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Status Updates posted by Abster2001

  1. #cats #cat My kitty, Yuri. <3 https://t.co/cUC15kWK9L

  2. @realDonaldTrump It's like you think you're still in grade school. It's the FBI you doofus! They keep notes on everything!

  3. I'm obsessed with playing with other people's pets via petcube app. Had to breakdown and order one for my cats. #petcube #cats @Petcube

  4. Bet McDonalds will actually get a big boost in sales today. They should hire that Hacker. #McDonaldsgate #mcdonalds

  5. RT @fritolaysia: New ACA replacement looks promising. https://t.co/rpRDH1Cy0Y

  6. Yuri getting some rest on Caturday. https://t.co/65oqFLRap5

  7. @alleycatallies My feral boy. I call him Seeley. Feed him every night. Sweet guy, with a kitten meow. Won't let me… https://t.co/U8ZjluWpbo

  8. RT @kalpenn: White House schedule says his Daily Intelligence Briefing was at 10:30am. This was the tweet he sent at 10:51am.

  9. RT @TheOnion: White House Staff Reminded To Place Lids Firmly On Trash Cans After Steve Bannon Gets Into Garbage Again https://t.co/HAlKFHL…

  10. @kittenxlady Humane Society in the US recently changed to 12 weeks 3 pounds. I was used to return at 8 wks, took awhile to get used to 12.

  11. Water shut off for whole apartmnt with no warning. Wish I hadn't waited 3 days b4 deciding to take shower. Kinda need water. #tucsonsucks

  12. Worst time of year to actually live in Winterhaven neighborhood.

  13. RT @vandalvt33: My cat is still in disbelief #ElectionHangover #Election2016 https://t.co/Qr9zD3rXG1

  14. Love Colin Hanks! #LifeInPieces

  15. Foster babies, Brutus, Mark Antony, and Egypt. <3 https://t.co/3IiO0vWi7U

  16. @BethStern I have some little black foster kittens right now too. Love them!! https://t.co/nuGPTJJFLK

  17. Tomorrow I get to give notice at the worst job I've ever had b/c I finally got a way way better job. So nervous to give notice though.

  18. Got job offer for perfect new job!!!! So excited to tell current job to suck it!

  19. @CBSBigBrother @TheTalkCBS Just so glad I never have to hear her voice again.

  20. RT @RealityRecaps: Nicole's win was symbolic of how she played #BB18 Someone else did all the work to get her where she needed to be to ta…

  21. Howard, the only reason Benjie took up the opening of the show for so long is because you kept talking about him. @sternshow

  22. RT @ValCavazos: More than 20,000 customers without power right now across Tucson. @kgun9

  23. LIVE on #Periscope: Yuri https://t.co/aTQMDhwtJk

  24. Always watch a bit of #MacysParade on Thanksgiving so I can gape at what a bunch a consummeristic commercialized a -holes we've become.



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