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Status Updates posted by BigBrotherBF

  1. @BMXTVnet So shocked and saddened by this! His support on the site was fantastic and the banter on chat was somethi… https://t.co/vY5Hp0WoOA

  2. @delon03 I think Brandi is trash!!! and have not thought that of anyone else!

  3. It's today!!! Finally https://t.co/IuxOYDa5tk

  4. #cbb just got a chance to "catch up" on the finale and the winner is PERFECT!!! Couldn't agree more (although I wou… https://t.co/Q5WdO8xkEk

  5. @CBSBigBrother @BrandiGlanville Lets not forget she was on #cbbuk and #TheApprentice She like Donald Trump so her a… https://t.co/Jp02lpG90A

  6. RT @ErickaElizabth: What would it take to get @DavidKHarbour to be the Officiant at my wedding in September?!

  7. So we have bb alum complaining about the attention and asking to people to get perspective on what's important! Don… https://t.co/iem4jdbSks

  8. @theikawong I've been watching BB since S1 US and the feeds just about as long - and there are MANY players that es… https://t.co/l9EAxhgKzP

  9. the sad thing about this tweet is I believe they mean it - ppl harassing ppl for a part they PLAY on a show - Actin… https://t.co/JamI98cjAt

  10. The world is waiting: United States Senate special election in Alabama, Dec 12 - anyone with an ounce of decency kn… https://t.co/H7lU3LGRce

  11. Wait..What???? I finally agree with @realDonaldTrump if this is true!!! Go get 'em https://t.co/A0bxOROLri

  12. Why am I so invested in American Politics...maybe it's the ass in power but I can't look away - it's like a trainwreck!! #transfixed

  13. @Bethenny the most expeditious question would be - who doesn't!! https://t.co/SRCDNqWvwv

  14. @Global_TV give whoever this is a RAISE!!! Totally ruled twitter this season!!!

  15. @ChadawickJeremy Their stats are better for couples than the bachelor!!

  16. @AmandaJGenske @EvelDick am enjoying every minute of the game!!! Guess what...never watched before but giving it my tv time now!!

  17. @Catvanzyl too bad your in toronto chicky or I would be there!!! (live in Guelph)

  18. My husband has been diagnosed with prostate cancer - aggressive, advanced - gleason 9 - in his bones now (ribs) What now??? #fuckcancer

  19. #bb19 Why does it matter who the hg's voted for! Seriously we all make mistakes ;) Now...I didn't say which one I thought was the mistake!

  20. @theikawong @MsLove2Blog @iremide22 @DemetresBBCAN everybody is mad at somebody!!! lol

  21. @tnacgal @DevonJoelleG @elfitvic LOL - gofundme???? He did this to himself - it's called jury management - same mis… https://t.co/wKgA5pE4VO

  22. #bb19 this gets all my agrees as if I liked it 100 times https://t.co/tvugwzxCAs

  23. #bbcan19 hope @CBSBigBrother doesn't broadcast @celebritybbus the same time as @BigBrotherCA airs #Bbcan6 -don't want anything to hurt BBcan

  24. Don't be mad at #JemeleHill for saying it - be mad at #DonaldTrump for making it possible!!

  25. @Kevin_The__Real @kalena141 well we're at the end of season now but goole ad blocker for whatever your browser is a… https://t.co/BoZlwfRb3e



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