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Posts posted by Cathyar

  1. 12:55 AM:  Cass tells Dre that Jackie won't stay loyal to Dre and Will. Cass asks Dre who Will's targets might be and Dre says she doesn't know.  She only knows that he is loyal to Jackie.  Dre says she and Will get along, but she isn't sure if his loyalty is 100% with her.  Cass says they have to ask Will who he is closer to...Dre or Jackie and explain how Jackie threw Cass under the bus in trying to save her own ass.  Cass says she is assuming it was Bruno who threw her under the bus week one and wonders if she should throw in the towel or fight.  She says the only move that can save her is if the veto is used on her.  Cass says Bruno came up to her offered to be a venting post for her.  Cass was insulted by that, feeling that they think they are all "in charge" in the house.  

  2. 12:39 AM: Kevin telling Jackie in the blue room that Jackie should get closer with Karen.  He says he's going to continue working on her.  Jackie says she was pitching to "French Connection" to get closer to Bruno and Kevin.  She's not sure how much she got through.  They're thinking Dre might try and flip the vote to keep Cass and they say they don't think they can get the 6 votes.  

  3. 5:28 PM:  Feeds are back again.  They always go down when they talk about outside relationships.  Anyway, in the kitchen are Dillon, Em, Cass and karen sitting at the counter.  Just laughing and joking around.  Cass eating slop. Dillon said he wants a meal on the table after a long day at the gym.  Cass and Karen admonish him for it.  He doesn't understand why they got upset.  

  4. 4:56 PM: Em is doing Dillon's hair and flattens his mohawk.  She's going to pick his clothes too.  Neda says, "It's like the worst comb-over I've ever seen."  Sindy thinks it looks good.  They're telling him to leave it for the rest of the day.  Jackie called to DR.  Dillon asks the cam to nod if they can let Em cut his hair.  The cam nods yes.  They all hoot n holler...lol!  Doesn't take much to amuse these hamsters! ;-)

    Dillons makeover.jpg

  5. 4:12 PM:  Bruno, Sindy and Neda in HoH.  Bruno says Gary has been trying to buddy up to him today.  He says he talked to Dré and thinks she is with Cass.  Neda says if Jackie wins veto, he'll put up Wm.  She feels he would stay over Cass.  They discuss Jackie briefly saying she will go far in the ga  me.  Then they discuss what they think the comp will be and how much they're studying.  They are impatient for the comp to begin.  Neda says there "couldn't be worse players picked to play."  Bruno leaves.  Sindy tells Neda that Cass isn't even trying to talk with her.  She thinks Dallas' goodbye speech about her (Sindy) came from Cass.  Neda is slamming Cass saying Cass told her she hates everyone in the house and doesn't want to associate with anyone in there after the game.  Says Cass is a "very mean person" (pot meet kettle).

  6. 3:30 PM:  Bruno talking with Dré in the WA.  Bruno says Cass got caught this week telling lies about others in the house and changing names depending on who she is talking with, throwing peeps under the bus.  Dré seems to be believing him.  Says she is trying to decipher lies from truth and Bruno says he wanted to talk with her because he wanted her to know the truth (not sure if there is a specific "truth" --or "alternative fact" lol-- of which he speaks).

  7. 3:25 PM:  Neda and Sindy now with Ika in HOH.  Ika is throwing Cass under the bus to Neda and Sindy. Demetres returns to HOH.  Ika says Cass said she was trying to block everyone else from studying the pics (I didn't hear her say that).  They all think Cass' crying was fake.  Total Cass bashing going on in HoH.  Ika told them that Cass said Jackie is lying and throwing her under the bus.  Neda says Jackie is so not lying.  Called Cass a B*tch.



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