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Status Updates posted by Abster2001

  1. #BBLiveChat Amanda, how do you feel about the fact that America was MVP for those 2 weeks?
  2. @ABC Is this real? He's worried about Russia's happiness? Russia is perfectly capable of taking care of itself. They don't need our help.

  3. @alleycatallies My feral boy. I call him Seeley. Feed him every night. Sweet guy, with a kitten meow. Won't let me… https://t.co/U8ZjluWpbo

  4. @AnimalTweeps I have one like that. Cody talks for little brother Bobba. https://t.co/NYgyyEYJfH

  5. @BB19KEVIN I want to go!

  6. @BB19KEVIN Loved when you did the silent skits with random objects for the cameras when no one else was around.

  7. @BeingKimmieToo @JoyAnnReid He's an attorney! He should know how direct examination goes.

  8. @BethStern I have some little black foster kittens right now too. Love them!! https://t.co/nuGPTJJFLK

  9. @Bounty if you create a paper towel print of cats throwing up I think you'd get a lot of sales to cat owners. #goodidea #catvomit

  10. @bradtravelers @showcasedotca Rewatching season 1 for the third time now.

  11. @bradtravelers I watched 6 episodes yesterday! Excited to get back to it today. :)

  12. @CaseyCagle @Delta @NRA Very pathetic of you. So if NRA was a democratic organization you would not care? Should no… https://t.co/xTvgIfgcGc

  13. @CBSBigBrother @TheTalkCBS Just so glad I never have to hear her voice again.

  14. @chrislhayes 115 here in Tucson for the next 3 days. Never move to Tucson.

  15. @Daily_Express @rickygervais What became of the squirrel?

  16. @DontH8theWoo Look up some fear of flying help vids on YouTube and watch.

  17. @dougmillsnyt @Acosta @realDonaldTrump The look of epic fail.

  18. @HoarseWisperer LOL. I once asked my mechanic to please check the snake belt on my car. He blinked and said, "You mean the serpentine belt?"

  19. @JazzxWes Raven won something at start of season that gives her immunity from being a have not all season, unfortunately.

  20. @jeffbeamish but the thermometer in my car always says five degrees. More than the weather report and I always believe my car first.

  21. @JokersBBUpdates https://t.co/gkvse6SxCy

  22. @JokersBBUpdates https://t.co/uy4AOPlRgp

  23. @JokersBBUpdates Dont they know once Kevin is out it will be one of them being treated just as badly because they are the new target?

  24. @JokersBBUpdates Good, because I recall their last snap chat made my stomach turn.

  25. @JokersBBUpdates Hahaaaa!!!! She is so ridiculous! https://t.co/NOl9oZxeZU



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