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Posts posted by ktntina

  1. 7:00PM BBT: cam 1 and 2 on hush screen, 3 and 4 have Arlie, Sarah, and Kenny talking about tv shows on green couches.

    7:02PM BBT a few mins ago Kenny said "so it's saturday and i can't eat until thursday" and is sad about it. Just now in HOH Heather is talking to Adel saying she overheard Kenny say "I can't wait until Thursday" (when he really said eat) and they are now saying he thinks he's staying.

  2. 8:39PM BBT: Rachelle and Sabrina in HOH room. Sabrina didn't know there were naked pictures of Emmett on the internet. Rachelle wonders if there are naked pictures of her out there.

    8:42PM BBT: Rachelle wonders if she can switch places with a have-not so she can go on slop. She wants to lose the 9 lbs she has gained since coming in the house.

    8:44PM Sarah and Arlie in the bathroom. Arlie weighs himself and says he shouldn't weigh 164 lbs. Sarah afraid to step on scale. [i'm surprised BB put a scale in the bathroom-ktntina]

  3. 7:58PM BBT: Jon and Sarah at HT discussing evictions and if the boys will turn on Jon. Sarah says she hasn't heard anything. Jon counting votes to get Andrew out. Sarah says she hates how he is but the thought of him berating her scares her. Jon says he would never let that happen. Sarah says her husband's biggest fear of her coming on the show was that someone would treat her badly and he wouldn't be there to help her.

    8:02PM BBT: Sarah asks if it's smart to try and keep Adel, because the whole house wants him out. Jon says "the whole house does?"

    8:05PM BBT: Sabrina has joined Sarah and Jon at the HT. Talk is about phones and snapchat. Now wondering if BB will let them keep the flannels.

    8:07PM BBT: Sabrina starts asking if Jon and Sarah believe her and her story about Ika. They both say yes. Sabrina says she doesn't want to talk about it anymore [then stop bringing it up to every HM!-ktntina].

    8:10PM BBT: Jon leaves. Sabrina and Sarah feel so guilty talking to him about game because they like him. Saying they will feel awful evicting Jon. Saying they have to make one of the guys do it. He pinky swore with Sabrina that he would never put her on the block and vice versa. Sarah says it would be a horrible week if he was on the block because he's so paranoid. She says she doesn't want to lie to his face.

    8:13PM BBT: Sabrina brings up the situation with Ika again. Saying she's annoyed that now she will look like a liar. Sarah says nobody thinks you're a liar. [Jon told Sarah that he's sure Sabrina was lying about 10 mins ago]

  4. 7:10PM BBT: Kenny, Arlie, and Jon by HT talking about Sabrina lying about something Ika said (didn't catch what it was).

    7:11PM BBT: Sabrina joins them... saying she is very mad that Ika was definitely threatening her but BB made her look like a "crazy liar". Kenny saying BB went through the tapes and things Sabrina said weren't true.

    7:12PM BBT: From what I can gather: Ika bumped into Sabrina on the stairs, stole her sugar, and then threatened to "do her (Sabrina) in".

  5. 3:42 PM BBT: Sarah in the bedroom crying after having an argument with Andrew. She can't stand his bullying of Ika. Says it's "disgusting".

    3:44PM BBT: Arlie joins Sarah in BR. She's upset saying Andrew needs to leave Ika alone. Sabrina is in the BR now too. telling Sarah to just ignore Andrew. Sarah saying she doesn't want to be seen laughing with someone who says disgusting things (referring to Andrew)

  6. 2:22PM BBT: sabrina and sarah put on their flannel jackets that BB gave them and head out to the hot tub. Ika and Adel chatting by pool

    2:24PM BBT: Sabrina and Sarah talking about eviction tomorrow. Wondering if it will be a double eviction. Talking about their plan. Sabrina: I really want Adel gone. Jon and Kenny join them at the HT.

    2:25PM BBT: sabrina, sarah, and kenny at HT. Sarah: guys i want to win HOH so badly. Kenny: me too. so bad it hurts. Kenny talking about how bad he wants a letter. He can sacrifice words from to make suer they're ok in the game. Kenny thinks something will come to "rock us".

    2:28PM BBT: K, S, and S talking about people in the DR. Now talking about if any of them have talked abou tthe first five in their goodbye messages. they say they haven't.

    2:29PM BBT exterminators, chilltown-Sabrina compares the first five alliance to those alliances.

    2:30PM BBT: Rachelle joins Sarah, Sabrina, and Kenny at HT. Talk changes to visiting each other.



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