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Posts posted by canucksfan

  1. 3:08am

    Still talking about past BB seasons and house guests..

    Howie: "yeah we need michael or kaysar to strengthen our side more"

    Janelle: "do you think the bb gods have anything to do with it?"

    Howie: "yeah for sure. then again, the strongest part of this game is the viewers. "

    Howie: "I can't feel sorry for James. "

    The Janelle says something about Rachel I think... and Howie's like "oh yeah... DAMN IT. FUCK"

    Janelle: "it's ok Howie"

    anyways it looks like they're going to try to get some sleep now. I gotta go attempt that too. It's been fun! G'night.

  2. Looks like Howie and Janelle are turning in at quarter to 3.

    Janelle: "Think Beau'll win the whole thing? the whole bb6 "

    Howie: "nooo.."

    Janelle: "How bout Jenny"

    Howie: "maybe"

    Janelle: "I hate that...I want a big player to win you know?"


    Howie: ".. it could be me or you, we'll see"

    Janelle: "i'd be so pissed if someone like april won it. not that i hate her but if she got it over you, then.."

    They're talking about how you could get to the final two without winning HOH once. How James can't be stopped.. Talking about how the cowboy never won ANYTHING but still got really far. and then about how good Nicomus was, but then everyone screwed her.

    Now they're just talking about BB5 and who was the best.. and past BB seasons. Janelle's telling Howie about the seasons. Season 3 was the best, she says.

    Talking about who's hot and who's not in the BB house:

    janelle: "Jenny's cute... Sarah is pretty. Rachel is pretty.."

    Howie's throwing in some "big boobies" comments

    Janelle: "Ivette is... I guess.. a pretty lesbian" *laughs* that's so mean

    Howie: How about James? He's hot right?

    Janelle: No I dont think James is hot... something about him...

    Howie: Did you think Eric was hot?

    Janelle: NOO

    Howie: What about Beau?

    Janelle: He's actually pretty cute for a gay guy

    Howie: What about Kaysar?

    Janelle: ..Yeah he's pretty cute

    Howie: How bout Michael?

    Janelle: YEEEAAAHH he's SO hot.

    Now they're talking about how the group is diverse. Janelle said that Kaysar is white. Now talking about how much they love him, and how he's so smart.

  3. It's 2:21am right now.

    It's too hard to type out everything Howie is telling Janelle... he's talking so fast! But here's the jist of it..

    Howie is convincing Janelle that James is completely lying. He compared him to a murderer on death row that will continue to deny that they killed the person. It's just denial. That's what James is doing. "He's getting others to do his dirty work."

    Howie was doing most of the talking with Janelle just listening. She wants to believe James... but she's more with Howie.

    Howie is in the bedroom flossing his teeth... click click click

    Janelle is in the washroom.. washing up. She's now in HOH bedroom with Howie. Still talking about the game.

    Janelle: "It's fucking crazy, this game"

    Howie: "It's crazy, it's CRAZY"

    "I don't know what I got into. I should've read the small print. I actually don't wanna come back haha"

    "Think America would've voted for Ashlea because she has nice boobies?"

    Janelle is now talking about how sweet Ashlea is. How she's her family etc.

    Janelle: "what do you think rachel thinks about all this?"

    Howie: "I love rachel she's my great friend. I don't like the look on her face everyday, she looks sad and lost... I don't know what she thinks of us. She's day to day. Me and you are more compatible with eachother than me and her cuz she sleeps at 10 and wakes up at 7..."

    Howie: "Who knows who's gonna win. It'll be someone who'll sneak up on you. Who knows, it might be Jenny and April. "

    Howie and Janelle are now just talking about the events/competitions. and recounting what happened in the house so far. No sign of them going to sleep yet.

    Howie and Janelle are wishing that Kaysar was with them so they could get the fuck out of this mess. He'd know what to do.

    Janelle: "He always has a definite plan, play by play." (about Kaysar)

    Howie: "America's cheering for you too!"

    Janelle: "Hey, did you tell Rachel in the first week that I was trying to save Ashlea?"


    Howie: "I think... I can't remember.." Howie is BS'ing his answer here I think.

    James and Sarah are both sleeping. James is snoring.

    (sorry, that's my first time explaining what's happening live)



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