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Status Updates posted by MonkeyBars

  1. RT @NTL2012: I love God.

  2. RT @NTL2012: Jesus is my Lord & Savour!

  3. RT @NTL2012: The darkness cannot comprehend the light.

  4. RT @NTL2012: Yell from the rooftops, I love God!

  5. RT @opnly: good things take time

  6. RT @PrayInFaith: No matter how things look, know that God is still in control. Stay in peace, knowing that He will always be with you.

  7. RT @ProteaCentre: Announcing an add bonus to our #MothersDay Packages. For today and tomorrow (Friday and Saturday) we are offering... http…

  8. RT @ProteaCentre: Hello March! Hello March Savings! Hello Healthy Beautiful Skin at Protea Medi Spa!... https://t.co/lOi4eaQd7B

  9. RT @ProteaCentre: Introducing Radio Frequency Packages: RADIO FREQUENCY SKIN TIGHTENING TREATMENTS FOR FACE , NECK AND UPPER ARMS... https:…

  10. RT @PsychCentral: What Is Faith If It Is Never Tested? https://t.co/moyGQvenn2 #mhsm #mentalhealth https://t.co/DFNWjIH4CI

  11. RT @Stevenwhirsch99: Your voting for #HillaryBecause you have been brainwashed by all of the propaganda on #CNN and other #MSM.

  12. RT @The_Gospels: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. -Matthew 11:28

  13. RT @The_Gospels: Mirror HIS image. Visit -> https://t.co/1qRf0GTTd3 & signup for our daily emails. https://t.co/tegMFDepGG

  14. RT @VictoriaOsteen: There are things that won’t be solved by natural power and might. Trust God when things are beyond your human ability!

  15. RT @VictoriaOsteen: Today I pray that you feel God’s love and power in ways you never have before. I pray that you walk in strength and vic…

  16. RT @VictoriaOsteen: Today, focus on what you are doing right. Applaud yourself & the people around you. Be an encourager & bring out the be…

  17. RT @Women_Of_Christ: Everything happens for a reason. I may not understand it now, but God does, and that is all that matters.

  18. RT @World: This form of eucalyptus tree grows in Maui rain-forests. The bark peels back to reveal a gorgeous range of colors. https://t.co/…

  19. RT @BigBrotherBF: #BBCAN2 The one thing they didn't want to happen - happened!!! shoulda kept Deli - he wouldn't have won - KARMA - exactly…

  20. RT @chinbitchesxxo: I want neda to go home! #BBCAN2

  21. RT @DawgsBigBrother: DIARY ROOM LEAK of ADEL during his 36 hour punishment @bigbspoilers #BBCAN2 http://t.co/A10bvSCHhF

  22. RT @janoymac: Why is everyone commenting like Adel is gone already? Its not over till its over! #BBCAN2. #teamadel

  23. RT @KyleShoreBBCAN: Cya at the finale bro. You are the heart of Canada and the best representation of this country with class. #BBCAN2 http…



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