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Posts posted by misha327

  1. 10:20pm Neda is in the main bedroom and feeling ill. Jon is asking her if she wants anything. Neda says she is trying to not puke. Neda says she was chopping tomatoes (potatoes?) and suddenly felt sick. On another feed we see Kenny, Rachelle, Sabrina, Heather and Allison eating at the kitchen counter. Kenny goes on about how great it is. It looks like something Italian, as in tomato & pasta based and Sabrina is talking like she made it. Andrew shows up and Sabrina jumps up and puts a dish together for him. Rachelle is standing and licking her dish clean. Heather may be eating something different, hard to see. (I do not know if she is a have-not) General chat going on. Kenny, Andrew and Allison are saying they feel so good now after their workouts. Arlie enters the kichen and Sabrina serves him a dish of whatever it is they are eating. Chat continues, mostly about foods.



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