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Status Updates posted by BigBrotherBF

  1. #bbcan5 @cbsbigbrothercana all I can say is WTF!!! if this is your effort to save cass - well,.,.I'm done

  2. #bbcan5 All the best to @KevinRobMartin - take this to the end!!! https://t.co/VaxpOOVoDq

  3. #bbcan5 Dillon will be everyone's target so they can stay in the game - go after the big guy! Can't help but feel sorry for him

  4. #bbcan5 I would have liked to see Mitch - Loveita and maybe Emmit...Instead of Gary/Dallas and Sindy - gary and sindy already had 2 chances

  5. #bbcan5 if in fact we get to vote on who we want to evict - I think the vets have an unfair advantage!

  6. #bbcan5 looking for fellow Canadians - click the poll in the orig tweet :) https://t.co/Ozp0IXrxP2

  7. #bbcan5 ugh....@BigBrotherCA could this get any more predictable!! #bb16 all over again

  8. #bbcan6 my thoughts - the casuals didn't like that ryan was nominated after being set up by some of the hgs. Canada… https://t.co/mOE7WKWQat

  9. #bbott - let's shake it up https://t.co/Vw4okvSXBi

  10. #bbott #bb18 fans hold too much hostility from game - ppl are different outside - you'll change your mind if you give them a chance

  11. #bbott at this point I'm a fan of ppl-not sides-and Kryssie has always been the bottom since early on - I'm sending a message with my vote

  12. #bbott BUT she should root for her sister-everyone is voting for who they supported- including jasons existing fanb… https://t.co/ZkUumZYT1C

  13. #bbott I just think no one understands depression. He clearly couldn't deal yesterday and I for one, understand!!

  14. #bbott the way everyone's bashing the hg's is terrible. I don't watch show to hate-I watch bb bcause I love it-twitter kills that! #growup

  15. #bbott this needs to be our attitude - Jason having a fan base going into the game is not at all fair to the other… https://t.co/81RkjJyxqI

  16. #bbott vote for whoever you want and let the cards fall where they may!!!

  17. #bbott...so Shane is infected? He's gone to the DR and NOW he will be immune! I think he just got safety

  18. #cbb Are you freaking kidding me - ppl get a grip - there was no harm intended for gawdsake!!! Ppl so fucking PC now https://t.co/0lHdLCvKmp

  19. #cbb just got a chance to "catch up" on the finale and the winner is PERFECT!!! Couldn't agree more (although I wou… https://t.co/Q5WdO8xkEk

  20. #cbb my timeline is full of people being mean just for sport!! wtf is wrong with your world that you have to bring ppl down?

  21. #freekeisha #freekesha #boycottsony @KeshaRose https://t.co/Pjhy8Jvbda https://t.co/GsMaCgbcl9

  22. #rhboh we all know prod plays a part in coaching the wives into instigating direction - I think LVP is a puppet in a lot of this

  23. #tragicallyhip #CourageForGord #fuckcancer

  24. and I'll bet everyone of you that did that have been called on it - #Misfits #plastics #lnj #ballsmashers… https://t.co/SPkCcyuLKl

  25. Any Blue Jay fans out there? https://t.co/Tb5C7VuJn4



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