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Status Updates posted by Abster2001

  1. RT @vandalvt33: My cat is still in disbelief #ElectionHangover #Election2016 https://t.co/Qr9zD3rXG1

  2. @BeingKimmieToo @JoyAnnReid He's an attorney! He should know how direct examination goes.

  3. RT @meowbox: Same... #themeowlife #cats #kittens #catpeeps https://t.co/XcARmDjdKA

  4. @UnfollowTrump I think he sends these tweets while on the toilet.

  5. @McDonalds I bought ice cold coke and forgot it in car before return to work. Can't stand to go back out in 104 heat to get it. #Woe .

  6. RT @Evan_McMullin: Our incredible reality: Moscow helps Trump in election. FBI investigates. Trump fires FBI director. Trump reports back t…

  7. @ABC Is this real? He's worried about Russia's happiness? Russia is perfectly capable of taking care of itself. They don't need our help.

  8. @realDonaldTrump What's sad is that you spent time to go back and find that tweet when there's a whole country needing leadership.

  9. OMG in automatic car wash. So scary! #carwash #scarystuff . https://t.co/vuEgswa6L0

  10. RT @fritolaysia: New ACA replacement looks promising. https://t.co/rpRDH1Cy0Y

  11. @kittenxlady Humane Society in the US recently changed to 12 weeks 3 pounds. I was used to return at 8 wks, took awhile to get used to 12.

  12. Water shut off for whole apartmnt with no warning. Wish I hadn't waited 3 days b4 deciding to take shower. Kinda need water. #tucsonsucks

  13. Worst time of year to actually live in Winterhaven neighborhood.

  14. #BBLiveChat Amanda, how do you feel about the fact that America was MVP for those 2 weeks?
  15. #cats #cat My kitty, Yuri. <3 https://t.co/cUC15kWK9L

  16. Love Colin Hanks! #LifeInPieces

  17. @BethStern I have some little black foster kittens right now too. Love them!! https://t.co/nuGPTJJFLK

  18. Tomorrow I get to give notice at the worst job I've ever had b/c I finally got a way way better job. So nervous to give notice though.

  19. Got job offer for perfect new job!!!! So excited to tell current job to suck it!

  20. @CBSBigBrother @TheTalkCBS Just so glad I never have to hear her voice again.

  21. RT @RealityRecaps: Nicole's win was symbolic of how she played #BB18 Someone else did all the work to get her where she needed to be to ta…

  22. Howard, the only reason Benjie took up the opening of the show for so long is because you kept talking about him. @sternshow

  23. RT @ValCavazos: More than 20,000 customers without power right now across Tucson. @kgun9

  24. LIVE on #Periscope: Yuri https://t.co/aTQMDhwtJk

  25. Always watch a bit of #MacysParade on Thanksgiving so I can gape at what a bunch a consummeristic commercialized a -holes we've become.



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