite couch from Cody.  He asks her, "who is lying?" Cody says "he is so over it".  "Someone is going to go home based on a lie."  Christine and Frankie are bonding in the HOH room over who actually put Cody's name up as a replacement nominee during Nicole's rein.  Cody wants to cuddle with her, she says "let's talk first" they go to the rock room so Christine and Frankie can't watch them on the spy cam.


    12:43 PM BBT Frankie and Nicole in the HOH, He says we are two, together.  Christine says "is it bad that I want Zach out?"  Frankie: "it would be, because he was one of our numbers, but now Caleb is so it fine."  Christine: "No way" Frankie: "oh ya, he thinks I am Jesus now, I know Justin Beiber"  Chrstine: "and you have Victoria, she would never vote against you now" Frankie: "that is why I decided to tell everyone because I knew I could get her vote".


    12:47 PM BBT Victoria goes past the Earth room and looked really upset.  Nicole goes after her, she is crying really hard in the WA.  Nicole is comforting her, she tells Victoria that she has her back.  Cody is trying to help a really depressed Zach get himself together.  Frankie walks into the Have Not room with Zach and Cody and tells them that Christine is willing to backdoor Nicole.  Cody says, man, I just talked to Nicole and they are to going to talk to each other.  Frankie says don't worry about it, it will be o.k.  


    12:51 PM BBT Victoria is upset that Frankie was completely forgiven for everything just because he's famous.  Nicole says "you gave me a really great pep talk just a little while ago" Victoria says "I know, but I'm afraid if the veto gets used I am going up as a replacement nominee."  Nicole says "you just have to play hard, win the veto and not use it."  Victoria says "Duh".  Nicole says "I will be a vote for you to stay if you go up, and you can be a vote for me if I go up."  "We just have to be strong."


    12:57 PM BBT  Cody leaves the Have Not room, and Zach goes right behind him, he is still not speaking to Frankie. Cody and Christine hugging and doing a little dance spin in the KT.  Christine says "I don't really know what happened today and I'm confused"  Cody just says "I know".  Cody is hugging Christine at the sink, he is looking for her belly button.  He picks her up and spins her around.  Frankie: "Nicole, Nicole, Nicole, how clever you think you are, look what it gets you, a black and white picture" he is staring at the memory wall. 

  19. 9:02 PM BBT Frankie and Caleb in the BeeHive.  Caleb is trying to talk game to Frankie, but he is really far out of the loop.  Caleb want Zach to stay because he is afraid Christine will flip to the other side of the house and vote all the guys out. Derrick joins them.  Zach still in the HOH with Nicole trying to get info from her and trying to convince her to keep him.


    9:06 PM BBT Caleb says he wants to put Donny up if he wins HOH.  Frankie says he will put up Victoria and Jocasta and try to backdoor Nicole.  Zach and Nicole still hashing it out over whether she wants him out or not.  He is promising her safety if he wins HOH.


    9:11 PM BBT  All the HG in the LR except Caleb and Frankie.  Zach and Hayden seem to be teasing Victoria a little bit for her the amount she drank during the party.  Hayden is acting like he is really drunk, but Nicole says he only had 2 beers and a lot of food. 


    9:14 PM BBT  Caleb is still talking to Frankie, Caleb is a little bit tipsy too.  Caleb says "At the end of the day, we are all we have" meaning Caleb, Frankie, Derrick and Cody.  Frankie goes to the bathroom and asks Cody (who is in the WC) if he needs any help in there, and if he wants Frankie to come in there and message him.  Jocasta in the shower, Derrick shaving his beard.


    9:19 PM BBT Derrick and Cody in the beehive discussing Caleb's misgivings about voting Zach out.  Derrick is now a little paranoid.  Derrick says he is afraid Caleb is right that they will not have the votes to get to the end.  The rest of HG in the living room talking about having kids and how many.


    9:22 PM BBT Cody says he wants to have a one on one with Frankie, Derrick deflects that quickly.  Frankie then walks into the beehive, and Derrick says "Jocasta just asked about us three talking together, you can stay, but you might not want to"  Frankie wants to.  Derrick changes his whole conversation with to repeating what Caleb was saying about keeping Zach.


    9:26 PM BBT Christine enters the BeeHive and Derrick exits.  Frankie, Cody, and Christine rehash the Caleb idea of keeping Zach.  Nobody seems to want to keep him.  Donny and Nicole feeding the fish.  Caleb walks into Beehive and the conversation changes again.  They all 4 agree Zach has to go because no one trusts him. 


    9:32 PM BBT Frankie reads the tampon box information in French. 


    9:36 PM BBT  Cody and Christine alone in the BeeHive alone.  Cody says "I have a little problem, Donny came to me yesterday and told me you threw my name out as someone to put on the block"  Christine says "He's lying"  (Christine did give Cody's name to Donny as a nom).  She says "Donny tried to get me to work with him, Hayden and Nicole"  Cody says he is completely sketched out by Donny.


    9:40 PM BBT Derrick alone in the Fire bedroom talking to the camera:  "I can't get one minute alone with Cody because Frankie's paranoid and Christine is paranoid, we gotta make a move tonight, because I am not going to get played in this game, doing the dirty work of someone else, but I can't get him alone" 


    9:41 PM BBT Derrick: "I'm on to it now, and everybody is paranoid and no one wants to leave anyone alone because they are paranoid."  "Before this night is over we will get together, the hit man have more work to do tonight."


    9:42 PM BBT  Frankie comes back into the BeeHive room and Christine says "Donny is an a$$hole"  Nicole grabs Derrick to come up the HOH room, she is going over the conversation she had with Zach.  She says she heard Frankie tell Zach to come upstairs and campaign to Nicole.  Derrick tells Nicole "there is going to be a lot going on tonight".


    9:51 PM BBT  Cody and Christine bonding in the BeeHive.  Cody says "you were the one that I was going to protect over anybody else in the house"  Christine: "you are the only one that has ever cared about me.  I love you, you can ask Nicole"


    9:54 PM BBT  Donny, Nicole, Hayden and Jocasta all walking in the train in the house because they can't walk in the backyard.  Christine and Cody continue to bond in the BeeHive.


    9:58 PM BBT  The walking HG talking about the best and worst years of their life and pets.  Cody and Christine talking about how they never want to be blindsided, they will not blow up other peoples game, they just want to know if they are going home.  Christine says she would tell Nicole or Cody if they were being blindsided.


    10:03 PM BBT  Derrick talking to Cody about doing something tonight.  Either just float along and vote out Zach or tell Frankie that Nicole and Hayden wanted to backdoor him this week so Frankie won't work with them anymore.  Cody is saying from his conversation with Christine, he thinks Nicole has been lying to them the whole time.  They decide they are NOT going to vote out Zach and just deal with the fall out no matter what.


    10:11 PM BBT  Cody and Christine in the Have Not room.  Cody says Hayden and Nicole have been playing Christine and Frankie against Cody and Derrick.  Cody tells Christine that Nicole and Hayden were going to backdoor Frankie this week if she used the veto.  He also tells her that Nicole and Hayden said you (Christine) and Frankie would go next week because Zach is going this week.  Christine keeps saying she can't believe it.  Cody tells her that Nicole and Hayden told him Frankie wants to vote out Cody and Derrick, that Frankie wants blood on his hands, a lot of blood.


    10:19 PM BBT Cody says the live feeders are watching us right now and are cheering us on the blow their $hit up (meaning Nicole and Hayden).


    10:21 PM BBT  Donny, Hayden, Nicole, and Jocasta at the KT island general chit chat.  Zach, Caleb, and Vic are asleep.  Derrick is in the Diary room.  Frankie is in the HOH alone.


    10:24 PM BBT  Cody and Christine are no telling everything they have been talking about to Frankie.  They are saying that Nicole and Hayden are playing the whole house and they are geniuses.


    10:28 PM BBT  The plan between Cody, Christine, and Frankie is to tell Hayden and Nicole that they are voting Zach out, but really they are going to vote out Jocasta.  They also think Donny is a mastermind.


    10:31 PM BBT  Derrick shows up and asked "are we done playing the games?"  Cody say again "Donny is the mastermind, and if I'm wrong so what?  I look like an idiot on national television"  They now believe Donny, Hayden and Nicole are working together.  Derrick to Frankie" "congratulations, but we (Cody and Derrick) are the reason you are not on the block, so you're welcome".


    10:33 PM BBT  Derrick says "Look, we have us 4 plus Zach and Caleb".  "We have the numbers".  Nicole, Hayden, Jocasta and Donny just floating around the house.  Hayden is trying to make his fitness bracelet to buzz.  Derrick, Frankie and Christine continue to bond in the Have Not room.


    10:48 PM BBT  Christine says it's time to start acting.  Frankie said why do they think no one was going to talk to each other.  Cody says "because nobody does ever talk to each other in this game"  Cody says "the people watching (us) were probably just saying this whole time, just talk to each other, just talk to each other"  Frankie says "Thank God".


    10:53 PM BBT  Derrick shows up in the Have Not room again, he tells the group what Nicole said to him in the HOH room, Zach trying to get info from her.  Derrick says Nicole told him that she heard Frankie tell Zach to go upstairs and campaign.  Frankie denies it all.   


    10:57 PM BBT  Derrick, Frankie and Zach continue bonding over figuring out that Nicole, Donny and Hayden have been playing them all week.  Caleb wakes up and comes into the LR to chat with the other HG's and we get fish.

  20. 7:00 PM BBT Cody, Nicole, Vic and Christine in the KT. Derrick and Zach playing pool while Caleb backseat plays, Donny watches quietly. Jocasta sitting in the BY double lounge just watching the action, Hayden over on the patio. Christine and Cody are trying to get Nicole to drink so Cody can "get lucky" tonight.

    7:03 PM BBT Zach and Caleb now playing pool. They are rotating winner plays the next game. Caleb finally puts Zach down. Derrick and Cody try to have a quick minute in the hall. Cody says Nicole does not want to talk to either of them, they start to make a plan and Frankie walks out. Frankie goes to the Beehive with Derrick and asks what was going on.. Derrick said "he was just about to tell me something when you walked out"

    7:10 PM BBT All feeds in the BY now. Hayden, Victoria and Frankie on the patio, Christine is walking, trying to get her fit band up to 5 dots like the other HG's. They are complaining it smells like skunk outside.

    7:16 PM BBT Frankie and Derrick alone in HOH room. Frankie says "why was Cody to paranoid not to talk in front of me" Derrick says "I don't think he meant it that way" Derrick is shading the truth here a little. He trying not to tell Frankie what Cody and he were talking about.

    7:19 PM BBT Victoria busts into the HOH for a min, she is using Derricks cup with his name on it, he says "you left my name on the cup?" She says "yes" and he says "that warms my heart" Derrick and Frankie now alone talking. Frankie knows something is going on, but Derrick is deflecting. They talk about Team America. Derrick says "Donny doesn't give a $hit about us" Frankie says "but would you put him up?" Derrick says "we would look like a$$holes"

    7:24 PM BBT Frankie says we need to make a plan for the future. They are talking about the Detonators. Frankie says "I feel like you (Derrick) Cody and Zach have a thing" Frankie continues "but Zach is very close to me too" Frankie asks him "well are we talking about going to end here? what are we talking about?" Derrick says "Well honestly, I would like to have you (Frankie) and Donny as final three" Derrick says "but I think you don't feel like that is feasible anymore." Frankie says "it isn't"

    7:28 PM BBT Frankie finally gets down to it, and says "I don't feel like Cody trusts me with information. I feel like he shuts down when I come into the room" Derrick says maybe someone told Cody something bad that Frankie said about him. Derrick is just fishing around trying to get Frankie to talk about himself instead of talking game.

    7:33 PM BBT Derrick says they have a genuine bond because of Team America and the Grandfather "thing". Derrick says "I would never put you up ever" Frankie says he will have a man to man with Cody. Derrick suggests it should really be him (Derrick) that talks to Cody. Frankie says "no, I will just ask him" Derrick says "but if he doesn't trust you, he is not going to tell you" Frankie is starting to agree.

    7:37 PM BBT The other HG's are around the pool table just chit chatting. Frankie says "Nicole has said twice that she thinks you are "America's Player"". Derrick says "I think she is half kidding." Frankie says "Zach told me last week that Cody doesn't like it when Zach comes to me directly with information" Frankie finally decides he will just talk to Cody himself.

    7:43 PM BBT Derrick says "Frankie, you are scaring the $hit outta me, just say it" Frankie says "is there a final 3 deal between you Cody and Zach?" Derrick swears up and down there is no such alliance. Nicole comes up the HOH and game talk stops. Nicole is picking up her wine.

    7:47 PM BBT Derrick is warning Frankie not to let any of this conversation get back to Zach. Zach told Frankie that there was a final 3 deal, and he told Frankie the name of the alliance was LTA (Los Trace Amigos). Frankie has been holding this in for weeks. Derrick is trying to tell Frankie he should have just been honest about this from the beginning. Derrick says "We have this Team America thing and we can be honest about everything" Frankie "I'm sorry for testing you"

    7:56 PM BBT Derrick says he "wants America to love him" and that he will never sell him out. Derrick is saying "Zach might be playing you bro" Derrick is trying to say Zach is the one that divided the Detonators. Derrick says Zach is putting a wedge between you and Cody. Derrick is talking Frankie into voting out Zach on Thursday.

    8:03 PM BBT Derrick is also convincing Frankie that Donny does not feel the same way about "Team America" as we do. We can vote him out next week." They are really mad about Donny turning down the mission last week. When Derrick came out of the HOH room, Victoria was right outside the door, I don't know if she heard anything. To recap here: Derrick and Frankie now want Zach out this week and Donny out next week.

    8:12 PM BBT No more game talk, Derrick is on a mission to find his black socks. Apparently both Zach and Frankie had some of his. All the other HGs are watching or playing in the never ending pool game.

    8:18 PM BBT Zach is "reporting" from the hammock on all the HGs movements. He says everyone here in BB house is in a chirpy mood. He says Nicole is getting drunk on half a glass of wine. Frankie breaks out into voices again. Frankie morphs into his alter ego "Frank" the straight guy. He immediately goes after Victoria.

    8:24 PM BBT Nicole is setting up Zach and Victoria on a pick up scenario at a party. Zach failed badly. Hayden steps in and tries to pick up Victoria. Caleb tries to hurry up and start another game of pool with Cody even though it was Frankie's turn. Frankie calls him out and Caleb says if you don't pay attention, too bad for you.

    8:29 PM BBT Hayden does much better with Vic, but Nicole says it takes too long for him to get a girl. Hayden says "but that is how it happens in real life" All the HGs except Frankie, Cody, and Caleb now talking about dating and how to pick up dates.

  21. 11:02 PM BBT Cody and Derrick are figuring out that fabulous workings of the pool cleaner. All the other HG have the feet in the hot tub (except Britt who is asleep and Nicole who can't take off her boots but is sitting in a chair with everyone) talking about books and movies.

    11:05 PM BBT Derrick coaching Cody on his upcoming HOH blog and twitter session. The HG's at the pool get warned about quoting movies, and then Frankie bursts out into song and we get FotH.

    11:13 PM BBT The hot tub crew have moved on to restaurants they like. Christine can't eat out anywhere apparently. (glutton) Derrick and Cody are talking about how many people would keep them and game, game, game. They even went over what they would do if Donny goes home and Britt stays.

    11:20 PM BBT Cody and Derrick talk about the fact that Britt is still upstairs asleep. The hot tub group are all talking about various tattoos. Christine wants at least 10 more, and she was mad at her husband for getting a cheat elephant tattoo that everybody else had, she told his she wasn't having sex with him anymore. Hayden said he want the words "something from a song" tattooed on him and the tattoo artist couldn't figure out what song he was talking about.

    11:23 PM BBT Vic says she wants to get the BB house tattooed on her. Zach says you can't (orthodox jewish beliefs) she says she will just have her skin sliced off before burial. Now they talk about less than 200 people have ever been on the show and that is why a tattoo is necessary.

    11:27 PM BBT Hayden has an astronaut tattoo on his butt. (A man on the moon). Caleb asks if you have ever seen the tattoo of a woman leg on inside of a guys arm and the second leg on the inside of side of his ribs so when he pulls up his arm her genitals would be were a man's armpit would be will all his hair. (smh). Donny is thinking about going to bed. Cody is making food as Zach comes in to visit with him. The party is breaking up.

    11:33 PM BBT Victoria begins to sing and we get fish.

    11:40 PM BBT Caleb and Zach justifying why they took prizes in the POV. Vic and Cody are just listening. Frankie and Derrick talking about what they would say if Britt asks for their vote. Frankie says he is just waiting for Britt to throw Donny under the bus.

    11:45 PM BBT Zach comes out to the BY screaming about where Amsterdam is, and if it is a country or a city. Everyone agrees it is a Country. (Amsterdam is a city in the Netherlands) Cody is trying to make friends with Donny again in the Fire room after putting him on the block.

    11:46 PM BBT Victoria has convinced everyone Amsterdam is in Germany and not the Netherlands and now Zach is very excited to go the trip he won during the veto comp. He immediately says "Red Light District". Zach: "That changes everything". Victoria: "It's just cool to see, they have all the windows of all the women (Zach: "Like just stores of women!") you know it's prostitutes but stores on top" Vic "And Anne Frank's house."

    11:47 PM BBT Donny says "this is going to sound stupid, but it's kind of a compliment knowing you think its going to be a 10-0 vote" Cody says putting Donny on the block was actually bad for his game (Cody's) and that he had to do it so everyone would help him out with Caleb next week.

    11:51 PM BBT Frankie, Zach, Caleb, Amber, Vic and Jocasta in the KT. Frankie is looking for compliments on how good the kitchen looks. Amber looks like she doesn't feel well. She says she is burning up.

    11:53 PM BBT Zach who was putting down his trip to Germany (that he won in Veto) is really excited to go now, but he wants to take someone that would really appreciate it. Caleb says take a homeless person. Jocasta says that is awesome, that would be great, take a Veteran who is homeless. (What a shame that we equate homelessness with Vets now days --DawnMarie)

  22. 9:23 PM BBT Caleb, Hayden, Derrick, Jocasta, Donny and Cody in the BY still talking about survivor and how long it takes to film. Frankie, Zach and Christine in the KT doing dishes.

    9:28 PM BBT Donny talking about Naked and Afraid, even though Caleb says he want to be on it, Donny seems to know a lot more about it. Derrick talks to Vic in the hall, she says "something" about Donny and Derrick asks her who told her that because it's not true. She swears him to secrecy and tells him it was Christine that told her.

    9:32 PM BBT Derrick goes IMMEDIATELY to Cody and says I just heard something. He says this for "Hit Men" only information. He tells Cody that Vic just told him that she was hurt by him because he (Derrick) knew Donny was going on the block and he didn't tell her. She (Vic) told him that Christine and Nicole told her that Derrick already knew. Derrick tells Cody, thats bad for us.

    9:34 PM BBT Cody is really upset that Nicole and Christine sold him out. Derrick is telling him that he will find out every detail when Vic gets out of DR. Caleb walks up to the hammock and they pretend they are talking what a double eviction would be like. The KT crew are talking about Marlynn Monroe and Zach didn't know she was having sex with JFK. He also didn't know JFK was married.

    9:37 PM BBT Frankie says his favorite social media is instagram (his bio says YouTube star) Christine says hers is Facebook. Caleb is talking about a comp where just holding a bar and being raised into the air he would win. Derrick says no way a girl would win because they are lighter.

    9:43 PM BBT The only thing Cody is worried about is if Derrick tells Victoria he had no idea about Donny going up and if Vic goes back to Christine and Nicole and says Derrick had no idea, they (Christine and Nicole) can say Derrick is a liar because he was in the room when we all talked about it. Derrick: "Don't worry about Cody, I got this"

    9:48 PM BBT Derrick starts out saying how much he likes Vic's pants before they start to talk. Vic says she heard it was between Caleb and Donny. She has the complete conversation. That the "group" talked Cody out of putting Caleb up because it was better for everyone's game if Donny went up. Vic is saying I know you close with Cody. Derrick is doing damage control.

    9:56 PM BBT Derrick is telling lies as fast as his lips can move trying to keep Vic from figuring anything out. Frankie finishing up dishes with Christine. Cody and Caleb playing pool with an audience lined up to watch of Nicole, Jocasta, and Donny.

    10:02 PM BBT Derrick warning Vic not to tell Zach anything. Nicole and Zach laying on the hammock talking about farming.

  23. 2:52 PM BBT Britt and Donny in the back yard discussing her decision to choose Caleb to play for her in the POV. Caleb, Cody, Derrick and Jocasta in the HOH room. Caleb: "I would take someone out on a date, and the date would be a 5 day 4 night cruise" He is complaining about Amber telling him they can go on a date if he eats a pickle (Caleb hates pickles) He says he told her: "haven't I already done enough for you to go on a date with me, you can go kick rocks. He then eats a pickle.

    2:57 PM BBT The girls are trying to pull a prank on Hayden who is sleeping. They have some kind of white goo the whipped up in the KT. Hayden knows they are in there and warns Zach who is also sleeping that the girls are after him. Nicole and Amber leave disappointed, and Nicole tells Hayden: "your feet sink" Zach: "F*** those girls"

    3:04 PM BBT The Amber and Nicole go back in the fire room to try to "get/scare" Hayden. He is awake and the girls tell him to pretend to be asleep so they can do it. He agrees, they put the white gooey stuff in his hand and shove his hand in his hair. Frankie is in bed with Zach now. Zach: "I hate Amber, she is trying to be friends with them now" Hayden: "Instead of evicting, can we murder?"

    3:06 PM BBT Amber and Nicole come back in the BR with a towel to help clean Hayden up. Zach: "I hate Amber, she is the fakest girl I have ever met" Vic, Christine and Amber are now upstairs in the HOH room. Hayden, Zach and Frankie sleeping in the Fire room. Nicole is outside with Donny. She is telling him she didn't know Donny was going up on the block. Donny: "I did" Nicole: "Oh, you did? Well that's good"

    3:09 PM BBT Christine has some kind of bug/spider bite on her left leg. She is going to DR to have them check it out. Amber lays down in Fire room. Donny is just chatting Nicole about the weather.

    3:14 PM BBT Only Derrick, Cody and Britt let in the HOH room. They are all in the Nest bed snuggled up. Brittney is wondering how Jocasta will vote. Nicole, Jocasta, and Donny now sitting out in the BY. We have lots of "napping" HGs.

    3:16 PM BBT The 3 HOH "nappers" where quite for about 3 minutes. Brittney says "hey, you remember that time..." and Derrick freaks out "You are the worst, omg" because she can't stay quite. They are all 3 laughing. Cody asks if the blanket smells funny, Britt: "Ya, it smells like icy hot and farts"

    3:19 PM BBT Nicole talking about her family, and her Dad retiring. Jocasta figures out that her Dad is one year younger than her husband. No one else is moving around. Only conversation is in the BY. The HOH crew are trying to sleep again.

    3:22 PM BBT Hayden is up and heading to the WA. (maybe to clean that gunk out of his hair?). BY crew still talking about Nicole's Dad.

    3:25 PM BBT Hayden comes to the BY, Nicole: "Hayden, I'm sorry! I didn't put it in your hair" Vic and Nicole have both been sure to say Amber put his hand in his hair. Donny said he could have pranked Nicole by peeing in her German hat this morning because Nicole left it in the WC. Donny gets called to DR.

    3:31 PM BBT Nicole wants to know if Amber got into his bed. He says no, luckily. Jocasta is asking Hayden what his 5 year goal is. Hayden: "to be married, have kids, have a house, steady job, probably in the country." Nicole: "that is opposite of your goals" Jocasta: "that sounds like Nicole's goal" So Jocasta turns to Nicole and asks her what her goals are. She answers as if she is Hayden: "I want to be an actor, not have anything serious with any girl, go to the bar pick up girls, I'll probably live in 7 different places"

    3:35 PM BBT Donny comes out of DR, goes back out the BY. Derrick is up and going to the BY. Jocasta continues to question Nicole as if she is Hayden, and Hayden as if he is Nicole. Christine went to DR to show her bug bite to the camera so the Doc can look at it. Britt is called to DR but she is sound asleep in the HOH with Cody.

    3:40 PM BBT They call Britt again to the DR, she has trouble with the stairs and says it hurts. Derrick tells her "what kind of dummy walks upstairs with a bad foot" Derrick goes back up to HOH and tells Cody he spoke to Donny and Hayden and everything is cool.

    3:43 PM BBT We are now treated to Cody pooping but he doesn't want to stop talking to Derrick, who says that's fine, I'll come into the bathroom and we can talk while you poop. So Cody has his mic on and we get to hear everything. (Sometimes my job sucks)

    3:48 PM BBT Cody and Derrick are still talking game. Derrick says I hope you would not trust Frankie to give you information. Cody says no way, I never would. Derrick and Cody telling each they are running the house.

    3:54 PM BBT The BY group are just talking general topics. How to spell certain words, being switch at birth (the TV show). Derrick and Cody still taking game weeks into the future, and all the people they can work with including Donny. Britt comes back upstairs to HOH Derrick pretends to be asleep. Britt says Cody is getting called into DR in just a second.

    3:59 PM BBT Britt asks if "this is the real Derrick" Derrick says he hates it when she says that. He says to her "is this the real Brittney?" She says omg... Derrick says how ever you feel right now, that's how I feel. They seem to go over and over how bad the HOH bed smells and how many different nasty smells it has. (But no one does anything about washing it)

    4:04 PM BBT BB has talked more in the last 5 minutes than any of the HGs. Called Cody to DR, told Vic to make sure her batteries were plugged in properly, they told her to exchange her mic for one in the storage room. All 4 feeds follow Derrick around as he walks through the house.

    4:08 PM BBT We get the BY chatters back on camera now. They are talking about the age of their brothers and sisters. Derrick looks out through the sliding glass door, decides he would rather roam around the WA. Derrick has decided to shave his chest and stomach (all the way past his belly button).

    4:14 PM BBT Derrick shaving half his body in the WA. Nicole, Christine, Hayden, Vic, Jocasta and Donny in the BY talking about Devin and the amount of food he ate. They think they did not get as much this week because Devin is not there.

    4:17 PM BBT Cody and Derrick talking in the WA but we can't hear a word because Derrick has had the water running the entire time he has been shaving.

    4:20 PM BBT Derrick must have heard us, he turns the water off, made several swipes, and then turns the water back on and lets it run again. The BY group are talking about how long it took everyone to learn everyone's name. They say Caleb still called Victoria,"Veronica and Virginia" two weeks into the game.

    4:26 PM BBT The BY group is talking about actresses they like. Christine says she watches 70 hours of Law and Order a day. Donny says he watches tons of basketball. Cody shaves upstairs, washes his face and crawls back into bed with Britt in the HOH nest.

    4:37 PM BBT Nicole is in the WA shaving Derricks back (yuck) She is telling Derrick that she heard Britt wanted her (Nicole) on the block instead of Donny. She said "did she honestly think she could beat me?" Derrick says Britt has been upstairs with Cody all day. We get a close up of Derricks back which looks like a very nasty piece of pizza.

    4:40 PM BBT Nicole is thanking Derrick for sending Britt home so that her and Christine are safer. Derrick is saying he also told Cody not to put up Caleb because there was a chance Caleb would go home and Britt would go after Christine and Nicole and you (Cody) would lose their confidence if you did that, so I talked him out of it.

    4:42 PM BBT Donny and Jocasta, talking game in the BY. Jocasta says she is not voting for Britt to stay and she hopes Britt would not even ask her to. Donny saying "there is a leader here somewhere, because I don't think Cody would have put me up" Jocasta feels like she has tried to talk to Cody but she feels like others in the house are stopping her. Donny says he thinks "they" take it in shifts in the HOH and makes sure no one can talk.

    4:46 PM BBT Donny says they should stop worrying about Britt and start worrying about him, because he will "put some people up". He says "they" think you, me and Vic are in an alliance. Jocasta says that's stupid, how can we 3 do anything without help from some of them.

    4:51 PM BBT Nicole is teasing Hayden about not remembering her name for the first 4 days. (She seems to have fallen hard since the make out session) Nicole says she thinks she is boring in the DR and we get fish.

    4:53 PM BBT Jocasta is comparing Frankie to Judeus in the bible. They are talking about the fact that Christine, Cody, Frankie and Derrick have not been on the block. Donny is telling her to think about who she would put up if she won. He says, let me see if we can help Hayden out. He goes inside to the KT and Jocasta goes out to the Hammock to read the bible.

    4:57 PM BBT Vic is talking about how she wants a beautiful family (as in good looks) she says why can't she have the "whole package" a good looking guy and smart and successful.

  24. 9:30 PM BBT Amber is in the HOH telling Cody and Christine that she has been told Zach wants to send her home next week. Caleb, Zach, Donny and Hayden in the BY talking about pool tricks and bad jokes.

    9:33 PM BBT Cody is talking about going to bed early. Cody is stroking Ambers elbow. Derrick and Zach in the BY, Derrick is continuing to try to convince Zach to back off trying to get Cody to backdoor Caleb. Zach is still fighting to get Caleb up there and getting him voted out. No one except Cody is even listening to him.

    9:39 PM BBT Frankie is trying to tell Amber they are all in an alliance together, and they are protecting each other. She says if that's true why is Zach talking bad about me. Frankie says nothing bad is going to happen. Amber: "Ya, that's because I'm going to win HOH, or Christine" Frankie: "That makes me feel uncomfortable because we are supposed to all be together, and you want only you or Christine to win"

    9:43 PM BBT Caleb and Derrick now talking in the BY, Caleb is telling Derrick about their (Amber and Caleb) conversation in the Beehive room. Zach, Donny and Nicole in the BY couches, Nicole telling the others that Hayden stunk and needs to put on some deodorant. Nicole: "he warned me he stuck, but if you knew that, why wouldn't you do something about it"

    9:47 PM BBT Zach and Nicole alone on the BY couches talking about who they trust (no names except the Detonators + Nicole) Zach is saying everyone thinks they know for a fact what everyone else is thinking, and they don't. Zach: "Christine said that Donny is coming after her, and yet she says that Donny talks game to her everyday" Zach: "Someone is lying, if Christine is Donny's target, then he isn't talking game to her"

    9:52 PM BBT Zach is telling Nicole the only reason Brittney is on the block is because Cody didn't have anyone else to put up. Zach says Cody trusts Brittney, but he did what was good for the alliance. Zach says Cody needs to start doing right for himself.

    9:56 PM BBT Vic and Hayden in the double lounger in the BY plucking her eyebrows. Zach is still venting to Christine. He is explaining that it was good for Frankie for Britt to go up. Derrick wanders over to the couches, telling Zach his being loud enough to for others to hear. Zach: "so, I am not saying anything other people can't hear" Zach: "maybe I shouldn't have said anything upstairs, but I am going to protect who I want to, and vote out who he wants to"

    10:00 PM BBT Hayden tries plucking his eyebrows and is moaning and whining about, he plucks 2 hairs and quits. Frankie comes outside and jumps on Zach (things got pretty heated between them upstairs). Donny comes out and game talk stops

    10:04 PM BBT Vic is telling Hayden that Britt is vicious, and she hates her, and asks Hayden if he will vote her out, Hayden says he will. Zach and Frankie in the storage room re-hashing the Caleb vs. Donny going up as the replacement nomination. Zach: "I'm just trying to do what is best for Cody: Frankie: "No, you are doing what is best for you" Zach says well maybe I shouldn't voice my opinion. Zach: "If you guys say Brittney is going to put up all boys, they why does Christine say Brittney is going to put her up?" Frankie is telling Zach to calm down, and "turn off his crazy switch"

    10:10 PM BBT Caleb discussing the last girl he was talking to before coming to BB had it all together and made 6 figures, but she drinks 3/4 nights a week and he can't handle that. He wants to take a girl out, open the door for her, smack her in the butt and say "What?? You're my girlfriend, sit down and shut up" Christine: "OMG, if you were to say that to me...."

    10:12 PPM BBT Derrick in the BY with Donny saying he thinks they are both good. Donny: "I don't want to be up there on a Thursday night, I've never had to do that". Amber and Frankie in the KT cooking, Amber: "What did I say that was so wrong upstairs? "Frankie says absolutely nothing" Amber says Zach is just acting like he is 12 years old, and she doesn't want to hear her name anymore.

    10:17 PM BBT No game talk, Frankie, Donny, Hayden, Derrick, Nicole in the BY at the couches talking about fish and fishing. Caleb, Zach, Vic, Amber and Cody in the HOH talking about cars. Cody goes downstairs to find something to eat, he goes to the BY and Frankie gives him the last of his fish salad.

    10:21 PM BBT Vic takes Cody in the Beehive room. Vic tells Cody that Caleb told her he didn't want the Veto during the comp. She thinks it's weird that he (Caleb) feels so safe that he didn't want it, and she wonders who he has made deals with.

    10:22 PM BBT Cody says he feels like he can't put Caleb up because Caleb will go home, and Brittney will stay. Vitoria wants Britt to go home so bad. Cody says he is really angry at Caleb for taking the money instead of the Veto. Vic says Caleb is not a treat in competitions.

    10:26 PM BBT Cody says he is thinking about putting up Donny because that would insure that Britt goes home. Vic says she thinks Amber, Jocasta, Britt and Donny are definitely working together. Cody: "please don't repeat any of that"

    10:31 PM BBT Derrick, Christine and Frankie at the pool loungers talking about Cody saying he is never going to listen Zach. "Christine: "I hope not" Frankie says he tried to talk to Zach in the SR, and he said Amber saw him go in there so she ran in there with them and they couldn't talk. Frankie: "Amber is a lunatic"

    10:35 PM BBT Nicole in the Ice room telling Hayden what Zach has been saying. Nicole: "Zach called us all selfish, and we are going to turn on each other anyway, why not now?" Hayden: "well it would be good if Caleb went up" Nicole: "Zach says he is just sick of Christine saying she knows everything" Hayden: "Well, I am too." Vic and Cody still in the Beehive saying the same thing over and over and counting votes if Donny goes on the block against Britt.

    10:42 PM BBT Cody and Vic still in the Beehive, Cody is telling Vic it was a mistake to have nominated her and she can trust him with anything she has to say and he will never repeat it.

    10:44 PM BBT Hayden and Derrick in the LR alone talking about how everyone hates Amber, and they think she knows it. Derrick brings up the Zach blowup upstairs in the HOH, Hayden says he already knows. Hayden goes to the kitchen. Caleb, Zach, Christine, Frankie all talking about when they last had sex

    10:49 PM BBT Nicole now thinks Zach is in the BB house for some other reason than to win. She thinks he is there just to start trouble and maybe get $50,000 when he gets out if he stirs up enough trouble.

    10:52 PM BBT Vic still has Cody trapped in the Beehive both of them saying the same thing over and over.

    10:55 PM BBT Amber, Derrick and Nicole on the LR couches. Just gen chit chat about their families, Nicole says she left notes for all over her family members before she left.

    11:01 PM BBT We had fish for about 5 minutes. Derrick, Hayden, Cody in the HOH taking about Zach again. They now think its all about Amber. Nicole, Vic, Christine, Amber and Frankie in the kitchen. Nicole is eating a banana she has covered in peanut butter.

    11:03 PM BBT Cody is telling the guys that if Vic figured out that Caleb feels safe that he must be in an alliance. Cody: "and if Victoria figured it out, they everybody knows" Hayden is talking about Cody putting up Caleb because its going to look bad if he gets away with the way he acted during Veto. Cody and Derrick think if they put up Caleb, he will go home and they want Britt out.

    11:07 PM BBT Nicole, Vic and Christine at the table talking about Bananas. Christine accuses Nicole of eating all the banana and Christine says she need the potassium in the bananas. (Christine has alot of food issues). Frankie goes up the HOH with the rest of the guys.

    11:08 PM BBT Cody shuts it all down and says "you don't have to convince me, I am not putting Caleb up, Zach just went off and it's no big deal. Vic is complaining about Jocasta and Britt and Amber are going to mean to her all day tomorrow.

    11:15 PM BBT Derrick, Cody and Hayden still in the HOH talking about Zach. Cody is now talking about cutting his ties to Zach. Frankie and Christine are on the hammock talking about who? Say it with me ZACH!!

    11:19 PM BBT Amber comes outside to tell Frankie and Christine goodnight. Amber tells them she is down shaving her arms. Christine says you shave everything? She says yep, every single hair. Amber offers for Vic to come sleep with her if she wants (Nicole and Vic are in the double lounger). Caleb and Zach are playing pool and Jocasta is doing laundry.

    11:24 PM BBT Amber and Jocasta come up to the HOH to pray. Hayden leaves before they all pray.

    11:26 PM BBT Vic has gone over to Frankie and Christine to complain about how Britt has treated her and how scared she is that it's going to get worse tomorrow. All three are making fun of Brittney.

    11:34 PM BBT Britt is awake in the Fire room, rubbing her feet. She looks like she is in alot of pain. The BY crew are making fun of Britt for kicking all those balls even though she is not going to be here to play in any more comps.

    11:37 PM BBT Christine and Zach are making up for getting aggressive with each other in the HOH. Jocasta comes into the Fire room and tells Britt she has 4 conversation with her when Britt was asleep. (Apparently Britt was talking in her sleep about the TV being gone from the room) Nicole and Vic are going to sleep. Britt and Jocasta are leaving the room.

    11:41 PM BBT Zach is actually talking about asking Cody to put HIM on the block. Hayden says he wants no part of this conversation. Zach says he doesn't want to win the $500k because he's a d*ck, and it would just make him worse.

    11:45 PM BBT Zach is upstairs in the HOH telling them his idea of him going up on the block. Zach: "we can pretend to have a big fight" Zach says he will make a final 2 deal with Donny and get in good with Donny.

    11:49 PM BBT Zach says "DUDE put me up, I'm bored." Brittney and Jocasta come up to the HOH to take a bath and soak her feet. Zach leaves and Derrick and Cody start laughing. Zach comes back downstairs to the BY. Derrick repeats Nicole's idea that Zach might be a plant by BB to cause problems in the house.

    11:54 PM BBT Vic comes back outside to get more assurance from Zach, Christine, and Frankie that she is not going home because she just saw Britt go upstairs. They tell her its just because of her feet.

    11:59 PM BBT Derrick is laying on the couch to wait for Brittney to come out of the bathroom so she can't talk to Cody. Derrick says he will carry her downstairs to get rid of her. Cody says he is not going through with Zach's plan. The group in the BY are Brittney bashing (and Jocasta, and Amber) saying they are mean girls.



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